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Monday, July 15, 2013

Power of thoughts.

Monday, 15th July 2013


Power of thoughts.

As the rising sun drives out the helpless shadows so are all the important forces  of evil put to fight by the scorching rays or positive thought which shine in purity and faith.

Where there is sterling faith and un compromising purity there is health, there is success, there is power . in such a one, disease, failure and disaster can find no place, for there is nothing on which they can feed.

Even physical conditions are largely determined by mental states, and to the truth the scientific world is rapidly being drawn. The old maternalistic belief that a man is what his body makes him is rapidly passing away and is being replaced by the inspiring belief that man is superior to his body

Blind Belief
 As a blind belief in something unknown-may be n miracles, sacrifices to Gods, magical healing , surprise relief, omens etc, superstition has direct relationship with the mind. Man becomes superstitious only when the mind is conditioned.

Human minds are mostly conditioned in the early years of life. A deeply ingrained idea in the mind of a youth who is not sufficiently matured, creates and impression that cannot be  rubbed out. The mind then is conditioned by association of fear or blind faith impossible to explain or understand.

In our country many people are a bundle of superstitions. They frighten their children by imaginary spirits ; they suffer themselves in turn from superstitious fears, every phase of life from childhood to old age has its share of suppositious ceremonies and people are devotedly attached to them. They will go to any extent and suffer and inconvenience and trouble for their sake. There are may occasions when properties are lost in treasure hunt or financial losses incurred in a bid to cure a chronic disease or to beget a child.

When children are extremely sick parents believe that it is caused by the displeasure of some god or goddess or by the influence of some evil spirit . they trust largely charms, offerings.

and vows instead of using medicines when a child is dangerously ill. Woman in villages through their ignorance are among the most fearful creatures and a great part o their religion proceeds from fear. There are mother who are afraid to have their children vaccinated as it would provoke the anger of goddess by interfering with her ‘sport’. The surest course to avert sickness is to attend to the laws of health but they are totally ignorant of them.

Man’s progress or a country’s growth are retarded if people are superstitious. Superstition is a handicap to creative thinking. It destroys completely power of judgement, understanding and reasoning. It is a cruel enemy to logical approach! A questioning  mind alone will help man to develop into a sensible being. Questioning not to laugh at, not to ridicule established beliefs but to get a rational reply.

Million or people in India still grope in darkness . they are tied to suppressions. They have been taught over the centuries to call evil as good and good as evil, to put darkness for light and light for darkness. It is the which has sought to keep the bulk of the population in ignorance. The short cut to remove these evils is to create a new mental attitude  in the youth of today.

It is high time we prevent our minds being conditioned by illogical or irrational belief s, myths or miracles.

The quote from the True charm and power of Vedanta

Then what is space? Has it any real and absolute or independent existence? We have seen that it has only a relative existence and this relative or its existence is altogether deceiving. Duality is the beginning or relativity. The moment two thins or two ideas start up, relatively begins. Then we commence to differentiate one thing or idea from the other. Here is the beginning of knowledge and elementary reasoning . from this we proceed to more complex reasoning on coming across a variety of thins or ideas till for the sake of convenience we name them differently by looking at their difference; and we retain these various ideas and names in our mind by the relative faculty called memory, the storehouse of our knowledge. So we see that relatively is the cause of our knowledge. And that space is nothing but idea of relation.


But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Illustrated live Reviews.  The seventh Heaven moment of the week India cap 7 got man of the match to win triangular series  , in triangular series India won as 203/9 to sl 200/10 , Pak ajmal got a man of the match taking 7 wk, pak won 234/10 wi 98/, ashes aus 296/10 (eng won by 14) www.samratvision.com and get a Lucky7 charm email id

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