All About 7th Haven
Monday, July 29, 2013
To Improve Your Memory
Very small children love books and love to read. But reading soon become unpleasant to many, whose parents force them to read and whose parents express their displeasure when the child does not get as many marks as they expect them to get.
Have you at any time read the Gita ? One of the main teachings in the Gita is to keep doing what you consider as your duty without bothering much about the result of that duty. Such an attitude reduces the tension and worry associate with actions. Once you are prepared to face failure with equanimity, registration of what you see, observe or hear improves immensely in quality. There will be very few thoughts to disturb you when you focus the camera of your mind on an experience be it reading or listening
Sunday, July 21, 2013
How to overcome stress and worry
Monday, 22th July 2013
How to overcome stress and worry
Nervous stress and worry has become and accepted part of life for most people. This partly due to the age in which we live, where there is so much rush, noise and tension. It is also due to the fact that that many of us allow outside, circumstances to dictate our inner feelings and attitudes.
We shall recover our serenity when we change the control from outside to inside. Here are a few practical steps we can take to over come nervous stress and worry.
1Begn the day with morning affirmation. For example “Today I will keep my serenity” Repeat it two or three times on waking Let it go through your mind as you shave wash or dress. Write it on a small card and put it in your pocket. During the day look at it occasionally. In this way you will impress upon your subconscious mind the main theme of your life for the day.
Control your thoughts. Only you can control your thoughts since no one else determines the things you think about . Nervous stress and worry begin in the mid . they cannot enter your mind unless you allow them to enter. If you want to carry out your affirmation . kept a constant watch upon your thoughts. You think worry before you feel it. So the big thing is to watch the thoughts.
Thank God for your blessings. When stress comes,
turn your mind fast away and offer thinks giving to God. There are many things
in you life for which you ought to be thankful. You cannot be thankful and
worry at the same time. When you are feeling apprehensive begin to thank God
for the blessings you have . this is a sure way to recover peace and serenity.
Enjoy life’s happy moments.
Make the most of every joyful experience. Don’t let any experience pass without enjoying it to the full. Don’t spoil it by thinking that it wont last . life is given to us to enjoy . live it to the full and don’t let anyone or any thing rob you of the best.
Keep outwardly cheerful. Your feelings may be
quite different. If you are miserable because you cannot mix easily with people
no one will want to get to know you. If you always express dissatisfaction.
Everyone will avoid you. No one wants to be with someone who is depressing . it
is a well-known psychological fact that you can achieve something by acting as
though you have got it. So force yourself to be outwardly cheerful and you will
gradually become inwardly so too.
Enjoy your work. For some people this is easy because they have interesting jobs. For others it is not so easy. Try to get interested in you r job. Be interested in the people you work with . find out all you can about the job you are doing, and what is the end results. If you cannot do what you want, you can always want what you do.
Learn to relax. Programme your day in such a way that you have time to relax. If you have only a few spare moments, just sit down quietly and let go. You can do this any where. At home-in the park- or slip into quite place. As you “let go” think of a picture that brings you peace a field of daffodils, green grass, a quietly flowing river, a gorgeous sunset etc. you will be surprised how refreshed ou will feel afterwards. There is not serenity without relaxation. So relax!
Face your worries make time to face the “big “
worry . set aside a time for “worrying” force yourself to worry. Look at the
thing you are afraid of in the face. Write it down. As yourself if there is anything you can do about it. If
there is , do it at once. If there isn’t put it aside till tomorrow’s “worrying
time” in this way you will force yourself to act and will free the rest of the
day from worry.
If you follow these eight very simple steps you will soon notice that the tension begins to lessen, and you will be well on your way to become independent of circumstances
One final word. Dr Claire weeks used . to suggest to suffers from “nerves” Face , accept float, let time pass! These four instructions have transformed the lives of many people why not transform your own?
Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta
Remember how the ancients behaved and mark also how others do now, like corn the mortal, ripens and like corn he is born again.
The whole world is stricken with woes caused by the individual themselves, r by Nature, seen and unseen. That being the condition, every living being deserves to be pitied; who possessed of thought, would then be hostile to any? Supposing one believes, “Other beings are happy; I alone am so abject and powerless” still one ought to be in good sprits! For the outcome of hatred is only loss. If others person bear unabated malice towards one, still the wise man ought to consider them as objects of extreme commiseration, thinking “Ab! these are steeped in their excessive delusion” the whole universe is a spreading –out of the Omnipresent Lord Hence the discerning person must view it without partiality, and as his won self. God, men, beasts, birds and tree-these, though existing apparently different, are the veritable configurations of the infinite all –pervading Lord. He who is aware of this must look upon the entire sentient and insentient creation as his own self; because the Supreme beginning less Blessed Lord . Who is never subjected to any change by the creation , becomes propitious and when He is gracious miseries die away. Vishnu Purana.
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
Illustrated live Reviews. The seventh Heaven moment of the week wi samuel no 7 got man of the match in Caribbean, Wi scored 261/7 in 4th oneday, eng won 347 , nyy 7 with boston and get a Lucky7 charm email id
Monday, July 15, 2013
Power of thoughts.
Monday, 15th July 2013
Power of thoughts.
As the rising sun drives out the helpless shadows so are all the important forces of evil put to fight by the scorching rays or positive thought which shine in purity and faith.
Where there is sterling faith and un compromising purity there is health, there is success, there is power . in such a one, disease, failure and disaster can find no place, for there is nothing on which they can feed.
Even physical conditions are largely determined by mental states, and to the truth the scientific world is rapidly being drawn. The old maternalistic belief that a man is what his body makes him is rapidly passing away and is being replaced by the inspiring belief that man is superior to his body
Blind Belief As a blind belief in something unknown-may be n miracles, sacrifices to Gods, magical healing , surprise relief, omens etc, superstition has direct relationship with the mind. Man becomes superstitious only when the mind is conditioned.
Human minds are mostly conditioned in the early years of life. A deeply ingrained idea in the mind of a youth who is not sufficiently matured, creates and impression that cannot be rubbed out. The mind then is conditioned by association of fear or blind faith impossible to explain or understand.
In our country many people are a bundle of superstitions. They frighten their children by imaginary spirits ; they suffer themselves in turn from superstitious fears, every phase of life from childhood to old age has its share of suppositious ceremonies and people are devotedly attached to them. They will go to any extent and suffer and inconvenience and trouble for their sake. There are may occasions when properties are lost in treasure hunt or financial losses incurred in a bid to cure a chronic disease or to beget a child.
When children are extremely sick parents believe that it is caused by the displeasure of some god or goddess or by the influence of some evil spirit . they trust largely charms, offerings.
and vows instead of using medicines when a child
is dangerously ill. Woman in villages through their ignorance are among the
most fearful creatures and a great part o their religion proceeds from fear.
There are mother who are afraid to have their children vaccinated as it would
provoke the anger of goddess by interfering with her ‘sport’. The surest course
to avert sickness is to attend to the laws of health but they are totally
ignorant of them.
Man’s progress or a country’s growth are
retarded if people are superstitious. Superstition is a handicap to creative
thinking. It destroys completely power of judgement, understanding and
reasoning. It is a cruel enemy to logical approach! A questioning mind alone will help man to develop into a
sensible being. Questioning not to laugh at, not to ridicule established
beliefs but to get a rational reply.
Million or people in India still grope in darkness . they are tied to suppressions. They have been taught over the centuries to call evil as good and good as evil, to put darkness for light and light for darkness. It is the which has sought to keep the bulk of the population in ignorance. The short cut to remove these evils is to create a new mental attitude in the youth of today.
It is high time we prevent our minds being conditioned by illogical or irrational belief s, myths or miracles.
The quote from the True charm and power of Vedanta
Then what is space? Has it any real and absolute or independent existence? We have seen that it has only a relative existence and this relative or its existence is altogether deceiving. Duality is the beginning or relativity. The moment two thins or two ideas start up, relatively begins. Then we commence to differentiate one thing or idea from the other. Here is the beginning of knowledge and elementary reasoning . from this we proceed to more complex reasoning on coming across a variety of thins or ideas till for the sake of convenience we name them differently by looking at their difference; and we retain these various ideas and names in our mind by the relative faculty called memory, the storehouse of our knowledge. So we see that relatively is the cause of our knowledge. And that space is nothing but idea of relation.
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
Illustrated live Reviews. The seventh Heaven moment of the week India cap 7 got man of the match to win triangular series , in triangular series India won as 203/9 to sl 200/10 , Pak ajmal got a man of the match taking 7 wk, pak won 234/10 wi 98/, ashes aus 296/10 (eng won by 14) and get a Lucky7 charm email id
Monday, July 8, 2013
Our cheerfulness and Happiness are Needed
Monday, 08th July 2013
Our cheerfulness and Happiness are Needed
It is true there is much sin and misery n the
world, so that all our love and compassion are needed, but our misery is not
needed. There is already too much of that. It is our cheerfulness and our
happiness that are needed, for there is too little of that . we can give
nothing better to the world than beauty of life and character; with out this,
all other things are vain; this is pre-eminently excellent; it is enduring ,
real, and it includes all joy and blessedness
Make Your Mark,
We must make a real mark in the world and not waste our
lives on something that has no value. This is an admirable desire,
but some times there is a long distance from the wish to the fulfilment of the
wish, and the road is often filled with hurdles.
To be a real success in whatever you determine
to do, you must make up your mind to work hard; most of the famous people whom
you have heard about did not become great because they were “lucky” ; they put
in long hours and years of hard work in whatever they did.
Then you will need to specialise in your work.
When a specialist appears, all ears are tuned to listen to him speak. It just
is not possible to know everything about every thing. To know something about
everything is not as important as to know everything about some thing. If you
are a ajack of all trades”, you are probably also a “master of none”
Before you set out to make your mark in the world you have to find out what methods you will employ to gain your desired goal.
Object of Education
The object of Education is to develop t the full every quality that a child brings with him into the world. To give him opportunities which will enable the qualities within him to grow, to develop and to find their full evolution, so that those qualities in germ in the child may blossom into the flower of a noble manhood or woman hood education is not to fill his memory with facts, as if he were an empty bucket. These he can at any time find in books of reference which he can have on the shelf of his library . Education should give him the touchstones of reason, the ability to meet difficulties in life, the power to adapt himself, to fit himself to meet emergencies with courage and initiative; to be able to mould circumstance, and not to be moulded by them, as if he were a piece of clay in the hand of the potter.
Go on with your work.
The world is a stage. You have a part to play; this part is your duty, Swadharma!
Have no other thought in your action. You will then be free form fear and doubt. Falter not!
“Talk less and paint more! Said Goethe.
Go on with your “ work” and be unconcerned with the “result”
Some will praise you some will blame; do the right and sing His Name!
Your “work” “duty “swadhama” is what the world-will mean for you!
Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta
Fear is hidden consent . when you are afraid of something. It means that you admit its possibility and thus strengthen its hand. It can be said that it is subconscient consent.
….remember two things. Never, never be afraid, and in all circumstances call for the right help to make your strength a hundredfold stronger.
Peace in the storm , calm in the effort, joy in the surrender, a luminous Faith, and you will become aware of the Lord’s constant Presence.
There is nothing fear-all is the Lord-there is nothing else than the Lord; the Lord alone exists and all that tries to frighten us is only a silly and meaningless disguise of the Lord.
Cheer up- the way is open before you , get off this obsession… and bring down the Divine Calm
What can he fear who belongs to the Divine? Can he not like, his soul expanding and his brow illumined, upon the path the Divine traces for him, whatever it may be , even it is altogether incomprehensible to his limited reason.
But, if He exists?
I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.
Illustrated live Reviews. The seventh Heaven moment of the week India won as 311/7 , in formula one no 7 won a podium, wi 171/10 and get a Lucky7 charm email id
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