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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Monday, 27- February 2012
Be Spiritually Immune If you could untie your wings and free your soul of jealousy and hatred, you and everyone around you would fly up like doves. All created beings on the Earth are blessed with an inbuilt immune system that protects one from so many infections. We strengthen it with good eating and clean living habits. Then what do we do to immune our spirit from all evil influences and stay free of negativity? Where do we get this negativity from? Of course , from the external world or the world we live in . How would one evade such negative tendencies within? One can achieve a calm and quiet mind by driving away jealousy, doubt and unnecessary desires. We can also immune ourselves by not reliving the past unpleasant happenings, by forgiving the persons that caused them. One must remember only the lesion such events forced one to learn; by doing so, one can never be contemptuous or arrogant. The adult folks must harness the innocence of the youngsters who absorb divine vibrations easily. We must teach our young when they are still in their prime all things righteous and also evolve for ourselves an exemplary living style. When we train our children by setting good examples, the process of cultivating spiritual immunity begins. This helps them in keeping their mind clean, refines their intuitive powers and protects them like a fortress from everything negative . It draws the best things to them, it forties and rein forces us well as the youngsters with emotional and mental stability and builds up self-confidence. It makes one feel secure and in control. Spiritual immunity thus fosters innate powers and thereby making the youth powerful and upright. If you want peace. Work for justice It is difficult , but essential to form a genuine idea of peace. It is especially difficult if one ignores his intuition that tells him that peace is something very human. If we look for the true source of peace we find that it is rooted in genuine respect for man. Peace that is not rooted in true respect for man is not true peace . and true respect for man we call justice. If you want peace, work for justice. Stress is behind many diseases Two psychologists at Yale University have concluded that many common affliction are , to a large extent, caused by stress. They believe that chronic stress is partially responsible for the development of asthma, diabetes, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel dieses, atherosclerosis, heart attack, cancers, and the common cold . the researchers point out that the disease often breaks out after a period of heavy stress. Thus it is common for colds and others infection to breaks out on a weekend or a vacation taken after a prolonged period of high work intensity. The psychologists believe that physicians should assist their patients in acquiring the necessary skills such as exercising and relaxing. Quote from The true charm and power of Vedanta The value of concentration is unquestionable . It helps every one in every stage of life. But the greatest man is he who can concentrate his mind of the Supreme Reality, for “we become exactly what we think” Intense thought forms our external and internal nature. This we can often see in the case of devoted husband and wife; they become like each other in their manners, nay, even in their appearance. This fact is very obviously shown in the life of Saint Francis of Assisi, who by constantly concentrating his mind on Jesus the Christ grew to be like Christ. It is even said his eternal figure became transformed and showed the marks of the stigmata. Such is the power of concentration that it can change the whole nature of a man. By concentrating our mind on a pure, holy being we become holy being we become holy. Similarly, when we turn our thoughts to material objects, we become materialistic. But, if He exists? I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m. Illustrated live Reviews. 7thHEAVEN MOMENT Of d week is Backer won as 7,7 , Indian man qualifies for London Olympic by beating French By 7 goal margins. In Epl Norwich no 9, Arsenal 7, 10 scored a goal live,For more reg in www.samratvision.com and get a Lucky7 charm email id

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Heaven or Hell

Monday 20/ February /2012
Heaven or Hell An old man who had spent a life time of sins by cheating and thriving was on his death bed. The prospect of death and his punishment that would be meted out after life time frighten even the hardest of hearts. This old man too became frightened and started praying to God for forgiving his sins and promising to be have better in his next life. The cries of this old man drew the attention of an angel who was passing by and attracted her towards him. Coming near the dying man, the angel asked him “Why do you cry like this?” The saying man told the angel faithfully about his sinful apst and his fears about the future. The angel asked; “Can you think of some good acts you might have performed which may help you?” Cried the dying man; “Not one that I can think of , for, whatever I did, was found. How I wish I had done a few noble acts at least!” Angel, “Now, think of your childhood, when possibly you must have done some good thing!” The old man thought hard and said; “ I am ashamed to say that it was a good act. When I was a child. I went without food for some days. At last I found a piece of bread which I wanted to keep for two days. At that time a poor man who was no better than my self looked at my bread and pleaded with me to share it with him. I agreed and parted with half of it to that friend. Ca I call this a good deed?’ Angel ; “Do not fear, it is an excellent act. Hold on to it and you will cross the other life with freedom from punishment.” This assurance soothed the old man and he died peacefully. The soul of the old man was carried to heaven, on the life provided by the bread piece. Now, even as the old man’s soul started ascending to heaven on the bread piece. Other souls of equal character which were departing from the world at about the same time started clanging to the bread piece which was carrying the old man to heaven! When a number of them jumped on it, the old man got furthered lest the bread piece should fall down and endanger his chances. Annoyed at that, he shouted to the other souls which had started crowding on his bread piece. “Be gone all of you, the bread piece is mine! Hardly had he uttered these words when the bread piece crumbled and the old man along with other who had crowded on to his , fell down crashing into the suffering of hell. One small deed of real charity had been able to overcome a life time of evil deeds, but an act of selfishness spoiled even that slender foothold. People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. How to get Sense of Fulfilment From work. In one from or the other, we have to perform action/work during our lifetime. In this industrialised society, our man motive for work is to earn money. This motive becomes the driving force for all that we do and in course of time our inner life becomes unrefined, with this total dependency on returns for our work. There are some people who love work for tis own sake. They get pleasure just doing the work. They get a sense of fulfilment from work. To them, returns from work become secondary. A pat on the back, a work of acknowledgement or appreciation may be all they looking for. A mother doing incessant work for her family, for her children, has this kind of attitude to work. A mother/father with an inborn sense of duty performs their actions without an eye on returns. A student who is studying is not paid for his work. There may be at the back of his mind, plans for future prospects, for a future career. But for the time being , he has to be absorbed and devoted to his studies. He has to study. with a sense of duty . with this attitude, he can over come his likes and dislikes and pore deeply into his studies with total devotion. But what then will be the motive to transform all our actions into kamayoga, the yoga of selfless action, or work done with a sense of duty. Work done with this attitude comes out better . We feel we have mo energy for work. Work gives satisfaction, we learn a lot from it. Gradually, this attitude helps us to see the large process of life. Life becomes richer. We see much more behind ordinary, normal things of life, which we had taken from granted. We develop self esteem. Our self worth does not come from what return we get from the work, but from the feeling that we have done the work to the best of our ability. This enrichment of our inner life through work/action is called Karmayaoga. Courtesy ‘PARTHA’ Quote from true charm and power of Vedanta I am not misery, nor ever had I misery; I am not enemy, or had I enemies; I am Existence, Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute; I am he , I am He. (Shivo Hum, Shivo Hum) I drive joyThere was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes ratherthan a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joythat I derive 4m. Illustrated live Reviews. 7thHEAVEN MOMENT Of d week is India no 7 man of the match on 5th odi. In she filed shield sa 277/7, in bpl bb won by 9 wk, India won by 7 goal against Italy ,

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Monday 13 January 2012 Fruit of Faith Ralph waldo emerson, wo did so much to bring out the best in so many people, once said that what he,himself, needed most was somebody to bring out the best in him to inspire and encourage him. Self-confidence,even 4 Emersön, seems to grow out of the confidence of other people. If other people think we can,perhaps we can! All of us know how it encourages us just to be around certain friends. They expect great things 4m us and b4 long we expect them,too ourselves. Every worthwhile achivement in life is the fruit of faith-faith in ourselves and faith in our source. Laugh and keep heart attacks away A hearty laugh can give your heart,body and mind a perfect boost and helps you ward off a host of stress induced ailments including heart attacks. Dr.Norman Cousins,professor at University of California, School of Medicine, believed that he cured his disease by taking massive doses of vitamin-C and laughing 4 Hours together. He found that 15 minutes of laughter enabled him to get good sleep. His recovery was remarkable. Laughter interrupts the panic of an illness, and has a definite anasthetic effect. It causes the release of endorphine, they body's natural painkiller. It is significant that our own yoga too lays emphasis on laughter. Laughter,the body's internal jogging results in elimination of stress thus reducing significantly the risk of stress induced diseases, including heart attacks. Dr.William F.Fry, one of the world's leading laughter researchers,has discovered that heart muscles are activated, heart rate increased and and activated,heart rate increase and respiration is amplified with an increase in oxygen exchange during a hearty laugh. The effects of laughter are the same as athletic exercise. Rehabilitation hospitals in New York have introduced "laughing rooms" where patients' family members and staff can relax with a joke book or comedy movies. The international Laughter Society, a California based humour consultancy organisation,puts across this safe idea. So , next time you have a quarrel with your wife or boss don't shout but take a Wodehouse book or watch either Chaplin or Laurel and Hardy in action. Do not take life so seriously. Laugh 10-15 min a day and there will be fewer medical bills. He who laughs,lasts. Courtesy Hinduistan Times- Quote from The True Charm and Power of Vedanta "I have neither death,nor fear of death: nor was I ever born,nor had I parents. I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss absolute: I am He,I AM He. Shivo Hum, Shivo Hum) I drive joyThere was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes ratherthan a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joythat I derive 4m. Illustrated live Reviews. 7thHEAVEN MOMENT Of d week is Epl livpool 7 goal. Manu 10 twogoal, wolvs 10 goal, cricket Indiawon by scoring 270 to know more www.samratvision.com

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Monday. 6th February 2012 A country is built on the enterprise of talented and dynamic individuals. The same is true of the riches of a country. It is hard working individuals who build the wealth of a country and keep up its rank and reputation in the industrial and buisness world. A study of the lives of d most successful people in the world of today, will convince us that men who develop business of their own,turn out to be more successful men than those who began as managers of some already well established firms. But how many are prepared to start at the bottom,get more out of life and give more to his country instead of working for someone else? Ask the men who have now become old,working in large firms. Their answers will reveal disillusionment and regret. If you have skill, resourcefulness, courage and the willingness to work hard, you have every chance of success in an undertaking of your own. Thousands of men and women in our country have done it in recent times notably. Most of them have not become rich or famous but they have the satisfaction that they provide jobs for themselves and for others and that they have made a distinct contribution towards building the country and increasing its wealth. What men have done before you, you can do it now. Qualities of Simplicity Genteness, Patience, Love, Compassion and Wisdom,these are the dominant qualities of Simplicity. An imperfect man cannot understand it. Wisdom only can understand Wisdom. Therefore the imperfect man says, " No man can b perfect, and he therefore remains where he is. Though he lives with a perfect man all his lives, he shall not see his Perfection, Gentleness he will call cowardice. Patience, Love, Compassion.he will see as weakness. Wisdom will appear to him as foolishness. Only a perfect man can differantiate. Therfore men are advised to avoid from judgement until they have themselves expressed the Perfect Live. There is Sunshine in a Smile. Life is a mixture of a sunshine and rain,Laughter and pleasure,teardrops and pain, All days cannot b bright,but it is certainly true, There was never a cloud the sun did not shine through-so just keep on smilling whatever trouble you, secure in the knowledge God is always beside you, And you will find when you smile Your day will be brighter And all of your burdens will seem so much lighter-For each time you smile you will find it true somebody,somewhere will smile Back at you, And nothing on earth can make life more worthwhile Than the sunshine and warmth of a Beautiful Smile If it is yours, take it A saintly man had never quarrelled and did not know what it meant to quarrel. He wondered quietly why and how people fought each other in the world. One day he approached his companion and asked: Brother,can you tell me how these people begin a fight? His companion who knew his simplicity said to him, "Look,here is a table. You say it is yours and I shall say it is mine and the fight will start. "You begin" said the saintly hermit as he did not know to fight. The brother began: " I SAY this is my table" "well", SAID the saintly man meekly, "If it is yours,take it." Nothing Dies Faster Than A New Idea In A Closed Mind There is a Chinese saying: "You cannot pour fresh hot tea into a cup of stale cold tea." And there is a zen story in which am American professor went to a Zen master to know all about zenism. The master started pouring tea and after a while it started over flowing the cup. The American shouted, "Master,master,no more will go in the cup." The Master replied, "Yes,like this cup your mind is overflowing with your own ideas. You must empty your mind a little for the new ideas to come in." well,unlock your mind. Keep on using your mind so that more ideas can come in -fresh and new! Quote from The True Charm and Power of Vedanta "For He is the Breath shining forth in all beings, and he who understands this becomes truly wise,not a talker only. He revels in the Self,he delights in the Self,and,having performed his works. [truthfulness,penance,meditation,etc], he rests firmly established in Brahman,the best of those who know the Truth." -MUNDAKA-UPANISHAD. I drive joyThere was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes ratherthan a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I deriv Illustrated live Reviews. 7thHEAVEN MOMENT Of d week is Epl ars 7 goal. Ars 10 hatrick, and swanc 10 goal to kno more www.samratvision.com

Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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