Monday 23/January/2012
World judges us by our actions.
Our action are important part of us. Without action we would be dead for to live is to perform actions. Actions are the results of thoughts and thoughts reveal themselves through actions. It is through actions that the world assesses us. They think us responsible or irresponsible, kind or harsh,charitable or miserly etc.
It is through actions that the world reacts to us. If we perform angry actions,we get angry reactiöns. If we perform peaceful actions, the results are of a similar nature.
Actions are also the planting of the seeds of our future. As an old proverb states: if you sow nettle, you cannot reap roses.
So whatever the reaction it will be the result of that action.
Thus it is clear that the results of our actions can be fast,manifesting themselves immediately or delayed taking a longer time to come into the practical. One thing is certain though, fast or delayed the results are sure to follow.
If by our actions we are creating our fortune or misfortune, it would be in our best interest that we monitor carefully the quality of our actions.
Let all our actions be pure. That is free from vicious motives. Let all our actions be for building up instead of tearing down. Let our actions be such that no matter the length and period of germinetion and growth,we can always be contented and happy knowing that the future will only be holding continuous joy. (courtesy b.k Raja yoga centre)
Eat Your Food In Pleasant Mood and Surroumings.
If the food if delicious and you are in a good mood, a lot of saliva would be released. The saliva has an enzyme calked ptyalin,which helps digest the food particularly the carbohydrates and starches.
If you are frightened, your mouth would dry up and saliva would not be secreted. Similarly,when the food enters the stomach, a juice secreted by the lining of the stomach begins to act ön it. This is called the gastric juice. If you are highly worried,and are tense,the gastric juice may have more of hydrochloric acid and this too is not good for your health. Ulcers may develop.
Reserch in this field also indicates that even organs like kidneys are affected by emotions. Therefore there is a lot of truth in the advice that you should eat your food in pleasent surroundings and in a pleasant mood.
Courtesy Partha.
Quote from The Charm and Power of Vedanta
We cannot give a friendly embrace to a tiger or a snake: the wisest thing is to avoid them.
Then if the subject of thought is miserable,we must be merciful toward it. When we see anybody suffer, we must try to remove his misery with a feeling of love and sympathy. This we must do with unselfishness and non-attachment toward the fruits of our actions. Whether the one whom we help is greateful or otherwise matters not. Whenever we have the oportunity of helping any one, we must bear in mind that it is for our good, for our own salvation. It is a privilege to serve God in the form of the miserable and thus build our characters and manifest Divinity.
I drive joy There was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics weresilenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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