All About 7th Haven
Sunday, January 29, 2012
live each day joyfuly
Monday 30-JANUARY-2012
Live each day joyfully
The tone for each day is set during the previous night by the d thoughts you think, the feelings you feel just bèfore going to sleep.
If you go to sleep with anger, or worry,the first thought will be of anger or fear when you wake up in the morning. And most probably your morning frame of mind will determine to a large extent how you are going to meet the strains and stresses of the day.
If the underlying tone of your mental frame is that of anger or worry,your response to the demands of the day is likely to be a little more aggressive than waranted. You are likely to be impatient with people and situations. You are likely to be either resentful or afraid of imaginary fears.
For worrying is nothing but imagining fearsome situations. And in the process of being angry or afraid, you are likely to miss the beauty of the day, the joy of living, the warmth of human relationship and the satisfaction of having accomplished your job well.
Thus,to live each day to the full,sleep the previous night with thoughts of peace,happiness and joy. And in the morning when you wake up, set the tone for the day by affirming, A beautiful day has dawned-a day of great possibilites,splendid opportunities and rewards. I shall meet the day's demands courageously and joyfully.
In this way you set up the tone to live each day to the full-keeping an even temper,carrying the burdens heroically,meeting situations courageously and radiating happiness and love in every situation.
Anyone said Louis stevenson, can live sweetly, patiently,lovingly,purely,till the sun goes down for the day.
Love is enduring
It grows with the years!
Its depth transcends sorrow,
Its strength conquers fears!
Its warmth is a blessing:
In its height there is strength,
And there is no measure
To its breadth or its length!
Love is enduring!
May thn love that you know Never change with the years,
But to deepen and grow!
Admit your mistakes gracefully
Even a great man's pencil has an eraser on it. We all make mistakes. That is why they put erasers on pencils..Do not b afraid of admitting mistakes. We cannot be right all the time. The man who is right only 70% of the time can be roaring success if he is quick to correct his mistakes the rest of the time. People really respect a man who admits his mistakes quickly and gracefully. It is the mark of a big man.
Quote from The Charm and Power of Vedanta
The.good is one thing,the pleasant another:these two having different objects,chain a man. It is well with him who clings to the good:he who chooses the pleasant'misses his end.
I drive joy There was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics weresilenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : aus open 777 set final,
aus open djoke vs murry 777, bigbash final sixer won by 7 pak won as 72/10 SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.comcheck live illustration video on www. it all your emailing job deals Posted by
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Monday 23/January/2012
World judges us by our actions.
Our action are important part of us. Without action we would be dead for to live is to perform actions. Actions are the results of thoughts and thoughts reveal themselves through actions. It is through actions that the world assesses us. They think us responsible or irresponsible, kind or harsh,charitable or miserly etc.
It is through actions that the world reacts to us. If we perform angry actions,we get angry reactiöns. If we perform peaceful actions, the results are of a similar nature.
Actions are also the planting of the seeds of our future. As an old proverb states: if you sow nettle, you cannot reap roses.
So whatever the reaction it will be the result of that action.
Thus it is clear that the results of our actions can be fast,manifesting themselves immediately or delayed taking a longer time to come into the practical. One thing is certain though, fast or delayed the results are sure to follow.
If by our actions we are creating our fortune or misfortune, it would be in our best interest that we monitor carefully the quality of our actions.
Let all our actions be pure. That is free from vicious motives. Let all our actions be for building up instead of tearing down. Let our actions be such that no matter the length and period of germinetion and growth,we can always be contented and happy knowing that the future will only be holding continuous joy. (courtesy b.k Raja yoga centre)
Eat Your Food In Pleasant Mood and Surroumings.
If the food if delicious and you are in a good mood, a lot of saliva would be released. The saliva has an enzyme calked ptyalin,which helps digest the food particularly the carbohydrates and starches.
If you are frightened, your mouth would dry up and saliva would not be secreted. Similarly,when the food enters the stomach, a juice secreted by the lining of the stomach begins to act ön it. This is called the gastric juice. If you are highly worried,and are tense,the gastric juice may have more of hydrochloric acid and this too is not good for your health. Ulcers may develop.
Reserch in this field also indicates that even organs like kidneys are affected by emotions. Therefore there is a lot of truth in the advice that you should eat your food in pleasent surroundings and in a pleasant mood.
Courtesy Partha.
Quote from The Charm and Power of Vedanta
We cannot give a friendly embrace to a tiger or a snake: the wisest thing is to avoid them.
Then if the subject of thought is miserable,we must be merciful toward it. When we see anybody suffer, we must try to remove his misery with a feeling of love and sympathy. This we must do with unselfishness and non-attachment toward the fruits of our actions. Whether the one whom we help is greateful or otherwise matters not. Whenever we have the oportunity of helping any one, we must bear in mind that it is for our good, for our own salvation. It is a privilege to serve God in the form of the miserable and thus build our characters and manifest Divinity.
I drive joy There was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics weresilenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week :AUS OPEN BARDYC NO7 WON AS 777
EPLfulham 10 got a goal, new castle,manct got a spotgoal SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.comcheck live illustration video on www. it all your emailing job deals Posted by
World judges us by our actions.
Our action are important part of us. Without action we would be dead for to live is to perform actions. Actions are the results of thoughts and thoughts reveal themselves through actions. It is through actions that the world assesses us. They think us responsible or irresponsible, kind or harsh,charitable or miserly etc.
It is through actions that the world reacts to us. If we perform angry actions,we get angry reactiöns. If we perform peaceful actions, the results are of a similar nature.
Actions are also the planting of the seeds of our future. As an old proverb states: if you sow nettle, you cannot reap roses.
So whatever the reaction it will be the result of that action.
Thus it is clear that the results of our actions can be fast,manifesting themselves immediately or delayed taking a longer time to come into the practical. One thing is certain though, fast or delayed the results are sure to follow.
If by our actions we are creating our fortune or misfortune, it would be in our best interest that we monitor carefully the quality of our actions.
Let all our actions be pure. That is free from vicious motives. Let all our actions be for building up instead of tearing down. Let our actions be such that no matter the length and period of germinetion and growth,we can always be contented and happy knowing that the future will only be holding continuous joy. (courtesy b.k Raja yoga centre)
Eat Your Food In Pleasant Mood and Surroumings.
If the food if delicious and you are in a good mood, a lot of saliva would be released. The saliva has an enzyme calked ptyalin,which helps digest the food particularly the carbohydrates and starches.
If you are frightened, your mouth would dry up and saliva would not be secreted. Similarly,when the food enters the stomach, a juice secreted by the lining of the stomach begins to act ön it. This is called the gastric juice. If you are highly worried,and are tense,the gastric juice may have more of hydrochloric acid and this too is not good for your health. Ulcers may develop.
Reserch in this field also indicates that even organs like kidneys are affected by emotions. Therefore there is a lot of truth in the advice that you should eat your food in pleasent surroundings and in a pleasant mood.
Courtesy Partha.
Quote from The Charm and Power of Vedanta
We cannot give a friendly embrace to a tiger or a snake: the wisest thing is to avoid them.
Then if the subject of thought is miserable,we must be merciful toward it. When we see anybody suffer, we must try to remove his misery with a feeling of love and sympathy. This we must do with unselfishness and non-attachment toward the fruits of our actions. Whether the one whom we help is greateful or otherwise matters not. Whenever we have the oportunity of helping any one, we must bear in mind that it is for our good, for our own salvation. It is a privilege to serve God in the form of the miserable and thus build our characters and manifest Divinity.
I drive joy There was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics weresilenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week :AUS OPEN BARDYC NO7 WON AS 777
EPLfulham 10 got a goal, new castle,manct got a spotgoal SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.comcheck live illustration video on www. it all your emailing job deals Posted by
Sunday, January 15, 2012
change is d foundation
Monday 15/ January/2012
Change is the foundation of all progress. You progress as you change. THOUGHTS- IDEAS-ATTITUDES. When you open your mind to new ideas you automatically begin to grow emotionally and spiritually. Change may sometimes be painful,yet needful.
When you wish to change negative condition, change negative attitudes. For whatsoever a man soweth,that shall he also reap. Sow thoughts of love,peace,health, happiness proserity and you will reap corresponding results. This is the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. Think good and good follows. Do good and good is returned.
Apply Logic to your life. Ask yourself the three why's. WHY AM I HERE? WHERE AM I GOING? WHAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED TO ACCOMPLISH THE LIFE I DESIRE? Search for the answer,scrutinise them,write them down.
You cannot change your life until you make up your mind that you want something better. Know what you want. Be certain about it, then go after it.
Depends upon the Lives you have been leading!
Alfred E.Smith used to enjoy showing visitors the Empire State Building in New York. But his patience was sorely tried by irrelevant questions.
Smith answered most of them patiently but one day, towards the end of a tour, a lady in the elevator asked,"Suppose the elevator cables would break,would we go up or down?
"That my dear woman", he replied" depends entirely upon the life you have been leading".
Analyse every problem.
It is necessary to analyse every problem and every situation that you may face, by framing mentally a series of issues.
It is necessary to take a problem to bits and try and solve each bit separately and then see how far these solutions hang together,and build them up again into a final solution of the main problem.
Cut out lengthy and discursive replies-offer short,almost terse and "to the point" replies to any references that may come up. Never utter a threat or make a promise which could not be carried out.
Never let work grow under your feet and never allow yourself to be bogged.
Virtues Win
Fear knocked at the door,
Courage opened it.
Lo! Fear was not there
Ignorance knocked at the door,
Wisdom opened it,
Lo! ignorance was not there,
Passion knocked at the door,
Discrimination opened it,
Lo! Passion was not there.
-"SIVA" Courtesy "PEACE"
4 that 1 word
A little unshed rain drop.
May look too small
But somewhere a thirsty flower
Awaits its fall.
A little word unsaid
May look too small to say.
But somewhere 4 that 1 word A heart may pray.
Things turn out best 4 those womke the best of the way things turn out.
Quote from The Charm and Power of Vedanta
I AM neither body nor changes of the body:
Nor am I senses or object of the senses. I an Existence Absolute, Knowlege, Absoluteh Bliss Absolute:
I an He, I am He.
(Shiuo Hum,Shiuo Hum)
I drive joy There was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics weresilenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week :epl Totnham Arron lenon no7 goal, arsenal 10 got a goal, swanc got a spot goal SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.comcheck live illustration video on www. it all your emailing job deals Posted by
Change is the foundation of all progress. You progress as you change. THOUGHTS- IDEAS-ATTITUDES. When you open your mind to new ideas you automatically begin to grow emotionally and spiritually. Change may sometimes be painful,yet needful.
When you wish to change negative condition, change negative attitudes. For whatsoever a man soweth,that shall he also reap. Sow thoughts of love,peace,health, happiness proserity and you will reap corresponding results. This is the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. Think good and good follows. Do good and good is returned.
Apply Logic to your life. Ask yourself the three why's. WHY AM I HERE? WHERE AM I GOING? WHAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED TO ACCOMPLISH THE LIFE I DESIRE? Search for the answer,scrutinise them,write them down.
You cannot change your life until you make up your mind that you want something better. Know what you want. Be certain about it, then go after it.
Depends upon the Lives you have been leading!
Alfred E.Smith used to enjoy showing visitors the Empire State Building in New York. But his patience was sorely tried by irrelevant questions.
Smith answered most of them patiently but one day, towards the end of a tour, a lady in the elevator asked,"Suppose the elevator cables would break,would we go up or down?
"That my dear woman", he replied" depends entirely upon the life you have been leading".
Analyse every problem.
It is necessary to analyse every problem and every situation that you may face, by framing mentally a series of issues.
It is necessary to take a problem to bits and try and solve each bit separately and then see how far these solutions hang together,and build them up again into a final solution of the main problem.
Cut out lengthy and discursive replies-offer short,almost terse and "to the point" replies to any references that may come up. Never utter a threat or make a promise which could not be carried out.
Never let work grow under your feet and never allow yourself to be bogged.
Virtues Win
Fear knocked at the door,
Courage opened it.
Lo! Fear was not there
Ignorance knocked at the door,
Wisdom opened it,
Lo! ignorance was not there,
Passion knocked at the door,
Discrimination opened it,
Lo! Passion was not there.
-"SIVA" Courtesy "PEACE"
4 that 1 word
A little unshed rain drop.
May look too small
But somewhere a thirsty flower
Awaits its fall.
A little word unsaid
May look too small to say.
But somewhere 4 that 1 word A heart may pray.
Things turn out best 4 those womke the best of the way things turn out.
Quote from The Charm and Power of Vedanta
I AM neither body nor changes of the body:
Nor am I senses or object of the senses. I an Existence Absolute, Knowlege, Absoluteh Bliss Absolute:
I an He, I am He.
(Shiuo Hum,Shiuo Hum)
I drive joy There was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics weresilenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week :epl Totnham Arron lenon no7 goal, arsenal 10 got a goal, swanc got a spot goal SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.comcheck live illustration video on www. it all your emailing job deals Posted by
Sunday, January 8, 2012
changing lives
Monday 09/January/2012
Changing Lives
I hereby resolve I will be cheerful. Iwill not let little things irritate me-to make me miserable,and others near me sad and depressed. I will be thoughtful. I will be ever mindful of my tongue which may at an unquarded moment hurt someone with a word carelessly spoken. I will be myself. I will not be a copycat, because I admire some one's dress and personality. I will look for the good in others. No one is perfect, nor is anyone unalterably bad. There is at least one saving grace, I will learn to find it. I will cultivate laughter. I will learn to laugh at myself. Life can b lived better, if it is liberally sprinkled with genuine humour. -INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE One Day It Will Be Your Turn To Be A Parent We are PARENTS, for good or bad! Gave birth and life to you,brought you to this world! Gave you food,shelter, and education and watched you grow! Got you married, and helped you find a job. Now that you are a responsible adult,please remember. 1. You may find us trouble some and noisy sometimes,but we are your good old parents with fashioned love and affection. 2. We may treat you like a little kid and give you unheeded advice, but remember we mean well. 3. It is true that youfind us old fashioned and orthodox,but that is what we are,and how we were brought up.4. You may find us boastful sometimes and talkative, but remember we are your PARENTS. 5. We may step overboard once in a while,sometimes emotional,but we are only human. 6. Wait until you hav your children,suddenly you may find us great and useful as baby sitters costing nothing. 7. Finally,you may not appreciatn us now when we are still alive,but it may be too late tomorw! Remember we were children too once and our parents might have experienced the same feelings. One day soon it will be your turn to be a parent. Expectation of trouble brings suffering. Most of our troubles are worries about the troubles we expect to have . Our greatest trouble is our fear of trouble. It is like an ice berg one-fifth visible and four fifth submerged. Expectation of troubleoften brings greater suffering then the trouble itself. To fret about today, and to worry about tomorrow are human traits that no philosophy is going to greatly change . Nevertheless we can at least learn to properly evaluate ourproblems. When we do that we can usually " cut the big ones down to our size" so that we can fight them. Human nature is so constituted that we have more faith in EVIL than GOOD .Perhaps you laugh at fortune-tellers. If one told you a fortune was coming to you, you wuld built hope on thd prospect: you would soon forget the prediction. On the other hand, if the fortune-teller predicted trouble for you, that thought you could not drive away from your mind. You might outwardly laugh it off, but inwardly it would stick and often trouble you. Our troubleare largely the result of our imaginations, small problems are magnified by fear into grave dangers. And most of them, like allbed-bugs of the night,disappear in the morning light of clear thinking. SUNSHINE MAGAZINE. Quote from The Charm and Power of VEDANTA " He (the Self) of whom many are not even able to hear, whom many even when theyhear of Him do not comparehend:wönderful is a man,when found,who is able to teach Him the Self,wonderful is he who comprehends Him,when taught by an able teacher (man of realizatiön)
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7th Heaven moment of the week : chennai open final 7-7-7, nba atlanta won by 7 ,sydney sixer 117/7, epl manu 10 scored two goals you@samratvision.comcheck liveillustration video on www. allyour emailing job deals Posted by
Changing Lives
I hereby resolve I will be cheerful. Iwill not let little things irritate me-to make me miserable,and others near me sad and depressed. I will be thoughtful. I will be ever mindful of my tongue which may at an unquarded moment hurt someone with a word carelessly spoken. I will be myself. I will not be a copycat, because I admire some one's dress and personality. I will look for the good in others. No one is perfect, nor is anyone unalterably bad. There is at least one saving grace, I will learn to find it. I will cultivate laughter. I will learn to laugh at myself. Life can b lived better, if it is liberally sprinkled with genuine humour. -INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE One Day It Will Be Your Turn To Be A Parent We are PARENTS, for good or bad! Gave birth and life to you,brought you to this world! Gave you food,shelter, and education and watched you grow! Got you married, and helped you find a job. Now that you are a responsible adult,please remember. 1. You may find us trouble some and noisy sometimes,but we are your good old parents with fashioned love and affection. 2. We may treat you like a little kid and give you unheeded advice, but remember we mean well. 3. It is true that youfind us old fashioned and orthodox,but that is what we are,and how we were brought up.4. You may find us boastful sometimes and talkative, but remember we are your PARENTS. 5. We may step overboard once in a while,sometimes emotional,but we are only human. 6. Wait until you hav your children,suddenly you may find us great and useful as baby sitters costing nothing. 7. Finally,you may not appreciatn us now when we are still alive,but it may be too late tomorw! Remember we were children too once and our parents might have experienced the same feelings. One day soon it will be your turn to be a parent. Expectation of trouble brings suffering. Most of our troubles are worries about the troubles we expect to have . Our greatest trouble is our fear of trouble. It is like an ice berg one-fifth visible and four fifth submerged. Expectation of troubleoften brings greater suffering then the trouble itself. To fret about today, and to worry about tomorrow are human traits that no philosophy is going to greatly change . Nevertheless we can at least learn to properly evaluate ourproblems. When we do that we can usually " cut the big ones down to our size" so that we can fight them. Human nature is so constituted that we have more faith in EVIL than GOOD .Perhaps you laugh at fortune-tellers. If one told you a fortune was coming to you, you wuld built hope on thd prospect: you would soon forget the prediction. On the other hand, if the fortune-teller predicted trouble for you, that thought you could not drive away from your mind. You might outwardly laugh it off, but inwardly it would stick and often trouble you. Our troubleare largely the result of our imaginations, small problems are magnified by fear into grave dangers. And most of them, like allbed-bugs of the night,disappear in the morning light of clear thinking. SUNSHINE MAGAZINE. Quote from The Charm and Power of VEDANTA " He (the Self) of whom many are not even able to hear, whom many even when theyhear of Him do not comparehend:wönderful is a man,when found,who is able to teach Him the Self,wonderful is he who comprehends Him,when taught by an able teacher (man of realizatiön)
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7th Heaven moment of the week : chennai open final 7-7-7, nba atlanta won by 7 ,sydney sixer 117/7, epl manu 10 scored two goals you@samratvision.comcheck liveillustration video on www. allyour emailing job deals Posted by
Monday, January 2, 2012
Taxes Are Not Burdens
Monday 02/01/2012
Taxes Are Not Burdens.
Taxes Are Not Burdens, they are the price of liberty,the assurance of freedom of religion,the protection of our children, the right to vote,and the gurantee that we may speak from our hearts without fear. David guy powers.
What is Life?
Life is a flower,
The fragrance of which is virtue.
Life is a well,
The water of which is wisdom.
Life is the sun,
The light of which is Divine Love.
Life is the moon,
The rays of which are Bliss.
When our hearts are full of love.
It takes two to make a quarrel. Also it takes two to make up after a quarrel. Without invoking love,this can never be accomplished. Flood your mind with love,look into the eyes of the other and embrace the person with whom you had quarrelled. Words are not necesrary. Both will have their eyes flooded and the joy-tears will wash away all quarrels for the time being. Try this. You will find this true every time. This is the power of love,the stremgth of love.
Faults become thick when love is thin. When love rises to swirl around us, and when we re-view in this clearlight of love, the very faults get transformed into the essential beauty in them. This is the magic touch of love, the miracle played by love. When our hearts are full of love,life is a smilling valley of beauty and joy ,romantic and divine.
You must look ahead!
Thomas Carlyle had completed his manuscript on the French Revolution. He gave it to his neighbour, John Stuart Mill to read. Several days later, mill came to Carlyle's home pale and narvous. His maid had used the manuscript to start a fire!
Carlyle was violently agitated for several days. Two years of labour lost. He could never gather the energy to write again. The thought of having to write the whole thing over was almost revolting.
One day, as Carlyle was walking along the streets, he saw a stone mason building a long, high wall. He stood watching for a long time and he was suddenly impressed with the fact that tge wall was being built one brick at a time! He took insiration from that experience and decided, "I Will just write ome page today, and then one page today,and then one page at a time-that is all I will think about."
He started small and slow. The task was tedious,but he stayed with it and went on to finish the work. The end result was better than the first one!
Do not let bad memories or unfortunate incidents move in and dominate you. You cannot get far, looking in the rear view mirror. You must look ahead!
Quote from The True Charm and Power of Vedanta
The heart may sink with despair when even the hardest struggle brings no good result. Yet that is the point where we most need to show our strength,because that is the test of life.
I drive joy
There was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics weresilenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-7 th Heaven moment of the week : epl a villas 7 scored a goal.
Manu 9 scored two goals (17 of stoke) sl 279/10 SIGNUP HERE AS you@samratvision.comcheck live illustration video on www. it all your emailing job deals Posted by
Taxes Are Not Burdens.
Taxes Are Not Burdens, they are the price of liberty,the assurance of freedom of religion,the protection of our children, the right to vote,and the gurantee that we may speak from our hearts without fear. David guy powers.
What is Life?
Life is a flower,
The fragrance of which is virtue.
Life is a well,
The water of which is wisdom.
Life is the sun,
The light of which is Divine Love.
Life is the moon,
The rays of which are Bliss.
When our hearts are full of love.
It takes two to make a quarrel. Also it takes two to make up after a quarrel. Without invoking love,this can never be accomplished. Flood your mind with love,look into the eyes of the other and embrace the person with whom you had quarrelled. Words are not necesrary. Both will have their eyes flooded and the joy-tears will wash away all quarrels for the time being. Try this. You will find this true every time. This is the power of love,the stremgth of love.
Faults become thick when love is thin. When love rises to swirl around us, and when we re-view in this clearlight of love, the very faults get transformed into the essential beauty in them. This is the magic touch of love, the miracle played by love. When our hearts are full of love,life is a smilling valley of beauty and joy ,romantic and divine.
You must look ahead!
Thomas Carlyle had completed his manuscript on the French Revolution. He gave it to his neighbour, John Stuart Mill to read. Several days later, mill came to Carlyle's home pale and narvous. His maid had used the manuscript to start a fire!
Carlyle was violently agitated for several days. Two years of labour lost. He could never gather the energy to write again. The thought of having to write the whole thing over was almost revolting.
One day, as Carlyle was walking along the streets, he saw a stone mason building a long, high wall. He stood watching for a long time and he was suddenly impressed with the fact that tge wall was being built one brick at a time! He took insiration from that experience and decided, "I Will just write ome page today, and then one page today,and then one page at a time-that is all I will think about."
He started small and slow. The task was tedious,but he stayed with it and went on to finish the work. The end result was better than the first one!
Do not let bad memories or unfortunate incidents move in and dominate you. You cannot get far, looking in the rear view mirror. You must look ahead!
Quote from The True Charm and Power of Vedanta
The heart may sink with despair when even the hardest struggle brings no good result. Yet that is the point where we most need to show our strength,because that is the test of life.
I drive joy
There was adoctor in Benaras whospent 7 minutes in themorning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friendslaughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics weresilenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength
Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...
Monday, 24 June 2019 Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta Peace and Blessedness When we realize that we have desire...
The Pursuit of Comfort and Its Consequences 1. Staying Still Won’t Get You Anywhere "Even if you are on the right track...
The dogs bark but the caravan goes on: It is often said that "the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on," symbolizing how great...