Monday, July 18, 2011
7 Ways To Use ’The Secret’ - Presentation Transcript
7Ways To Use
“The Secret”
It will help you make your
dream life a reality!!!
The law of attraction is based on the precept that like attracts like. You have probably heard many who stand behind the secret law of attraction and many who will tell you that it is a waste of time. For those who believe it is a waste of time, it is a waste of time. However, you do not totally believe that it will be a waste of time. You want to learn to put the secret into effect in your life. That is why you are here.
Way # 1 : Decide Exactly What You Want
Write down your dreams and goals. Many thoughts will come through your mind as you sit down to try to sort through this. You want to be rich, you want a new home, you want the love of your life to come walking through the door, there are a lot of wants that can come to mind.
However, take a deep breath and slow down. Find out what really matters to you and will make you happy. Write it down and begin working on your new successful life now.
Way # 2 : Eliminate the Obstacle
You cannot reach your goals if there is an obstacle in your way. What you may not realize is that you have put the obstacle there in the first place. You just did not realize that you were in the way of your own goal. Now that you know, you can correct the problem and eliminate the obstacle. The successful people have a good life because they expect to have a good life. They will accept nothing less.
Change your expectations. It is the limits of your own expectations and beliefs that are preventing you from reaching your great life. Expect success to come your way, expect to find your soul mate, and expect happiness and harmony in your life.
Way # 3 : Work Your Subconscious
Your subconscious never takes a break. It is always on, always there for you. The only thing about your subconscious is it cannot recognize negatives. Take note of all of your thoughts and make an effort to change them into more positive statements. Instead of, “I don’t want to be lonely,’ you might say, ‘I am with my soul mate.’ Make it a positive statement and make it as if it already exists.
When you consistently speak positive affirmations and think in a positive manner, your subconscious catches on. Even in your sleep, your subconscious will be working out positive outcomes in your life.
Way # 4 : Visualize
Visualizing allows your mind to get a clear picture of exactly what it is you are asking for. See your dream in detail. Use color, sound, movement, smell, and textures to make your dream feel real even before you see it in the physical realm. Meditate on this image every chance you get. Get it firmly embedded in your whole being. That way, when your dream comes true, you will recognize it!
For those times when you are too exhausted to focus, have a vision board handy. A vision board is quite simply a picture collage of the things that remind you of your dream. You may also use your positive affirmations on your vision board. When your mind is cloudy, you can look at that vision board and it will begin to prod your positive mental state back into the forefront.
Way # 5 : Stay Vigilant But Not Anxious
Stay alert to nipping negative thoughts and feelings in the bud as it pertains to your desired outcome.
Always be ready to detect negativity and turn it around to the positive side. However, do not become obsessed with seeking out the negative. That could have some very unwanted results.
Be on the alert to recognize your prime at whatever time of your life it may occur. - Muriel Spark
Way # 6 : Receive Your Dream Life
This is sometimes the most difficult part of using the secret law of attraction. You must be open to the way the universe fulfills your request. It may come from a totally different direction that you thought it would. However, it does not really matter how or from which direction, all that matters is that you will be experiencing the life you have always wanted.
Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.
Way # 7 : Gratefulness
Be grateful for all the good things you receive. A grateful heart and mind adds strength to the magnet
of the law of attraction. A grateful heart will also keep your mind on the positive events in your life.
You will begin to notice that the cycle of good that is flowing through to you is limitless.
The secret law of attraction
is ever in motion, remember
that. Whether good or bad,
the universe is constantly
working to manifest the
requests you have made.
You can allow your thoughts
to flit where they may, or
you can take control of
those thoughts. It is your
choice to receive good
things or bad things. This is your chance to be your very best and have the very best. Choose to attract the good.
These are the ways to make your dream life a reality. All that is needed is some positive
energy to attract those things that you desire into your life. Whether it be a new car, a
more lucrative career, or better relationships, what you want to come into your life will
come into your life if you follow the secret law of attraction.
What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience.
Thank You Very Much
Quotes form the Essence of Gita
Wisdom of Gita : On work without attachment
About work and working man, Gita has a nice philosophy.
You can attain peace (or salvation) even if you don't renounce work and the society. You don't need to be a monk or a priest. You can perfectly be a family person, fully into social activities, yet you can be more than a Saint. How?
Every work which you do, do for the sake of God, for the satisfaction of God. Gita says, whatever task you do which is not for the sake of God becomes a cause for your bond to this world. And bond or attachment in this world is nothing but pain and suffering (because the Primordial Bond of human soul is with God, thus all other bonds are suffering). Look at West (also in the East now a days), people are so much into their work and career that they hardly enjoy life. They are so stressed all the time with money and everything !! The reason of that suffering is due to excessive attachment and affinity.
Gita says, you have the right for work, but you should not seek the result (the result will come if you are sincere enough to your work). I love this idea because most of the time we become too engrossed about the result and it diverts our attention from the actual job. That is also the teaching of Buddha to be always conscious about 'NOW'. Not past nor future. And if we do that, every action of ours become so perfect !! And according to Gita's teaching, work without attachment leads to the freedom of the soul (Nirvana in Buddha's teaching).
And how to do work with a purpose connected with God ... when you engage with any work, just say, "In the name of the Merciful and Beneficent God". And God willing, thus every work is considered as an act of worship. Amen!
Beloved Trevor adds, in relation to Karma Yoga, Ram Das says that "the karma yogi is the person who uses his or her life to come to God by listening for the dharmic act, acting without attachment to the outcome, all the while knowing she or he's not the actor, anyway."
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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