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Sunday, July 31, 2011

I am free

Monday, August 01, 2011
I am free when
I am free when I have loved persons and things. And when because of my love, they are more free and I am less slave.
I am free when I believed in God who has created everything in freedom.
I am free when I accept the freedom of others.
I am free when I succeed in being a person.
I am free when I succeed finding out the goodness the goodness that exists in everything created.
I am free when I know how to give my self to others without demanding that I possess them in return.
I am free when I can speak of God as a friend.
I am free when I am aware that other men need me.
I am free when I believe in other people.
I am free when I feel ashamed at the enslavement of my neighbor.
I am free if I am able to give my life for a man rather than for an idea.
I am free when I know for sure that everything created helps me to relies and find myself.
I am free when I love the welfare of my neighbor more than my own freedom.
I am free when my freedom is worth more than money.

A smile is a powerful weapon
A smile is a powerful weapon. No one has ever seen a smiling face that was not beautiful. A smile goes a long way, but you are the one who must start it on its journey.

Caution is the eldest child of wisdom
When angry count ten before you speak , if very angry, count hundred.

I need him
A freethinker saw an old lady saying her prayers with devotion. “Woman,” he said “ you are wasting your time because the Lord does not need your prayers. “ I know” replied the old lady very calmly, “ but I need Him.”

There is nothing but Wind.
At a banquet in honour of Marshal Foch. Commander-in-chief of World War I , an American remarked. “ You French make so much about this courtesy business. There is nothing in it but wind.”
“True,” reasoned Foch, “ and there is also nothing but wind in a tyre, but it makes the ride much more smooth and pleasant.

Book you like
When G.K Chesterton was asked what book he would most like to have with him if he were stranded on a desert island , he replied ‘Thomas Guide to Practical ship building.

I would be Republican!
When President Theodore Roosevelt was once making a political speech he asked if there was a Democrat in the audience. An old man rose in the back of the room and said, ‘ I am Democrat. “Roosevelt then asked him why he was a Democrat and he said “ I have always been Democrat, my father was a Democrat, and my grand father was a Democrat. “Roosevelt then said; “Then if your father had been horse thief and your father had been a horsetheif and your grand father had been horsethief you would be a horsethief? “Oh, no,” he replied,” in that case I would be Republican.

Start on a day’s work so late in the afternoon!
Leonard was 68 when he gave up being a bachelor to marry a lovely young girl of 22. The judge who performed the ceremony seemed less than enthusiastic and after the ceremony Leonard pulled him aside and asked what was wrong. ‘ Nothing , really, said the judge but it makes me a little sad when ever I see a man start on a day’s work so late in the afternoon.

Take the constructive risk in your lives. The more you master the courage to do the things you truly want for yourself, the more effective you will become at living happily.

Quote from The essence of Bhagavad-Gita
If we remember the verse I just quoted and the following verse and are able to translate them into practice, nothing more remains to be done in spiritual life.
Give up all pursuit and take refuge in Me alone.
In other words, “ Make your thoughts and speech one, and surrender yourself to Me.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Review/Revision In epl stoke vs arsenal no 10 scored two goals (f1 no 4 won a podium) you@samartvision.com get a lucky charm 7 email and use to all your email jobs, check illustrated video on www.youtube.com/samrat747

Monday, July 25, 2011

7 ways to prevent stress

Monday, July 25, 2011
Top 7 Ways to Prevent Unnecessary Stress at Work
by Jill Frank
Stress plays a critical role in life. It can help you accomplish work timely and accurately, promote healthy competition, and force you to evaluate problems and formulate creative solutions. It can also hamper your ability to effectively perform your job, thereby reducing your chances of promotion; interfere with your capacity to sustain relationships; and lead to physical illness. So, how do you find balance? Start by preventing or eliminating stress that is unnecessary.
1. Manage Expectations. Are others clear about what you expect of them? Whether they are vendors, subordinates, or committee members, make sure they understand exactly what you want, and when and how you would like it completed. This will prevent misunderstandings for you as well as the other person.
2. Communicate Effectively. Many problems arise due to a lack of or ineffective communication. Don?t focus solely on your verbal and written communication though. Listening is a lost art for most, and one that can stand to be improved. No matter what your position is, strong communication skills are essential.
3. Let go of control. Are you someone who thinks that no one else can perform even the simplest of tasks as well as you can? If so, you could eliminate a lot of stress by simply learning to let go. Many companies reorganized departments into teams several years ago, because they realized that it is a more efficient and effective way to do business. It?s not necessary for one person to perform all tasks related to his or her job. In fact, you are more effective when you concentrate on what you do best and let someone else take care of the rest.
4. Steer Clear of Procrastination. Staying on top of things will reduce stress when the unexpected occurs. Procrastination often rears its ugly head when you are faced with a task you would rather not do. Instead of putting it off, determine if it would be appropriate to delegate the project or a portion of it to someone else. If not, get it out of the way first.
5. Take regular vacation time. They give it to you for a reason. Some companies even require you to take time off. It gives you time to unwind, gain a new perspective, and become more focused. People who work too many hours without a break find themselves more prone to illness. It?s your body?s way of telling you that you need to rest.
6. Address problems as they arise. Don?t push issues to the back-burner because you don?t want to face them. Confront problems as they arise in order to avoid stress from building up and unleashing itself at an inappropriate time.
7. You can say ?NO?. Many people have difficulty saying no. However, you cannot take on every project, task, and role that gets cast off on you. For projects outside your scope of responsibility, consider whether it will help you achieve your career goals. If not, politely decline the offer and move on to something that will.
Quotes form the Essence of Gita

"yada yada hi dharmasya
glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya
tadatmanam srjamy aham" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Four verse 7)

"Sri Krishna said: Whenever and wherever there is a decline in virtue/religious practice, O Arjuna, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I descend Myself, i.e. I manifest Myself as an embodied being."

"paritranaya sadhunam
vinasaya cha duskritam
sambhavami yuge yuge" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Four verse 8)

"Sri Krishna said: To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium."

"karmany evadhikaras te
ma phalesu kadachana
ma karma-phala-hetur bhur
ma te sango ’stv akarmani" (Bhagwat Gita: Chapter Two verse 47)
I drive joy
 There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Review/Revision srilanka won third oneday India won test seires 347/10 you@samartvision.com get a lucky charm 7 email and use to all your email jobs, check illustrated video on www.youtube.com/samrat747

Monday, July 18, 2011

7 ways to secret

Monday, July 18, 2011
7 Ways To Use ’The Secret’ - Presentation Transcript
7Ways To Use
“The Secret”
It will help you make your
dream life a reality!!!
The law of attraction is based on the precept that like attracts like.  You have probably heard many who stand behind the secret law of attraction and many who will tell you that it is a waste of time.  For those who believe it is a waste of time, it is a waste of time.  However, you do not totally believe that it will be a waste of time. You want to learn to put the secret into effect in your life. That is why you are here. 
Way # 1 : Decide Exactly What You Want
Write down your dreams and goals.  Many thoughts will come through your mind as you sit down to try to sort through this.  You want to be rich, you want a new home, you want the love of your life to come walking through the door, there are a lot of wants that can come to mind. 
However, take a deep breath and slow down.  Find out what really matters to you and will make you happy.  Write it down and begin working on your new successful life now.
Way # 2 : Eliminate the Obstacle
You cannot reach your goals if there is an obstacle in your way.  What you may not realize is that you have put the obstacle there in the first place.  You just did not realize that you were in the way of your own goal.  Now that you know, you can correct the problem and eliminate the obstacle. The successful people have a good life because they expect to have a good life.  They will accept nothing less.
Change your expectations.  It is the limits of your own expectations and beliefs that are preventing you from reaching your great life.  Expect success to come your way, expect to find your soul mate, and expect happiness and harmony in your life.
Way # 3 : Work Your Subconscious
Your subconscious never takes a break.  It is always on, always there for you.  The only thing about your subconscious is it cannot recognize negatives. Take note of all of your thoughts and make an effort to change them into more positive statements.  Instead of, “I don’t want to be lonely,’ you might say, ‘I am with my soul mate.’  Make it a positive statement and make it as if it already exists.
When you consistently speak positive affirmations and think in a positive manner, your subconscious catches on.  Even in your sleep, your subconscious will be working out positive outcomes in your life.
Way # 4 : Visualize
Visualizing allows your mind to get a clear picture of exactly what it is you are asking for.  See your dream in detail.  Use color, sound, movement, smell, and textures to make your dream feel real even before you see it in the physical realm. Meditate on this image every chance you get.  Get it firmly embedded in your whole being.  That way, when your dream comes true, you will recognize it!
For those times when you are too exhausted to focus, have a vision board handy.  A vision board is quite simply a picture collage of the things that remind you of your dream.  You may also use your positive affirmations on your vision board.  When your mind is cloudy, you can look at that vision board and it will begin to prod your positive mental state back into the forefront.
Way # 5 : Stay Vigilant But Not Anxious
Stay alert to nipping negative thoughts and feelings in the bud as it pertains to your desired outcome.
Always be ready to detect negativity and turn it around to the positive side. However, do not become obsessed with seeking out the negative.  That could have some very unwanted results.
Be on the alert to recognize your prime at whatever time of your life it may occur. - Muriel Spark
Way # 6 : Receive Your Dream Life
This is sometimes the most difficult part of using the secret law of attraction.  You must be open to the way the universe fulfills your request.  It may come from a totally different direction that you thought it would.  However, it does not really matter how or from which direction, all that matters is that you will be experiencing the life you have always wanted.
Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.
Way # 7 : Gratefulness
Be grateful for all the good things you receive.  A grateful heart and mind adds strength to the magnet
of the law of attraction.  A grateful heart will also keep your mind on the positive events in your life. 
You will begin to notice that the cycle of good that is flowing through to you is limitless. 
The secret law of attraction
is ever in motion, remember
that.  Whether good or bad,
the universe is constantly
working to manifest the
requests you have made. 
You can allow your thoughts
to flit where they may, or
you can take control of
those thoughts.  It is your
choice to receive good
things or bad things.  This is your chance to be your very best and have the very best. Choose to attract the good.
These are the ways to make your dream life a reality.  All that is needed is some positive
energy to attract those things that you desire into your life.  Whether it be a new car, a
more lucrative career, or better relationships, what you want to come into your life will
come into your life if you follow the secret law of attraction.
What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience.
Thank You Very Much
Quotes form the Essence of Gita
Wisdom of Gita : On work without attachment

About work and working man, Gita has a nice philosophy.

You can attain peace (or salvation) even if you don't renounce work and the society. You don't need to be a monk or a priest. You can perfectly be a family person, fully into social activities, yet you can be more than a Saint. How?

Every work which you do, do for the sake of God, for the satisfaction of God. Gita says, whatever task you do which is not for the sake of God becomes a cause for your bond to this world. And bond or attachment in this world is nothing but pain and suffering (because the Primordial Bond of human soul is with God, thus all other bonds are suffering). Look at West (also in the East now a days), people are so much into their work and career that they hardly enjoy life. They are so stressed all the time with money and everything !! The reason of that suffering is due to excessive attachment and affinity.

Gita says, you have the right for work, but you should not seek the result (the result will come if you are sincere enough to your work). I love this idea because most of the time we become too engrossed about the result and it diverts our attention from the actual job. That is also the teaching of Buddha to be always conscious about 'NOW'. Not past nor future. And if we do that, every action of ours become so perfect !! And according to Gita's teaching, work without attachment leads to the freedom of the soul (Nirvana in Buddha's teaching).

And how to do work with a purpose connected with God ... when you engage with any work, just say, "In the name of the Merciful and Beneficent God". And God willing, thus every work is considered as an act of worship. Amen!

Beloved Trevor adds, in relation to Karma Yoga, Ram Das says that "the karma yogi is the person who uses his or her life to come to God by listening for the dharmic act, acting without attachment to the outcome, all the while knowing she or he's not the actor, anyway."
I drive joy
 There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Review/Revision srilanka won third oneday Perrgauga won on spot goal, Japaon won on spot goal, Moto gp 27 goat a podium you@samartvision.com get a lucky charm 7 email and use to all your email jobs, check illustrated video on www.youtube.com/samrat747

Monday, July 11, 2011

7 ways to conquer fear

ways to conquer your fear of public speaking Content starts here If you hate public speaking, you’re not alone. In surveys of the top phobias, the fear of public speaking (glossophobia) ranks number one worldwide – ahead of the fear of spiders, heights, flying and even death. In fact, three out of every four individuals suffer from speech anxiety. The good news is, public speaking is a skill that can be learned and mastered. We’ve compiled some best practices and proven strategies that will help you fight presentation anxiety the next time you have to speak before an audience. Accept and tame your fear Start by accepting that you get nervous every time you have to speak in public; it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Now confront your fear by making an effort to do something about it. The worst thing you can do is avoid public speaking altogether. This could have an adverse effect on your career and intensify the fear. Get rid of perfection Stop pressuring yourself to deliver a perfect speech. After all, it is just a talk, not a matter of life and death. And if you stumble a bit, you’re not going to lose your job. Accept that mistakes will happen. When they do, try to regain your composure quickly and move past it. Chances are, no one will even notice. Know your material You will only feel really confident if you truly know your subject matter. Most likely, you are already an expert on the topic you are speaking about. So capitalise on the fact that you have valuable knowledge to share. If you are not familiar with the topic, do your research and prepare until you feel confident that you can handle any questions that might come up. Get excited about the subject. If the subject matter is boring, inject an anecdote or quotation or a human interest element. Practice. Practice. Practice. Nobody is a born pianist. One must learn how to play the piano and practise countless hours in order to do it gracefully and effortlessly at a recital. Likewise, good speakers aren’t born, they’re made. So the next time you give a talk, give yourself plenty of time to prepare, organise the material, practise delivering it and polish it before you face the audience. Remember, the more often you give a speech, the better you’ll get. Focus on your audience Instead of putting the focus on yourself and worrying about what other people think of you, turn the focus onto your audience. Smile, make eye contact. Encourage interaction by drawing them into your presentation and asking leading questions. Not only does this make you a more dynamic and engaging speaker, it also helps take the pressure and eyes off you. Picture success Stop visualising a disastrous performance. You’ll only make yourself more nervous, and your brain will automatically associate public speaking with negative emotions. Instead, replace these negative images with images of success. Picture yourself standing confidently in front of a crowd and delivering a great speech. Doing this will turn negative associations into positive ones and help to programme your brain and your body for success. Look and feel your best If you go into your talk feeling and looking good, it will help you feel more relaxed and confident when you face your audience. Try to get enough sleep the night before so you are as well rested as possible. Don’t eat too much right before your talk. Wear a favourite outfit, something flattering that you feel comfortable and confident in.
Ways to Communicate Effectively Ways to communicate effectively.According to Dale Carnegie, author of the book How to Win Friends and Influence People, 85 % of success on the job is due to one's ability to lead people and personality. Only 15 % of success is due to one's technical knowledge (18). Therefore, the ability to communicate with people is vital from engineering to business, and is essential in increasing your success tremendously. For this reason, having proper communication skills is not something you should leave to chance in your business career, as well as in your personal life. So following are seven ways/tips that will help you to succeed in communicating with others.1. Have self-worth.It's impossible to communicate effectively unless you feel valuable yourself. With self-worth you can move mountains. Without self-worth you'll be trudging between the valleys. If you don't feel good about yourself and about what you're doing, or if you don't have self-confidence, then how could one make someone else feel good and confident about themselves?.2. Get interested in other people. I know this 'way' may sound like a paradox but it's not. You would think that you have to be interested in other people in order to want to talk to them. However, most people when they speak are plainly interested in themselves and in what they have to say.The only reason to have a conversation should be to have some sort of exchange. Although we're not talking money all the time, there should be an exchange such as love, friendship, caring, companionship, etc. The main reason most people don't communicate effectively and don't get anything out of their conversations is that they overly- concentrate on the getting and not the giving.3. Open up a person's heart.This can be done in five ways. (1) Ask probing open-ended questions. What made you get into the field you're currently in? What do you like to do? What's on your mind? How was your week? How was your day? These are all questions you should ask. Don't just ask obvious questions, ask less obvious personal questions, that really will get them thinking and relating to you. The more, you open up their heart and yours, the more they'll want to be with you, help you, buy products from you, etc. Warning: Don't just ask questions. Interject some of your own comments, opinions and especially life experiences. If you don't interject some of your own comments, they will feel annoyed as they'll think you're interviewing them.(2) Compliment them. Tell them things like you look great. You do a great job; you're a great writer, composer, pianist, waiter, waitress, etc. (3) Remember a person's name and say it often. A person's name is one of the first words a baby hears. Therefore, a person's name is magic to his or her ears. (4) Smile. (5) Use humor.4. Listen at least two times more than you talk.You were given two ears and one mouth for a reason. You should be listening twice as much as long as you speak. Part of listening effectively means asking follow-up questions. Asking follow up questions shows the other person that you're listening effectively. For instance, if a person tells you they're in a band, you can ask them what instrument they play, where they play, how often they play, how they like it, etc. A lot of times, we are so much in our own heads, thinking about what to say next, when the next question is right in front of us ? if we only listen.5. Diversify yourself.Try doing different things such as sports, dancing, volunteer work, reading, etc. This will give you subjects to talk about with people as well as chances to meet people, sans reading, but you can join a reading group. Being diversified will overall make you more charming. Lastly, being diversified also gives you a form of status. People generally like people who are active, not someone who just sits on his couch all day.6. Understand that your worth never changes.If I had a million dollar check and I were to crumble it up, you would still want it. If I were to then put it on the floor put grease on it and proceed to step on it, you would still want it. My friend, you are worth much more than a million dollars. Whenever you go into a conversation, you are worth over a million dollars. When you step out of the conversation, out of the date, or out of the sale whether won or lost, you are still worth over a million dollars. Your internal worth never changes. Therefore, never be afraid to take risks, and work outside of your comfort zone as far as engaging in conversations is concerned. No matter what, your own internal $1 ,000 ,000+ worth never changes. Follow the step-ladder to success.You can read this article and theorize all day with friends about proper communications, but until you get up 'on bat' or initiate a conversation, you're not progressing. Think of a heavyweight boxer, before challenging the champ, he's got to beat the contenders. The contenders or low-rank fighters, give a boxer the experience and self-confidence he needs to face the champion. The same thing goes with communications, in order to talk to that top-level executive, or get that perfect date, you have to have the experience and self-confidence which comes from talking to your second choice of date, or low-level manager. Of course, if you don't try at all, you won't go anywhere either, so you must have the attitude of try, try, try, and not succumb to fear. ---.Word of warning, with this knowledge you must not tell people what to do. Doing this will ultimately alienate people from you. Instead, be humble with this knowledge, don't let people know you know it, but like Benjamin Franklin would, practice these virtues or ' ways' daily. The key word here is practice. You can theorize all day but until you practice these skills, you will not see any results or grow any bigger as a person. Like in school, you had textbook classes and laboratory classes. You better get out of the textbook and apply these ideas in the lab, in this case, in this laboratory called life.Carnegie, Dale. (1981). How to Win Friends and Influence People. United States. Simon and Schuster. .Pablo Golub is the author of the book It's All a Damn Game which can be purchased at http://www.7- Ways.com In it you will find out how to succeed in life, money, and happiness. Testimonial: this empowering book will teach, inspire and coach you to break the habits of self-doubt and low self-esteem, to realize a new vision to attain genuine contentment; Jami

Monday, July 4, 2011

30 Ways To Live A Life Of Excellence

Monday-July 4-2011

30 Ways To Live A Life Of Excellence

I’ve always been passionate about living a life of excellence. Setting goals, overcoming challenges, getting results, celebrating the victories - these make living so rich and worthwhile.

When I was in college I was on the Dean’s List - an honorary roll awarded only to top students - in every academic year I was there. When I graduated I was selected from over 1,000 applicants to enter a Fortune 100 company - one of the top 100 companies in the world recognized by Fortune. Then when I quit to pursue my passion a year and a half ago, I started The Personal Excellence Blog to share my best advice to achieve excellence in life.

In the last year and a half I also founded my training school where I coach and train others to achieve excellence. Life has never been more rewarding. That being said, I have determined that excellence itself is a way of life, not a destination. While I’ve made some accomplishments, I’m nowhere near where I envision myself to be in the future. There’s always room for personal growth. Our potential is limitless, and it’s up to us to tap into it.

Here are my top 30 ways to live a life of excellence:

1. Discover your purpose. – Our physical life started when we were born. Our real life starts when we discover our purpose. What is your purpose? What is your mission statement for your life? Mine is, “To touch others’ lives, help them achieve their highest potential and live their best lives.” This one statement gives me clarity and focus on what to do, from my daily plans to my long-term goals.

2. Follow your passion. – To do what you love is truly the only way to live. Don’t just pursue as a hobby; turn it into your career. I didn’t use to be a personal development blogger or a coach. I was a marketing major and I was working in brand management as a career. However, it wasn’t my passion. So a year and a half ago, I quit my regular job to pursue my real passion. Despite having no experience in the personal development industry, I slowly carved my niche in this area and established myself and my expertise. Today I’m pursuing my passion as a career, and loving it.

3. Set your goals. – If you can have whatever you want, what would you like? What are your biggest goals and dreams? Set them. The life I’m living today is a result of goals I set in the past. If you don’t set any goals, it’s safe to say that you’ll be running in place for the foreseeable future. Is that what you want?

4. Create a life handbook. – A life handbook is a concept I created where you have a book to write your life purpose, goals, dreams, plans, values, mottos, and other things that are important to you as you pursue your best life. I started my life handbook in 2007 and it has been my #1 tool to living my life to the fullest. Learn more about my life handbook and how to create yours.

5. Have the right mindset. – The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts. If you think life sucks, life will indeed suck. On the other hand, if you are set to live your best life, the paths will open up in front of you. Maybe it’s all the ‘good triumphing over evil’ RPGs I’ve played since young, but I firmly believe that where there’s a will, there’s a way. No one can stop you if you have the right mindset.

6. Create your bucket list. – A bucket list is a list of things to do before you die. All of us are going to die one day. What are all the things you want to do/see/say/experience before you die? It can be seeing the world, living your dreams, going skydiving, falling in love, among countless others. I created my bucket list last year with over 100 things, and every day I accomplish what’s on it and add new things I want to do. Here’s a list of 101 Things To Do Before You Die for ideas on what to put in your bucket list.

7. Get mentors. – You have dreams and big visions, and there are people who have likely been there and done that. Get them to mentor you. It’ll definitely cut down the learning curve and ease your journey. With a mentor, you can unlock your potential and achieve so much more.

8. Stop worrying so much. – The majority of our fears exist only in our head. Get rid of them and spend the energy on something productive.

9. Get closer with your parents. – Many of us only have functional relationships with our family. Some of us might even have estranged family relationships. I know I used to have that, then I realized it was foolish. Our parents went through a lot of hardship by bringing us up, and no one’s ever going to share a connection to us the way they do. Today I’m much closer to my parents than I was in the past, and I’m grateful for that.

10. Let go of negative friendships. – If you have friends who discourage you and pull you down, it’s time to get rid of them. Getting rid might be too harsh for some, so distancing is a good alternative. I had several negative friends in the past, then I just reduced contact. Instead of wasting time and energy resisting them, I was then able to focus my energy on people and things that make me happy.

11. Surround yourself with positive people. – Do you know you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with? Your attitudes, beliefs, accomplishments and success are a function of the people you spend time around. Think about the people who inspire you and spend more time with them. You’ll be amazed at the effects they’ll have on you.

12. Release your limits. – They say the sky is the limit. I disagree. We are our own limits. It’s then about releasing our limits so we can live our best lives. What are you limiting yourself from doing? Stop holding yourself back. Go out and get what you want.

13. Believe in yourself. – The majority of the times I’ve been able to achieve something is because I started out believing I could do it, rather than acquiring that belief after I achieved it. If I didn’t think I could do it, I probably would never have succeeded. My past experiences have taught me that all you need to have in order to succeed is to have a sense of self-belief - a sense that you can control your own future. That’s all.

14. Wake up early. – I used to wake up late every day, like 9-10am. I never thought much about waking up early until a couple of years ago. After I switched to waking early at 5am, my days have been incredible. I feel more productive, I get more done, I’m more eager to work to keep the momentum going. It’s something you have to try yourself to know the difference.

15. Eat a healthy diet. – A healthy diet just-starts a life of excellence. What’s in your daily diet? Junk? Fast food? Fried food? Or healthy, nutritious food? Fruits? Vegetables? I’ve been a vegan since 2008 and have been loving it. While I tried it out as just a 30-day trial, I immediately saw the benefits of being a vegan and stayed the course ever since. Also read: 9 Timeless Nutrition Tips for Any Age

16. Exercise regularly. – Aside from a regular gym routine, try other sports to spice it up your workouts. Frisbee, badminton and swimming are some of my favorite sports. These make exercising a lot more fun.

17. Plan your days. – Do you plan your days? Did you wake up today knowing what you are supposed to do today? If not, maybe it’s time you do. Planning doesn’t have to be long and tedious, it can just be a 30 second process. Every night, think about a few small things that you want to accomplish tomorrow and write them down. When you wake up the next morning, review this list before you do anything else.

18. Nurture those whom you love. – The magical feeling of love. The fluttering of your heart. The internal smile you get when you think of those who you care for most. It’s impossible to live a life of excellence without sharing quality time with those whom you love.

19. Try something new. – Routines stagnate us. New experiences help us grow and they make life interesting. Make an effort to try something new every week. I get very invigorated whenever I’m doing something new. It can be a whole new activity or just a small experience, such as talking to a stranger.

20. Stop watching TV. – Why stop watching TV? The bulk of content on TV is consciousness lowering. TV has been proven by research to be linked with lower life satisfaction. TV ads motivate you spend more money frivolously. TV wastes lots and lots of time. I could go on forever. I quit regular TV watching almost 5 years ago and never looked back. I recently wrote an article on my blog called 10 Reasons To Stop Watching TV and found out a good number of my readers dropped TV in their lives as well. Try it out for 21-days and see how you feel. Be sure to read: Top 10 Reasons You Should Stop Watching TV and 40 Positive Effects of a TV Free Week.

21. Stop obsessing over the news. – A lot of news today resonates with fear, guilt, shame and hate. Depending on your news source, many are largely sensationalized and biased as well. You don’t need to watch the news every day for an hour to know that there are car accidents, murders and wars out there. Focus your energy on how you can address those problems instead.

22. Don’t be trapped by dogma. – Don’t feel compelled to follow others all the time. Pave your own path. Follow your heart. Don’t fall into the trap of operating on everyone’s whim. Listening is okay, but doing what everyone wants is simply unhealthy. Execute the good feedback and follow your vision.

23. Be compassionate. – Show love and kindness to all the people around you. Respect everyone. They may not react in a kind way immediately, but they will notice and appreciate your kindness. To love is to be human.

24. Smile more. – It takes more muscles to frown than to smile. So let’s smile more often.

25. Criticize less, appreciate more. – Do you like overly critical people? I’m sure you don’t. They are a dread to be around. So let’s be less critical. Don’t stare so hard at what’s missing. Learn to see and appreciate what’s there instead.

26. Keep a journal to self-reflect. – I had a paper journal for several years, but after I started The Personal Excellence Blog I use the blog as my journal. By having a place to freely let out our thoughts and ponder over them, we get a lot more clarity about ourselves. If you are not sure where to start with, try 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind, 20 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Sunday and check out the new site Thought Questions.

27. Forgive those who hurt you. – To forgive is to let go of a prisoner and to realize that the prisoner all along was you. Don’t hold on to past hatred. Let it go. You’ll find new, wonderful things entering your life once you do.

28. Enrich your mind great books. – Books contain concentrated volumes of wisdom. It’s not surprising then that most knowledgeable people are also very well-read. Check out 40 Modern Nonfiction Books Everyone Should Read and 30 Books Everyone Should Read Before Their 30th Birthday.

29. Coach someone. – There’s no better way to learn than to teach others. Is there someone who can benefit from your help? Offer to coach them for free. It’ll be an enlightening experience for both of you.

30. Meet new people. – Most humans have a habit of stagnating in a small circle of friends. But it doesn’t help us grow. Get out there and meet new people. You’ll be surprised at the lessons they will teach you and the new opportunities they will inject into your life.

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* Why do you worry without cause? Whom do you fear without reason? Who can kill you? The soul is neither born, nor does it die.
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There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha

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