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Sunday, March 27, 2011


Successful people have basic and common personality traits that lead them to become winners in life. Without the influence of others, anyone can become a winner. A man is basically born to win. Due to laxity and  slackness, his winning potentialities will have no way to grow and prove his best abilities. Personality development helps a man become a winner in life. Many people develop their personality according to their needs and expectations of people around them. They are not capable to shine with their own unique personality traits. They need to break all the barriers and come out bravely to develop their personality in order to become a winner. Developing your personality helps a man become successful in his life. It transforms an ordinary man into an impressive winner. Proper guidance in personality development enables a man to acquire certain winning personality traits. In order to become a winner, a person needs to obtain positive thought patterns, self-confidence, good behavior, better communication and a healthy physique. To develop your personality and become a winner, you need to improve certain skills for success. Emotional intelligence is one such thing that will help you become a winner in life. Emotional intelligence is how you act and react to certain emotions. The greater the emotional intelligence, the higher the chances will come after you and listen to you. People don't like emotional fools but they will never ever look up to you if you are insensitive. It's vital that strike the right balance and understand and respect others emotions. Creativity is a tool of personality development that will help you become a winner in all fields. Creativity is the ability to solve a problem in an innovative and interesting way. It will allow you to find new and advanced methods. Change is must in life and when you are the creator of the change, surely you will be famous. . Creativity is the need of the hour and this unique way will allow you to become a winner.
Finally, if a person improves certain qualities of personality development, he will be lead to success. For instance, knowledge is considered as power. No one will get impressed if a man does not know anything about his  surroundings and daily happenings. A person who is well informed is considered a learned person and other automatically begin to respect and seek you for information. Enhancing on the qualities of personality development and it will help you to become a winner. Sheeba Sreenivasan, "How personality development helps you become a winner", Associated Content
change, surely you will be famous. Creativity is the need of the hour and this unique way will allow you to become a winner.
“OFinally, if a person improves certain qualities of personality development, he will be lead to success. For instance, knowledge is considered as power. No one will get impressed if a man does not know anything about his  surroundings and daily happenings. A person who is well informed is considered a learned person and other automatically begin to respect and seek you for information. Enhancing on the qualities of personality development and it will help you to become a winner. Sheeba Sreenivasan, "How personality development helps you become a winner",
nly those who, by relentless inquiry, attain The doubtless Realization that they are all, Of the
nature of the one… Will be fully rid of the dreadful bondage of birth And will become of the nature of the impeccable… the limitless form of the God of gods in a state of joyous dance that authoritatively proclaims That you are eternal, attributeless Being…” Gita ,
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5
minutes in the morning and evening for
mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha Illustrated live Review/Revision- India won against aur mom scored 57.inf1 no10 got a podium/inSBK7WON A PODIUM .log on as you@samartvision.com get a lucky charm email observe weekly wisdom with

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Success is waiting for you

Monday 21 March-2011
Success is waiting for you
You can start at ifanytime you want to be successful. But you have to start.
You would not accomplish anything if you wait for all the possible objections to be overcome. Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.
Don’t be afraid to live. Don’t wait for things to change. Don’t wait until you have more time. Until you are less tired. Until you get the promotion, until you settle down. Don’t wait for a major event in your life to occur you begin to live.
Begin where you are. Work where you are. The hour you are wasting now, dreaming of some far off success, is crowded with tremendous possibilities.
When you take the first step, your mind will mobilize all its forces to assist you. Once you have started, all that is within you and unknown forces around you will come to your assistance.
The only way to start on the road to success is to move your feet, one step at a time in the direction you want to go. Success is waiting for you.
Health and Happiness
The most relaxing recreating forces are a healthy religion , sleep, music and laughter. Have faith in God-learn to sleep well-Love good music-See the funny side of life,-And health and happiness will be yours.
Work hard towards 100 per cent efficiency
Aim well in life and do anything extraordinary that ahs not been done before . set your heart to reach your goal. Let patient effort be your best friend . Determine to occupy a front seat in the drama of life.
Fill all your waking hours with useful thoughts and fruitful work. Tackle boldly your ‘today’s’ and plan your ‘tomorrows’ and march to excellence, the highest point of whatever you do.
You have to work hard to bring out the best in you. Heightens of great men reached and kept were attained by ceaseless effort and hard work. They burnt the midnight oil while others restfully slept.
Have some useful purpose, some new field of knowledge, some new interest for which you have the aptitude and aim at the top, you have the inborn God-given potentialities . you are flower which must not blush unseen and wast its sweetness in the desert air. Mediocrity has to perish, it has no place in live. It will only be your laziness and inaction which will not allow your inborn worth to flower into fruition.
Once you have chosen your goal, you must work always go forward upward and on ward on the path of progress that leads to the top, Success comes to people who do and dare.
Between two evils, choose , neither, between two goods choose both.
Sure ways to please people
Pleasing people does not mean flattery which is often false and indulged in for some selfish end.
Pleasing people means being pleasant to them rather than unpleasant , friendly instead of unfriendly, helpful, welcoming and cooperative, not indifferent to the presence and needs of others.
We are not likely to have genuine desire to please people if we are not interested in them. If we do not care and have no desire to develop points of contact, we will be too much wrapped up on ourselves to bother about pleasing anybody else.
This will arise only when it is only getting something we want instead of giving. When we are concerned with ourselves we desire to be ‘better’ and have ‘more’ than the ‘rest’. Such an attitude comes between us and others resulting in every and competition. Thus we are more likely to try to score over them then please them. Instead of being pleasant there is friction and conflict.
Being interested in people means looking outwards away from’ Us’ . We may forget about ourselves while we are interested in others and in what is going on around us. Because we are interested, it naturally comes to us to be cooperative and helpful.
Liking people always springs from interest in them. You cannot like people if you are indifferent . interest result in sharing of activity which provides opportunities to meet people and understand them better.
When we have fellow feeling for one another our words have the genuine element of truth about them and our actions harmonies with our words.
Liking people and experiencing fellow feelings for them helps us to see their problems clearly. We can understand when people are worried, recognize when they are tired and unwell.
To be able to put ourselves in the other fellow’s place and make allowances helps us avoid misunderstanding and friction. We encourage other when we show them that they are liked and wanted.
Quote from The Essence of the Gita
Karma Leads to Knowledge
A great confusion can arise if we don’t keep in mind that work is the only means to knowledge. All kinds of work, from the lowest to the highest , help us advance toward the attainment of knowledge if we do work without calculating our own gain and loss. In India millions of people married as well as monastic, are making the effort to attain knowledge. This is indeed very good. But ninety-nine percent of them have not given up consideration of their own self-interest and they are busy trying to evade work as much as possible by dubbing it the product of ignorance.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision- India won against wi as 268/10 to 188/10, epl livepool spot goal, and no 7 goal, Chelsea7 (4,)goal, manunited 9 scored a goal .log on as you@samartvision.com get a lucky charm email observe weekly wisdom with illustration/.

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Personal Power – The Key to Success and Achievement

Monday 14 March-2011
Blog... "Personal Power – The Key to Success and Achievement"

Personal Power is the ability to control the environment around self and the behavior of others. Personal Power is an essential part of achievement. Nothing great can be achieved without the cooperation or contribution of others. That is where Personal Power takes on its meaning and importance.

Contrary to popular belief, Personal Power is not a gift that was randomly awarded to some and withheld from others. It is something that can be acquired and developed.

Personal Power may be influenced by the amount of money that a person has, it can also be the result of the social status or the occupation held. But the main generator of Personal Power is found in the person’s character. More specifically in the person’s leadership ability.

The greater the leadership ability, the greater the Personal Power. Luckily, leadership ability is something that can be acquired and improved. Anyone, regardless of age, race or gender, can become a leader. There is however a perquisite and that is self-confidence.

A leader can lack in expertise, some great leaders had limited formal education and all were not blessed with outstanding good looks. But the one thing that they all have in common is, self-confidence. No one will follow for a long time a would-be leader who has doubts about his capacities or is unsure of himself.

Self-confidence is not something that can be simulated. Either a person is self-confident or he is not. Whether the person is self-confident or not can be detected in the body language, in the choice of words used and in the overall demeanor.

Real self-confidence is the result of personal victories. To be more precise it is the result of the accumulation of ever larger and bigger victories. Even if these victories are not in related fields, each one contributes to the, “Yes I can.” feeling and is another stepping-stone toward acquiring self-confidence.

Another important factor in building self-confidence lies in the ability to become immune to the negative consequences of failures. The more involved a person gets, the more projects will go sour, the more failures will occur. Unless these setbacks are seen as learning experiences they will undermine any feeling of self-confidence a person may have.

A true leader will accept responsibility for any failure that comes up under his watch, learn from it and unwaveringly pursue his mission. Leadership is not for the timid soul or the faint of heart. Leadership is built on courage and fortitude. Qualities that everyone has and qualities that can be improved with determination, discipline and willpower.

Achievements need Personal Power. Personal Power is acquired through leadership. Leadership requires self-confidence. Self-confidence is acquired as results of the accumulation of victories. The formula is simple. The results are guaranteed. It all starts with victories, that is, special victories.

The victories that we have been alluding to here are victories over self. Victories won at the expense of others only mean that the opponent was inferior or less equipped. Victories over self are the true and self-confidence building ones. They are the mind expanding ones. The ones that show what we are really made of. The ones that will eventually give us Personal Power along with all the benefits that comes with it.

This Blog was originally posted in ShamouBlog and can be viewed by clicking here.

Quote from The Essence of the Gita
Self knowledge , the Goal of Life
The goal of our life is to attain Self-Knowledge. The goal can be defined in terms of nether joy nor sorrow. A person may be married or a monastic, a student or a business person, no matter who or where a person is, it is possible for us to work always in such a way that every work will nudge us forward on the path of Self=knowledge. It is simply not possible in separate religion from our daily life, though people may want to do so.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision India won against Bangladesh New zelandwon by 97 agianst canada, www.samratvision.com .log on as you@samartvision.com get a lucky charm email observe weekly wisdom with illustration/.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Monday 7 March-2011
As we are all aware personality is referred to one’s traits both negative and positive . you are made of liabilities and assets You have within you the desire to succeed, the desire for self fulfillment and the desire to be happy.
When you look into the mirror sometimes you could see a smiling face and yet sometimes a frowning one. You find within yourself quit opposing traits your negative side is a labiality which is needs to be corrected, your positive traits are your assets. No one else can change your personality , unless you desire it.
To cultivate a better personality.
Do one thing at a time, aim at one goal at a time.
Live in the present
Don’t forget to learn valuable lessons from yesterday’s mistakes.
Aim at self-improvement.
Subject yourself to an honest self-appraisal.
Don’t be prejudiced about others; Learn to listen and listen to learn.
Don’t give up any task until you finish it. If you make a mistake try again.
Exercise your imagination and creative power to achieve success.
Don’t forget the saying Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower.
Law is necessary. But there are certain cases where the law of conscience overrules the written law.
How Determined Are you?
Life is not all smooth sailing. There are times when we run into rough weather and find ourselves having to cope with difficult people and situations.
Determinations enables us to do this successfully. It keeps us trying and brings us through the ups and downs of life.
Try this test and see how determined you are Answer Yes or No to the question before turning to the key.
1. Do you get so busy that you forget the time or the fat that you are tired?
2. Are you so occupied that you do not bother about other people and what they think?
3. Is it extremely difficult for anybody to discourage you once you get going?
4. would you stick to something if others gave up?
5. Would you stick to it if you knew people disapproved it?
6. can you say ‘no’ and stick to it in the face of criticism?
7. Would you stand by your decision and not allow other people , including those closest to you , to change it?
8. do you make a habit of finishing jobs even when the turn out to be difficult and tedious?
9. Do you like competing with people at games and sports?
10. Is it automatic to try again even when you have failure?
11. Are difficulties , problems and setbacks a challenge spurring you to further efforts?
12. do you hate being defeated by anyone or anything?
13. Have you a very clear and definite idea of what you want to do with your life?
14. Do you have a definite plan of how to achieve it?
15. Are you prepared to sacrifice part of your leisure to achieve it? Check Key score below
Key-Count five marks for every YES. a score of 70 and over is good. 60 to 70 is satisfactory. 50 to 60 may be counted fair but under 50 is not satisfactory
Give with Love and Compassion
Charity need not only be monetary. It can be a giving of our time, talent, knowledge, love or compassion. It is said that the great Ramanujacharya’s Gurur gave him the mantra ‘Sreemate narayanaya Namah” saying “ If you chant this with sincerity and faith you will go to heaven. I do not give this mantra to everyone because they are not qualified. “Sir Ramanujaacharya asked. “What will happen if I give it to them?’ The Guru said. “You will go to hell”. As the story goes. Ramanujacharya went straight to the village, called lots of people together and asked them to chant the mantra. When the Guru heard of this , he took him to task. Ramanujachaya replied. “I know I will go to hell, but all those who are chanting will go to heaven. So what does it matter?” That is genuine giving , out of love and compassion.

Quote from The Essence of the Gita
In the second chapter of the Gita , Sri Krishna not only taught Self-knowledge, he also tired to persuade Arjuna in an ordinary way. Sri Krishna told him, “You will lose your reputation. People will call you a coward and insult you. It is better to die rather than to face all this. “Failing to realize the value of this , people often become critical and say, ‘What rubbish has Sri Krishna out of fear of public criticism?” No, it does not mean that. If we try to understand properly, we shall see that even these words of Krishna have deep import.
We see that those who are adored by people have some special quality in them. If they have no quality worth the name, the name, the adoration of the masses doesn’t last long. Good work always elicits praise from people in general, though they may not understand clearly the worker’s noble attitude behind it. Even illiterate ignorant people can judge for themselves the good and bad qualities of a person. This is because God dwells in all beings , and it is due to His power that every person has the natural capacity to distinguish between good and evil.
Knowledge is a treasure , but practice is the key to it.

I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision India won against Bangladesh India beats Ireland 210 to 207, Irland won over England 327/8 to 329/7 , in epl west broom 7 , wolves 10 , (spot goal29)www.samratvision.com .log on as you@samartvision.com get a lucky charm email observe weekly wisdom with illustration/.

Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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