Monday 13-September- 2010
How to Enjoy Your Leisure
There are some people who are bored by leisure, It seems to them a waste of time.
While others work to live, they live to work and for work. The prospect of retirement fills them with fear and when it inescapable comes, they frequently crack up, simply because they have no idea how to use their leisure. There are others for whom leisure could become a real problem.
Do you get the fullest benefit from your leisure? Do you know how to use it properly?
There are certain simple principles whereby we can make much fuller and more profitable use of our leisure and thy are well worth mastering.
1. Have the firth idea about leisure;
It is important that our attitude towards leisure should be sensible and realistic. Work and leisure are part of the essential rhythm of life and we must accept that basic idea and then make provision for it.
For example some people seem to feel guilty about being found ‘off duty’. Of course, there are the professional work-dodgers whose policy is always to do as little as possible with the least effort to themselves.
But if we are to work effectively, we need leisure. Henry Ford is reputed to have laid that the Model ’A’ Ford would have been in production six months earlier if only he and insisted that his engineers had not worked on Sunday’s! This is simply an indication that working seven days a week made them less effective. A rest day would have restored them and increased their powers of concentration. They worked longer hours but less effectively.
So, let us recognize the apart which leisure has to play in a full life and to see what wrong it is to say that we have no time for rest , relaxation and leisure.
2.Plan to leisure;
Having recognized its importance, we must make definite and systematic provision for leisure. Some jobs make this more difficult than others. A doctor, for example, is liable to be called upon at any time . But this is no reason for not making provision for leisure indeed, a planning of a more careful provisions is all the more necessary.
Planning ahead for a particular occasion and kind of leisure has the effect of giving us some thing to look forward to and this can provide not only an enjoyable time when it arrives but gives that pleasurable anticipation which can have the effect of encouraging us and inspiring us in the midst of what may be other wise unpleasant and difficult tasks.
This is not necessarily to say that leisure time must always be at a precisely arrange time. Of course, for some occasions, it will need to be-theaters and cinemas do not arrange their programmes to suit our whims-but if our job allows it, it is a good thing sometimes to give ourselves an unscheduled break. Depending on circumstances, this may be to slip out for a cup of coffee or to have a half-day off.
3.Be active and creative.
The research why many people are bored with leisure time in that they equate it with idleness . Of course, there an be a place ever for this but it will be the rare occasion , the exception.
A morning in bed or even a cup of tea in bed, ma some times be the very luxury and relaxation we need. But generally speaking , leisure time Is not meant to be sent just moving round the house, unshaven and half-dressed. We need occupation of a positive kind.
Obviously, the exact activities in which we shall engage will very according to individuals. Indeed, once for the interesting things about leisure is the way it often enables us to find ourselves and to develop our real interests.
There is great room for experiment but some kind of creative work is worth trying. It is amazing, for example, the numbers of people who quite late in life have found a capacity to paint or draw and have found immense pleasure and pace in this occupation.
4.Learn to take leisure lightly
It may well be that part of your leisure time you will wish to spend in some serious pursuit-perhaps learning a language so that you can enjoy a holiday abroad more fully or taking some courses which will help you to improve your job.
Such a purpose will, of course, need regular and earnest application. But, in terms of sheer enjoyment, it is a god thing to have leisure time occupation where you do not need to take yourself so seriously.
For example , a game should be a game, but some people make every game a battle! They play as though their very life depended upon it. If it is a game such as bride, they probably make the whole exercise a miserly to their partner-unless he or she happened to be of the same dedicated type!
This same ability not to take oneself too seriously applies also to the kind of creative activity mentioned earlier. If you develop a pleasing skill in some art, all well and good. But do not be too much of a perfectionist. Do not be disappointed and frustrated because your results lack the mark of the professionals craftsman.
Determine not to spoil your pleasures by taking thing too seriously. There is great satisfaction of doing merely as a hobby.
5.Bring variety into you leisure.
To do the same things at the same time week in week out, year in year out is defeating one of the purposes that well spent leisure has-to bring freedom and spontaneity into our life.
Forms of Vinayaka In Different Countries of The world
The last that images of vianyaka (Ganesh), are found outside Indian culture has spread far and wide. Vianayaka is a very popular figure throughout Nepal, Chinese Turkistan, Tibet, Myanmar, Thiland , Indo-China, Java, bali, Norneo,China and Japan practically in the whole of East Asia.
Buddhist and Jains also claim Vianyaka as their God. He was known to the Chinese as well as to the Japanese under two forms one similar to that obtaining in India and the other (double form) two elephant-faced deities (male part and female counterpart) Japanese associated them with romance besides good luck. They call him Kangi-ten, double ganesha . In China He is seen in a rock-cut temple of King-hsein (531 A.D)
In Nepal Vianyak is seen with five faces, all that of elephants. The Javanese conception of Ganehsa in his sitting position is; He is calm. His calmness represents a man in ”Samadhi”
Generally Ganapati is enshrined in small temples and is given a prominent seat at the entrae of temles. But there is a vary big temple mainly dedicated to Him in Pillalaratti near Karaikudi in Tamil Nadu
If you goto sislam in Andhra Pradesh , you can see Vinayak playng a flute just like Krishna-Courtesy Sankara and Shanmata and “Tapovana Prasad”
No gift is more precious then a good advice.
Man’s suffering seems from his own inner attitude towards the outward happenings.
Yesterday is not for you, do it now
If you have hard work to do , do it now. Today the skies are clear and blue. Tomorrow clouds may come in view. Yesterday is not for you. Do it now. If you have a smile to show, show it now. Make harts happy . Let the friends around you know, the love you have for them; show it now. Prakash J . Shah
Everyone wants to succeed in life. Many of us say; “I want to succeed in my life”, Well, it is the expression of a desire to succeed in life. Having a desire is most important. But the desire alone cannot lead on to success. You must set a Goal.
Your ideas must be reinforced by setting a goal and you must prepare a plan to achieve it. Everything we see in the world around began as an idea in somebody’s mind.
A goal is an objective you want to achieve. A plain is a specific way of reaching the goal. Both the goal and plan are ideas in your mind.
You must clearly know what exactly you want. Without knowing the destination there is no use of proceeding on a journey.
There are many goals including money goals in everyone’s life. Thus you must be clear in selecting a realistic goal; it is better to set a goal as; Primary goal, intermediary goal and the goal of your life.
Before you select a goal you should know what talents you possess? What are your assets and strong points. Possibly you may have several talents. Select one in which you can excel.
On knowing and assessing your talents, you should look for an opportunity and find a way to utilise it. By constant effort you can even create an opportunity and work with imagination to achieve your goal.
To know your potential strength, you need to talk to your wise friends and take stock of your abilities and road blocks.
You must discipline your abilities for maximum usefulness to the maximum for a lasting success. The greatest undiscovered resources in the world lies under one’s hat and stands in one’s shoes.
Do not think either you goals or your plans to achieve them as unalterable. Goals are made to be shifted and plans are made to be changed.
While we are discussing about success through goal setting , our mind murmurs about “LUCK”.
Yes ,luck is found at a point where preparation meets opportunity.
Set your goal right now, work with imagination and make your life radiant with success.
(abridged) Courtesy ; Hypnotique)
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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