Monday 7–June- 2010
How To Relax Our Mind?
A mind filled with tension and unhappiness leads to negative thoughts. Such a mind creates problems to oneself and others.
In contrast, a mind which is relaxed and happy comes from positive thoughts. Transforming negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Is the hall mark of wisdom. It is well illustrated by Gautam Buddha, in an anecdote.
Once Buddha was addressing a large gathering of disciples. During the discourse , one person, out of jealousy, abused Buddha. Buddha Lovingly replied. “People are waiting to listen to my discourse in the neighboring village; please do come tomorrow. “
The man was astonished. He asked Buddha, “Are you not hurt by my harsh words?’ Buddha replied, “ In order to hurt me, you should have met me before my Enlightenment. Just as fire loses its potency when it comes into contact with water, your words, even though full of fury, lost their sharpness when they are hurled at me now”.
This is the positive thought center one has to awaken Before Buddha’s Enlightenment everything and everybody hurt him. But after he attained illumination the negative thought center has changed completely. There is yet another story that inspires us into a different thought process.
Once a father felt disturbed when his son made noise. He thought of method to calm his son. He tore a world map into piece and asked his son to join them. To his surprises , the son came back with the world map neatly pasted, in a few minutes. “How did you do this?’ asked the father. The son replied, “ Behind the world map, there was a picture of a man and I could join them easily”. Here the father who was not aware of son’s potential was finally led to find it. It is an awakening for the father that he could channalise his son’s energy and intelligence for a positive cause.
Let us change ourselves. The world will change by itself. At the same time, let us not get lost in changing only ourselves and forget to include others in our growth. We live in an “ I and You” world.
Think over on the following .
To a question, “Who is flying the kite”?
A boy replies. ‘I am flying the kite.”
The tail of the kite says, “ I am flying the kite”
The string says, “ I am flying the kite.”
Voice of the Lord said, “Oh! Children . We are flying the kite”.
Hence , the Vedic prayer says, “Let us all be Enlightened”.
We can relax in the world only when we teach ourselves and others to strengthen our strengths and weaken our weakness.
Whatever be our weakness, if we identify it , the negative thought centre in us will lose its grip on us.
Life is both fair and unfair. Learn to be a good finder. Studies show that happy people are good finder and also have the courage to counter unfairness.
Let our goodness come from our strengths, not from weakness.
How To Overcome Worry
Happiness is the goal of every human being. But many find that they are often troubled worry. “What shall I do if this happens?” How can I manage to deal with that?” The thought of meeting him terrifies me”. These are some thoughts that chase the mind of the victim of worry.
As long as we continue to worry, happiness escapes. If we continues to worry, happiness escapes. If we are worried, it shows in our face. People shun those who are worried with their won problems.
When you are worried to face a situation. “Be prepared for the worst that can possibly happen” and then improve on the worst. You can improve on the worst by analyzing the facts and arriving at a decision to act on it.
Suppose you are a young person employed in a job you do not like. Besides being unhappy, you are worried about your future. You are free to leave the job and try your best to secure another job.
If you stay where you are, you save yourself the trouble of looking for another job but you must suffer a life of dissatisfaction. If you move, you stand a chance of getting into a satisfying job with better prospects.
The advice that one should change his job is more suited to a younger man. The older man, with the best part of his working life behind him, may not be able to start again at the bottom in something new. Even though he dislikes the job, he must stick to it. Where this is the case, the problem can still be solved by changing the attitude.
There are many such problems in human relations that can be solved by seeing them in a different perspective. Worries caused by misunderstandings between friends, workers and managements, husbands and wives can all be overcome in this way.
“Getting it of your chest” is another method . Pouring our troubles into the ear of a sympathetic listener is a sound method. The pity of it is that there are not more people willing to listen . when we consult a psychologist, he acts as a sympathetic listen in a professional way. But anyone who is sympathetic to care and listen is performing psychotherapy for the troubled person.
In certain cases, where a frustrating situation cannot be altered, one needs to compensate for the frustration. This means that one should seek to achieve success in other aspects of life. Then the lack of success in the frustrating aspect will not matter much.
For example, a person who is frustrated by distasteful work which he cannot leave, might turn his attention to cultivating adequate social life, sports or recreation and so on.
When we cannot change the worrying situation, let us avoid it as much as possible. Do not think about your unpleasant work when you are away from it. If an unpleasant task lies ahead required to do it. Do not attempt to do today what must wait until tomorrow. Be content to live one day at a time.
As self is the root cause of all strife and suffering so love s the root cause of all peace and bliss.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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