Monday 29–May- 2010
Formula For Sure Success
M.S.Sundara Rajan
Chairman & Managing Director Indian Bank
Could their be a formula for success? Yes, There is. Before that, we must see what is success or who is a successful person? The answer could very depending upon the type of person to whom you are asking the question.
For a student, it could be a pass from one class to other. For a businessman it could be to make huge profits etc. those success on the material plane are limited, momentary and again depend on variety of factors. If you approach these so called successful people and ask for the secret so success, they will have different stories to tell about their failures or shortcomings. But for me, the ultimate successful person in life is one who is always happy and contended in life
Some of your may ask what is it that stand in the way between us and happiness? In other words why are we so much miserable? The answer is simple –it is our self-centeredness.
We live in an age where we are getting progressively more self-centered. Whether it is at home, school , college, office or in interactions with friends. Relatives, we tend to think more about what we are getting . In all relationships, we are only more bothered about how much the other person is doing or not doing. The result? Breakdowns in relationships, frustration at the workplace-a definite recipe for misery.
We may not know when selfish attitude becomes a predominant trait and influences our personality. Perhaps it could be even without our awareness. This is why it is very important to make a conscious effort to deal within. But how?.
The answer is only by an “attitude of service”. As it is much more than actual service. I am afraid, when you hear the word “service” you may think, in the process of serving people , you will be deprived of all your possessions and little enjoyments. But the first and last beneficiary count of such an attitude is only You. When we deal in the world with an attitude or spirit of service, we think about what we can give in any interaction rather than what we can gain from it.
This attitude can be cultivated and comes out of an awareness of all that we have been blessed with. When you realize what you have been given, unasked and unexpected, you realize how important it is to give back.
When you begin to function out of an attitude of service, you begin thinking of what you can give. And strangely, you would end up benefiting the most.
The benefit that comes out of service is a sense of inner peace. It comes out of the satisfaction of doing whatever you can for the common good of the people. The society improves as a result of your service. A little effort of yours can go a long way in helping others. And the most important benefit is that it helps you progress on the spiritual path by overcoming your selfishness, bit by bit, . It makes you more humane towards the environment and people around you.
The whole world will stand up and say” Here is a successful person” because he has fulfilled the purpose of human life.
Little Drops of Water
Little drops of water, little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land.
So the little minutes , humble though they be
Make the mighty ages of eternity.
Mind Your Word
A careless word may kindle strife
A cruel word may were a life
A timely word may level stress
A loving word may heal and bless
Deceit and quarreling will end in suffering
The obstacle in our path
A king had a wooden log placed on a roadway. Then he bid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge log. Many people came by and loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none of them tried to remove it out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. He laid down his load and moved the log out of the way. Below the log the noticed a purse lying which contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the log. The peasant learned what many others never understand. Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one’s condition
Quote from True Religion Always Help
Youth is a very exciting time. Many people want, if possible, to stay young and vigorous all their life. And there are charlatans who tell you through laugh advertisement that they can enable you to stay young always either through yoga or though estrogen or progesterone treatments . it requires a considerable amount of stupidity to go in for eternal youth. They become the most pitiable of creatures who, though their youth is gone, want to give the impression that they are blossoms of early morning. They have somehow missed the dignity and purpose of life.
It is not in the shame of nature that anyone should always remain young. At a particular age the skin should wrinkle and the nerves grow weak and this is nothing to be ashamed of or worried about. It is the law of nature that it takes a morning, and afternoon, and evening and a night to make a full day. And every part of the day has its own value, purpose and beauty. The evening is not necessarily less beautiful than the morning.
Undoubtedly, youth a beauty of its own. Its beauty is the beauty and spiritual potential, whereas the beauty of advancing and old age is the beauty of serenity attained though experience ; it is the beauty of growth in mind and spirit which is far superior to the beauty of mere flesh. Those shoe have been nurtured in religion from childhood, manifest with advancing age a power and a glow child is hardly ever seen in youth. Where others feel frustration, boredom and disgust in old age, those who practice spiritual disciplines experience sweetness and joy in spite of their falling body. Through spiritual discipline they have come to experience in the depths of their being an awareness of the ineffable . Spiritual joy far outweighs the loss of physical pleasure.
The real man is not the body. He is not the mind. He is the Atman. Only religion brings one this awareness in vivid experience. With this plenary experience one becomes a liberated soul. Such a soul experience unalloyed bliss and happiness . One radiant peace, light and sweetness.
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I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
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All About 7th Haven
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
What I Learnt From Life
Monday 22–May- 2010
What I Learnt From Life
Oscar Wilde, master of sparkling prose and ever lasting witty poems once said that Experience is the name we give to our mistakes. The man who boasts of having the richest experience might be the one who has made the largest number of mistakes.
There are times when a small crisis appears terrible but then by the same time next day, it has lost its dimension and a little later, it has faded into memory. How much would it help us to take life’s problems with equanimity, if only we could remember the words of and old song “What would it matter, a ten years from now?’
I have learnt that human life is a difficult riddle to solve. Good people suffer, the evil ones thrive. A long time ago, in Israel, and old man sat writing a book into which he poured out al his wisdom. In lines of memorable prose he wrote: “The race is to the swift, nor the battle to the strong”.
What does this mean? As I understand it, it means that things happen to each one of us, which have no relationship to our birth or intelligence or any other qualities. So we see the not infrequent instances of very bright young men under employed or sometimes unemployed, the not-so-bright ones in positions of power and prestige. I have therefore learnt that in the interests of our own health we should not compare ourselves with those who are better off than us but count our own blessings and be grateful to God.
Think of this famous Arabian proverb which can restore sanity to the troubled world. “I had no shoes and I murmured until I met a man who had no feet.”
Speak To Everyone Kindly Lovingly, Gently
Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher was in deathbed. His near and dear ones surrounded his bed. Weakly, he whispered. “Can you see what is in my mouth?’
The old philosopher has lost al his teeth. So they replied, “We only seethe tongue”.
After a while , Confucius asked them “What is in your mouth?”
“We have both our tongues and teeth”, they answered.
The wise old man then told them, “When man is born, he is born only with a tongue. The teeth come in gradually. They are harder and stronger than the tongue! But as man grows older, his hard, strong teeth drop off gradually. Only the tongue, soft and gentle , lasts till the end”.
The dying philosopher paused for breath and told. This is my last message to you, my dear ones that which is gentle lasts. Therefore, always speak to everyone kindly, lovingly, gently!”
Irritable Bowel Syndrome? IBS?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common chronic health disorder in America, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, affecting more people than asthma, diabetes, and depression combined. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a physical - not psychological - disorder that affects mainly the bowel, which is also called the large intestine. The bowel is the part of the digestive system that makes and stores stool. IBS is characterized by its symptoms: lower abdominal pain or discomfort, diarrhea, constipation (or alternating diarrhea/constipation), gas, bloating, and nausea. There is no cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but there are many very effective ways of controlling and even eliminating IBS symptoms.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not a disease. It's a functional disorder, which means that the bowel simply does not work as it should. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is characterized as a brain-gut dysfunction.
Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome - What Are IBS Symptoms?
It's important to verify that your symptoms match those of IBS before you accept this diagnosis. As noted, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is characterized by its symptoms: continuous or recurrent lower abdominal pain or cramping (from mild to excruciating) in association with altered bowel motility (diarrhea, constipation, or both). Attacks may strike suddenly at any time of day or night, and may occasionally - though not typically - wake you from a sound sleep. Gas and bloating are common, but vomiting isn't, though it can occur due to nausea from the pain. Upper GI symptoms are not a typical part of the syndrome. For women, attacks are often associated with menstruation. Passing blood, running a fever, swollen extremities, and joint pain are not symptoms of IBS, and point to other disorders. IBS is diagnosed in part by the use of the official diagnostic criteria known as the Rome Guidelines.
What Symptoms and Diseases Need to Be Ruled Out For an IBS Diagnosis?
In essence, the diagnosis of IBS is a process of exclusion. There is no medical test available that will be positive for IBS; instead, your doctor will test you for all other illnesses that can mimic IBS symptoms, and if those tests are negative, and if your symptoms fit the Rome Guidelines for Diagnosis, you'll then be diagnosed with IBS. In particular, it's important that the following diseases are excluded before you accept a diagnosis of IBS:
Quote from True Religion Always Help
We are aware that in some countries , by some governments, experiments are being made on purely materialistic and atheistic lines to bring about ‘progress’. The first thing to remember about these experiments is that these are experiments . the time is not yet ripe to assess their full effectiveness in regard to all-round human progress. The second thing about these experiments is though officially religion is eschewed in governmental endeavors, no power on earth can take away religion-which is a matter of heart and soul-from the common man. In other words, purely materialistic or atheistic endeavors for progress do not result in progress at all, and if they do it will be found that at some level of national life, overtly or covertly, religion or the essential inspiration of religion, get mixed into the stream. Therefore-even if a government may not encourage the pursuit of, or even so much as acknowledge the existence of religion-to the reckoning of the total effect of national endeavor, factually one cannot leave out of consideration the contributory effect or religion.
Some others feel religion is not practical they want religion to prove its credentials by successfully implementing their projects. They ask, what good is religion if it does not help them in their business? At a certain stage of development some persons do not know how to put any more intelligent questions. This question, however, need not be sneered at. And to us another question arises; what exactly is our business when we take the whole of life at all levels into consideration?
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-Epl Manunited 10,liv pool 9,everton 10, in Indian league mu 9,10(4) SIGNUP HERE AS in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals
What I Learnt From Life
Oscar Wilde, master of sparkling prose and ever lasting witty poems once said that Experience is the name we give to our mistakes. The man who boasts of having the richest experience might be the one who has made the largest number of mistakes.
There are times when a small crisis appears terrible but then by the same time next day, it has lost its dimension and a little later, it has faded into memory. How much would it help us to take life’s problems with equanimity, if only we could remember the words of and old song “What would it matter, a ten years from now?’
I have learnt that human life is a difficult riddle to solve. Good people suffer, the evil ones thrive. A long time ago, in Israel, and old man sat writing a book into which he poured out al his wisdom. In lines of memorable prose he wrote: “The race is to the swift, nor the battle to the strong”.
What does this mean? As I understand it, it means that things happen to each one of us, which have no relationship to our birth or intelligence or any other qualities. So we see the not infrequent instances of very bright young men under employed or sometimes unemployed, the not-so-bright ones in positions of power and prestige. I have therefore learnt that in the interests of our own health we should not compare ourselves with those who are better off than us but count our own blessings and be grateful to God.
Think of this famous Arabian proverb which can restore sanity to the troubled world. “I had no shoes and I murmured until I met a man who had no feet.”
Speak To Everyone Kindly Lovingly, Gently
Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher was in deathbed. His near and dear ones surrounded his bed. Weakly, he whispered. “Can you see what is in my mouth?’
The old philosopher has lost al his teeth. So they replied, “We only seethe tongue”.
After a while , Confucius asked them “What is in your mouth?”
“We have both our tongues and teeth”, they answered.
The wise old man then told them, “When man is born, he is born only with a tongue. The teeth come in gradually. They are harder and stronger than the tongue! But as man grows older, his hard, strong teeth drop off gradually. Only the tongue, soft and gentle , lasts till the end”.
The dying philosopher paused for breath and told. This is my last message to you, my dear ones that which is gentle lasts. Therefore, always speak to everyone kindly, lovingly, gently!”
Irritable Bowel Syndrome? IBS?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common chronic health disorder in America, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, affecting more people than asthma, diabetes, and depression combined. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a physical - not psychological - disorder that affects mainly the bowel, which is also called the large intestine. The bowel is the part of the digestive system that makes and stores stool. IBS is characterized by its symptoms: lower abdominal pain or discomfort, diarrhea, constipation (or alternating diarrhea/constipation), gas, bloating, and nausea. There is no cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but there are many very effective ways of controlling and even eliminating IBS symptoms.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not a disease. It's a functional disorder, which means that the bowel simply does not work as it should. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is characterized as a brain-gut dysfunction.
Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome - What Are IBS Symptoms?
It's important to verify that your symptoms match those of IBS before you accept this diagnosis. As noted, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is characterized by its symptoms: continuous or recurrent lower abdominal pain or cramping (from mild to excruciating) in association with altered bowel motility (diarrhea, constipation, or both). Attacks may strike suddenly at any time of day or night, and may occasionally - though not typically - wake you from a sound sleep. Gas and bloating are common, but vomiting isn't, though it can occur due to nausea from the pain. Upper GI symptoms are not a typical part of the syndrome. For women, attacks are often associated with menstruation. Passing blood, running a fever, swollen extremities, and joint pain are not symptoms of IBS, and point to other disorders. IBS is diagnosed in part by the use of the official diagnostic criteria known as the Rome Guidelines.
What Symptoms and Diseases Need to Be Ruled Out For an IBS Diagnosis?
In essence, the diagnosis of IBS is a process of exclusion. There is no medical test available that will be positive for IBS; instead, your doctor will test you for all other illnesses that can mimic IBS symptoms, and if those tests are negative, and if your symptoms fit the Rome Guidelines for Diagnosis, you'll then be diagnosed with IBS. In particular, it's important that the following diseases are excluded before you accept a diagnosis of IBS:
Quote from True Religion Always Help
We are aware that in some countries , by some governments, experiments are being made on purely materialistic and atheistic lines to bring about ‘progress’. The first thing to remember about these experiments is that these are experiments . the time is not yet ripe to assess their full effectiveness in regard to all-round human progress. The second thing about these experiments is though officially religion is eschewed in governmental endeavors, no power on earth can take away religion-which is a matter of heart and soul-from the common man. In other words, purely materialistic or atheistic endeavors for progress do not result in progress at all, and if they do it will be found that at some level of national life, overtly or covertly, religion or the essential inspiration of religion, get mixed into the stream. Therefore-even if a government may not encourage the pursuit of, or even so much as acknowledge the existence of religion-to the reckoning of the total effect of national endeavor, factually one cannot leave out of consideration the contributory effect or religion.
Some others feel religion is not practical they want religion to prove its credentials by successfully implementing their projects. They ask, what good is religion if it does not help them in their business? At a certain stage of development some persons do not know how to put any more intelligent questions. This question, however, need not be sneered at. And to us another question arises; what exactly is our business when we take the whole of life at all levels into consideration?
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-Epl Manunited 10,liv pool 9,everton 10, in Indian league mu 9,10(4) SIGNUP HERE AS in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals
Sunday, March 14, 2010
On Being Beautiful
Monday 15 –May- 2010
On Being Beautiful
I read that Ponce de Le’on once searched for the Fountain of Youth and Beauty in Florida. But you will never find true beauty anywhere in the world as easily as you will find it in your own backyard; or more specifically, inside yourself.
If you are resentful, full of hatred, envy, jealousy, and conceit, chances are you will look ugly to others and to yourself even if you are physically attractive. External beauty is important, and we should try to be physically attractive as long as possible. Still young people must learn to realize that inner beauty is far more important than external beauty, because we get older whether we like it or not, but inner beauty can stay with us even at an advanced age.
What is inner beauty? Sharing your happiness and good fortune with others; accepting yourself for what you are, not trying to be someone else; forgiving others and yourself for errors that happened yesterday; seeing the good in yourself and in others and adjusting yourself to realities; longing for the better ‘you’ inside yourself and inside others and searching everyday for self-respect and the respect of others. These are the qualities that will give you everlasting inner beauty that will make you feel more beautiful and look more beautiful. This is the kind of beauty anyone can achieve at any age.
Today’s Determination
The way you view the day ahead on getting up in the morning has very much to do with your chances of success and happiness. So start right now with the following determinations:
A new day lies before me. I may be happy or miserable but I shall choose the former.
Regardless of the circumstances. I see myself relaxed at all times, to overcome all difficulties.
Today I shall make it a point to be cheerful, looking for the pleasant and beautiful, to be thankful for the countless benefits and comfortable living.
Today I resolve to live it with zeal, and to make it pleasurable for myself and others.
I determine to meet today’s problems as a challenge. I take up my responsibilities with cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
Think and Talk about good things.
When you talk about your troubles, your ailments, your diseases, your hurts, you give longer life to what makes you unhappy. Talking about your grievances merely adds to those grievances. Think and talk only about the good things that add to your enjoyment of your work and life. If you don’t talk about your grievances, you will be delighted to find them disappearing.
The most unhappy of all men is he who believes himself to be so.
We always respect the opinion of others when it helps to affirm ours.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step
Bring all forces of good together –Swami Vivekananda
Be noble in every thought and every deed.
The victories of truth have never been won without risks
Look before you leap , see before you go.
Always Laugh
Always laugh when you can; it is a cheap medicine. Merriment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence.
The quote from True Religion always Help
These teachings to the entrant into worldly life emphasize the solemn duty of raising a family, caring for one’s welfare and consciousness. These in fact cover the normal urges and duties of a human being for enjoyment and advancement in this world, which, for fulfillment. Must be pursued according to the percepts of true religion.
Now to meet the requirement of life in the world we need to earn money. And in this too, religion is our friend. Even today honesty is the best policy in the world. He who earns his bread policy in the world. He who earns his bread through honest labour may not amass huge wealth, but he will not be dogged by anxiety and feat of exposure. He will have an inner strength which cannot be purchased with money. Those who earn cheap money, unrighteous money, not only constantly face the risk of exposure, but before they realize it, the money itself may have vanished end all further avenues of earning closed to them .
A man with a sense of hounour and dignity knows the at it is the man who makes the money not money the man. And this sense of dignity is more abiding if it springs from religion.
One without such a background thinks that it is money that makes the man and hence will do anything for money. All such will eventually suffer.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-Epl Manunited 10,9 scored, sunderland(17) Knite rider won by 7 wicked F1 no 7 won a podium, totnham 9 scored two goals, Have a lucky charm in the form of an email ID SIGNUP HERE AS in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals
On Being Beautiful
I read that Ponce de Le’on once searched for the Fountain of Youth and Beauty in Florida. But you will never find true beauty anywhere in the world as easily as you will find it in your own backyard; or more specifically, inside yourself.
If you are resentful, full of hatred, envy, jealousy, and conceit, chances are you will look ugly to others and to yourself even if you are physically attractive. External beauty is important, and we should try to be physically attractive as long as possible. Still young people must learn to realize that inner beauty is far more important than external beauty, because we get older whether we like it or not, but inner beauty can stay with us even at an advanced age.
What is inner beauty? Sharing your happiness and good fortune with others; accepting yourself for what you are, not trying to be someone else; forgiving others and yourself for errors that happened yesterday; seeing the good in yourself and in others and adjusting yourself to realities; longing for the better ‘you’ inside yourself and inside others and searching everyday for self-respect and the respect of others. These are the qualities that will give you everlasting inner beauty that will make you feel more beautiful and look more beautiful. This is the kind of beauty anyone can achieve at any age.
Today’s Determination
The way you view the day ahead on getting up in the morning has very much to do with your chances of success and happiness. So start right now with the following determinations:
A new day lies before me. I may be happy or miserable but I shall choose the former.
Regardless of the circumstances. I see myself relaxed at all times, to overcome all difficulties.
Today I shall make it a point to be cheerful, looking for the pleasant and beautiful, to be thankful for the countless benefits and comfortable living.
Today I resolve to live it with zeal, and to make it pleasurable for myself and others.
I determine to meet today’s problems as a challenge. I take up my responsibilities with cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
Think and Talk about good things.
When you talk about your troubles, your ailments, your diseases, your hurts, you give longer life to what makes you unhappy. Talking about your grievances merely adds to those grievances. Think and talk only about the good things that add to your enjoyment of your work and life. If you don’t talk about your grievances, you will be delighted to find them disappearing.
The most unhappy of all men is he who believes himself to be so.
We always respect the opinion of others when it helps to affirm ours.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step
Bring all forces of good together –Swami Vivekananda
Be noble in every thought and every deed.
The victories of truth have never been won without risks
Look before you leap , see before you go.
Always Laugh
Always laugh when you can; it is a cheap medicine. Merriment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence.
The quote from True Religion always Help
These teachings to the entrant into worldly life emphasize the solemn duty of raising a family, caring for one’s welfare and consciousness. These in fact cover the normal urges and duties of a human being for enjoyment and advancement in this world, which, for fulfillment. Must be pursued according to the percepts of true religion.
Now to meet the requirement of life in the world we need to earn money. And in this too, religion is our friend. Even today honesty is the best policy in the world. He who earns his bread policy in the world. He who earns his bread through honest labour may not amass huge wealth, but he will not be dogged by anxiety and feat of exposure. He will have an inner strength which cannot be purchased with money. Those who earn cheap money, unrighteous money, not only constantly face the risk of exposure, but before they realize it, the money itself may have vanished end all further avenues of earning closed to them .
A man with a sense of hounour and dignity knows the at it is the man who makes the money not money the man. And this sense of dignity is more abiding if it springs from religion.
One without such a background thinks that it is money that makes the man and hence will do anything for money. All such will eventually suffer.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-Epl Manunited 10,9 scored, sunderland(17) Knite rider won by 7 wicked F1 no 7 won a podium, totnham 9 scored two goals, Have a lucky charm in the form of an email ID SIGNUP HERE AS in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Acquire Emotional Intelligence
Monday 8 –May- 2010
Acquire Emotional Intelligence
All of us fight or argue with our brothers, sisters, friends, parents and life partners too. We may find ourselves in a similar situation at our place of work. Sometimes such an embarrassing situation is intentional, and sometimes unintentional . However controlled we are, everyone’s emotions go hay wire from time to time and force us to behave in undesirable ways. But we can actually train our brain to keep our emotions at bay. What we need is a boost in our emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) It helps us measure our ability to identify, assess, and mange our emotions as well as others’. If we are able to achieve it, we can understand ourselves better and care for ourselves and enjoy happier and healthier relationships, Most of the time we lay the blame at someone else’s door; instead, we should try to re-align our feelings and emotions. This would certainly boost our feel-good quotient.
When we accost people, we frequently ask questions out of habit without really caring about the answer. As we speed by people we ask questions such as “How are you?” ”How is it going?” etc. We wont even wait or pause a moment for an answer. Instead , we must hone our empathetic skills by asking a question you want to know the answer to. When we ask, we must look the other person in the eye and wait for a reply . The other person will certainly feel that you are genuinely interested , and will answer promptly and will also perhaps ask how you’re doing. The result is you will develop more satisfying relationships with those around you.
In our day-to-day lives we find ourselves in situations that really upset us. The irritant may be close to us or a vendor in market. According to Maurice Jesse Elias, a psychologist who coauthored Educating People to be Emotionally intelligent, we must take time to reflect on why and on how we reacted and then work on concrete ways to stay calm. First we notice our voice goes up when our temper flares. So we should try to drop it from’ out of control’ to ‘upset’ level and ‘absolutely under control’ level. If we do so, we can control ourselves. We can achieve this with practice. The easiest way is to be observant of people around us in different tight spots and their reaction. Certainly, this teaches us invaluable lessons as to how we should be or, shouldn’t be.
So try to be ‘emotionally efficient.
Mind cannot practice not to do; it can only practice what to do.
One object of Concentration
If you learn how to withdraw your attention from all objects of distraction and to place it upon one object of concentration, you too will know how to attract at will whatever you need. Pramhansa Yogananda
God Does Not Reward Or Punish You
God does not reward or punish you. He has given you the power to reward or punish yourselves by the use or misuse of your own reason and will power. If you transgress the laws of health, prosperity, and wisdom you must inevitably suffer from sickness, poverty, and ignorance.
The cultured give happiness wherever they go; the uncultured, whenever they go!
Old age comes with the passage of time. Maturity comes by deep reflection.
Sing the song of the secular to the sruti of the sacred and bring out the melody of life
Melancholy is the language of delusion. Joy is the music of truth.
Each day comes bearing its gifts. Unite the ribbons.
A Reminder From God
I was regretting the past and fearing the future. Suddenly , I heard God speaking. “My name is “I AM’. He paused . I waited. He continued, “When you live in the past with its mistakes and regrets, it is hard for you because I am not there. My name is not “I WAS’.
“When you live in the future with its unknowns and fears, it is hard for you because I am not there. My name is not “I WILL BE’, “But when you live in this moment, it is not hard, because I am here. My name is ‘I AM”.
If money is possessed by man there is a charm
If money is posses by money there is all herm
People worship money not out of servitude but out of gratitude.
They regarded it as Goddess Lakshmi
Quite natural it is
For, money has helped them in so money ways!
Quote from True Religion always Helps
Righteousness that springs from love of God and from the yearning for continuing in His love is indestructible. This is the fountain of true religion , which expresses itself in life as truthfulness, purity, self-control, non-violence, forbearance, compassion, equanimity, detachment, other-regard , straightforwardness, and longing for liberation or enlightenment.
Whoever we may be whatever our situation in life, religion always stand by and sustains us. Not only that, if we pass away before attaining enlightenment, true religion carries over to us in the next life the merits earned by us in this life.
Religion is not eh friend of one life alone; it is our eternal friend, even in life after death.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-, epl ever ton 10 scroed two goals, kroe scored 9goals and India 9 scored a goal aginst eng in hockey world cup Have a lucky charm in the form of an email ID as (keep in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals
Acquire Emotional Intelligence
All of us fight or argue with our brothers, sisters, friends, parents and life partners too. We may find ourselves in a similar situation at our place of work. Sometimes such an embarrassing situation is intentional, and sometimes unintentional . However controlled we are, everyone’s emotions go hay wire from time to time and force us to behave in undesirable ways. But we can actually train our brain to keep our emotions at bay. What we need is a boost in our emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) It helps us measure our ability to identify, assess, and mange our emotions as well as others’. If we are able to achieve it, we can understand ourselves better and care for ourselves and enjoy happier and healthier relationships, Most of the time we lay the blame at someone else’s door; instead, we should try to re-align our feelings and emotions. This would certainly boost our feel-good quotient.
When we accost people, we frequently ask questions out of habit without really caring about the answer. As we speed by people we ask questions such as “How are you?” ”How is it going?” etc. We wont even wait or pause a moment for an answer. Instead , we must hone our empathetic skills by asking a question you want to know the answer to. When we ask, we must look the other person in the eye and wait for a reply . The other person will certainly feel that you are genuinely interested , and will answer promptly and will also perhaps ask how you’re doing. The result is you will develop more satisfying relationships with those around you.
In our day-to-day lives we find ourselves in situations that really upset us. The irritant may be close to us or a vendor in market. According to Maurice Jesse Elias, a psychologist who coauthored Educating People to be Emotionally intelligent, we must take time to reflect on why and on how we reacted and then work on concrete ways to stay calm. First we notice our voice goes up when our temper flares. So we should try to drop it from’ out of control’ to ‘upset’ level and ‘absolutely under control’ level. If we do so, we can control ourselves. We can achieve this with practice. The easiest way is to be observant of people around us in different tight spots and their reaction. Certainly, this teaches us invaluable lessons as to how we should be or, shouldn’t be.
So try to be ‘emotionally efficient.
Mind cannot practice not to do; it can only practice what to do.
One object of Concentration
If you learn how to withdraw your attention from all objects of distraction and to place it upon one object of concentration, you too will know how to attract at will whatever you need. Pramhansa Yogananda
God Does Not Reward Or Punish You
God does not reward or punish you. He has given you the power to reward or punish yourselves by the use or misuse of your own reason and will power. If you transgress the laws of health, prosperity, and wisdom you must inevitably suffer from sickness, poverty, and ignorance.
The cultured give happiness wherever they go; the uncultured, whenever they go!
Old age comes with the passage of time. Maturity comes by deep reflection.
Sing the song of the secular to the sruti of the sacred and bring out the melody of life
Melancholy is the language of delusion. Joy is the music of truth.
Each day comes bearing its gifts. Unite the ribbons.
A Reminder From God
I was regretting the past and fearing the future. Suddenly , I heard God speaking. “My name is “I AM’. He paused . I waited. He continued, “When you live in the past with its mistakes and regrets, it is hard for you because I am not there. My name is not “I WAS’.
“When you live in the future with its unknowns and fears, it is hard for you because I am not there. My name is not “I WILL BE’, “But when you live in this moment, it is not hard, because I am here. My name is ‘I AM”.
If money is possessed by man there is a charm
If money is posses by money there is all herm
People worship money not out of servitude but out of gratitude.
They regarded it as Goddess Lakshmi
Quite natural it is
For, money has helped them in so money ways!
Quote from True Religion always Helps
Righteousness that springs from love of God and from the yearning for continuing in His love is indestructible. This is the fountain of true religion , which expresses itself in life as truthfulness, purity, self-control, non-violence, forbearance, compassion, equanimity, detachment, other-regard , straightforwardness, and longing for liberation or enlightenment.
Whoever we may be whatever our situation in life, religion always stand by and sustains us. Not only that, if we pass away before attaining enlightenment, true religion carries over to us in the next life the merits earned by us in this life.
Religion is not eh friend of one life alone; it is our eternal friend, even in life after death.
I drive joy
There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 5 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive from? I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine. He asked. The critics were silenced. –Baba- Chinna Katha
Illustrated live Review/Revision-, epl ever ton 10 scroed two goals, kroe scored 9goals and India 9 scored a goal aginst eng in hockey world cup Have a lucky charm in the form of an email ID as (keep in mind its eee) use it all your emailing job deals
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