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Monday, May 27, 2024

The True Essence of Peace

 The True Essence of Peace

Once, a king sought to find the most evocative representation of peace and offered a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture encapsulating this concept. Many artists eagerly participated, submitting their finest works. After careful consideration, the king narrowed his choices down to two pictures that stood out among the rest.

The first picture depicted a serene lake, its surface so calm and clear that it mirrored the majestic mountains surrounding it. Above the lake, the sky was a flawless blue adorned with fluffy white clouds, creating an atmosphere of tranquility. Observers who gazed upon this picture unanimously agreed that it epitomized peace.


In contrast, the second picture also featured mountains, but they were rugged and imposing. The sky above was tumultuous, filled with dark, angry clouds and flashes of lightning, with rain pouring down. A roaring waterfall cascaded down the mountainside, contributing to a scene of apparent chaos. However, the king noticed a small yet significant detail that others might have overlooked: behind the waterfall, in a crevice of the rocky cliff, a tiny bush grew. In this bush, a mother bird had built her nest. Despite the tumultuous environment, the mother bird sat calmly on her nest, undisturbed by the surrounding chaos. This image conveyed a profound sense of peace.


When it came time to announce the winner, the king chose the second picture. This decision surprised many, as the first picture seemed to be the quintessential depiction of peace.


The king explained his choice, saying, "Peace does not mean being in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means being in the midst of all those things and still being calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace."


The king's selection underscored a vital lesson: true peace is not about the absence of challenges or disturbances but about maintaining inner tranquility amidst them. The mother bird, nestled serenely in her nest despite the raging waterfall and storm, symbolized this profound inner calm. The second picture, with its vivid contrast between external chaos and internal serenity, beautifully captured the essence of peace in a way that the first picture, though visually tranquil, could not.

This story reminds us that real peace comes from within. It is about finding calmness in our hearts regardless of the external circumstances. True peace is an inner state that allows us to remain composed and steady even when the world around us is turbulent and unpredictable.


The Unclaimed Authorship and Eternal Nature of the Vedas

The Vedas, ancient scriptures revered across various traditions, stand as a testament to the profound spiritual and philosophical wisdom of humanity. What makes the Vedas particularly intriguing is the fact that no one has ever claimed their authorship. In a world where people seek recognition and patents for their creations, the absence of a claimed author for the Vedas is indeed remarkable. If there had been an author, some mention would likely exist. This suggests a unique origin beyond ordinary human creation.


Another extraordinary aspect of the Vedas is their unchanging nature. Every letter, syllable, and the rhythm for chanting have remained fixed through millennia. Despite the human tendency to alter tunes, words, and patterns over time, the Vedas have been preserved in their original form. If ancient Rishis were to visit us today, they would find the Vedas exactly as they were thousands of years ago. This permanence hints at their eternal quality, suggesting they are not merely human creations but something more timeless.


The sheer size of the Vedas is another factor that sets them apart. They are vast, extending beyond imagination, and were traditionally transmitted orally, hence the term "Shruti," meaning "that which is heard." Even though many parts of the Vedas are lost, the remaining texts still require 245 hours to chant from beginning to end. The enormity of the Vedas and the meticulous oral tradition that preserved them argue against the possibility of a single human author or even a group of authors. Human consistency over such a long period is implausible, yet the Vedas have maintained coherence and unity without contradictions.


Contrary to what might be expected, the Vedas exhibit no internal contradictions despite their vastness. Superficial readings or translations without proper understanding might suggest discrepancies, but deeper study reveals a harmonious and consistent body of knowledge. This internal consistency further supports the idea of their divine origin.


The Vedas also reveal knowledge that was unknown to the world until recently. For instance, the Atharva Veda mentions seven continents, including Antarctica, which was only discovered in 1911. Such revelations point to a source of knowledge beyond the contemporary understanding of the time.


For sincere seekers of truth and knowledge, the Vedas offer a profound insight into the nature of existence and consciousness. They assert that consciousness alone is eternal and forms the essence of all being. As educators, parents, and leaders in society, it is our duty to delve into the wisdom of the Vedas, reflect upon it, and impart this knowledge to others.


The journey into Vedic wisdom begins with the realization that "Pragyanam Brahman" – consciousness is God. This infinite truth signifies that the divine consciousness, or Brahman, is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. As mentors, we must understand and convey that God is not confined to finite matter; instead, life and consciousness represent the divine essence within us.


The Vedas guide us to reflect on where this consciousness resides. Through introspection, we realize that all perceived objects are transient, and the true essence of consciousness is within our innermost self. This realization is encapsulated in the statement "Tat Tvam Asi" – "That Thou Art," highlighting the unity of individual consciousness with the universal.


Teachings from various religious texts echo this sentiment. For instance, the Bible's injunction to "Love thy neighbor as thyself" underscores the shared divine consciousness within all beings. Similarly, Islamic teachings proclaim "Ana-al-Haq" – "I am the Truth," emphasizing the divine presence within each individual.


The Vedas explain that by separating oneself from material attachments, one can experience "Ayam Atma Brahman" – "This Atman (soul) in me is Brahman." Our body and mind are mere matter, animated by the divine consciousness, or Brahman. This leads to the profound realization "Aham Brahmasmi" – "I am Consciousness."


Ultimately, this journey of self-realization reveals that all existence is interconnected, encapsulated in the phrase "Sarvam Khalvidam Brahman" – "All this is Brahman." Consciousness, being infinite, is beyond definition but can be expressed as "Sat-Chit-Ananda" – "Unchanging Truth-Consciousness-Bliss." Through righteous conduct and selfless work, we can purify and expand our minds, reconnect with this eternal truth, and harmonize with the whole of creation.


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7thheaven moment of the week  in nba dallas maverick 77 scored most in the third game, in ipl s.narani no 74 got mvp,



Sunday, May 19, 2024

Conquering Fear: A Guide to Overcoming Anxiety

  Conquering Fear: A Guide to Overcoming Anxiety

Fear, often deeply embedded in our subconscious mind, can have a profound impact on our daily lives. It can lead to withdrawal from normal activities, unexplained tension, and persistent anxiety. However, there are effective strategies to overcome fear and regain control of your life. Here are some valuable tips to help you conquer your fears:

 1. Face Your Fears Head-On

One of the most effective ways to overcome fear is to repeatedly confront the things that scare you. By exposing yourself to the source of your fear repeatedly, you gradually desensitize yourself to it. Over time, what once seemed terrifying will become manageable, and eventually, you may not fear it at all.

2. Laugh at Your Fears

Humor can be a powerful tool in diminishing fear. By making fun of your fears, you strip them of their power over you. Laugh at the absurdity of your anxieties and recognize that many fears are exaggerated or unfounded. This light-hearted approach can reduce the intensity of your fear and make it more manageable.


 3. Rely on the Law of Averages

The Law of Averages suggests that most of the things we fear will never happen. By understanding this principle, you can train yourself to think positively and realistically. Focus on the fact that the likelihood of your fears coming true is often very low. This shift in perspective can alleviate much of your anxiety.

 4. Educate Yourself About Your Fears

Knowledge is a powerful antidote to fear. By learning everything you can about what frightens you, you can demystify your fears and reduce their impact. Understanding the facts, statistics, and reality behind your fears can help you see them in a more rational light, making them less intimidating.

 5. Seek Spiritual Support

For many, faith can provide immense comfort and strength. Praying to a higher power and placing your trust in a divine presence can alleviate fear. Repeating affirmations such as, "If God is with me, who can be against me?" can bolster your confidence and provide a sense of security.

  6. Visualize Positive Outcomes

Frequently practicing visualization can be a highly effective strategy. Instead of imagining the worst-case scenarios that fuel your fear, picture the opposite. Visualize positive outcomes and focus on these images. This mental rehearsal can reprogram your mind to expect and believe in favorable results, reducing the grip of fear.

7. In conclusion

By implementing these strategies, you can take proactive steps to conquer your fears. Remember, fear is a natural part of life, but it doesn't have to control you. With persistence, humor, knowledge, faith, and positive thinking, you can overcome your anxieties and lead a more fulfilling, fearless life.


 The True Source of Happiness: Discovering Joy Within

Many of us spend our lives believing that happiness lies somewhere out in the world, tied to the fulfillment of our desires. However, this pursuit often leads to an endless cycle of fleeting joy and persistent dissatisfaction. When a desire remains unfulfilled, the mind is agitated and unhappy; when it is fulfilled, the agitation ceases, and we experience temporary happiness. This raises an intriguing question: Is happiness truly in the external objects of our desires, or is it within our own minds? Could it be that we are chasing a mirage when the real oasis lies elsewhere?

 The Four Avenues of Seeking Happiness

We typically seek happiness through four main avenues: sense contact, action, relationships, and intellectual pursuits. Let's explore each of these paths to understand their limitations and how they influence our quest for happiness.


1. Sense Contact

The joy of sensory experiences, like savoring the first mango of the season, can be intense. However, the pleasure diminishes with repeated indulgence. The initial delight is followed by a craving for more, which ultimately leads to diminished satisfaction.

2. Action

   Our actions are often driven by goals such as earning a paycheck or achieving success. While these achievements can bring temporary excitement, they can also lead to boredom and disillusionment if they lack a deeper purpose. Finding a higher goal or purpose can reignite the enthusiasm and joy we felt as children.

3. Relationships

   Emotional connections can provide profound fulfillment, making physical discomforts seem insignificant. Yet, relationships can also become sources of frustration and disappointment. Often, we blame our partners for our dissatisfaction, but it is our own attitudes and expectations that may need adjustment.

4. Intellectual Pursuits

   Intellectual achievements can offer deep and lasting satisfaction. The joy derived from intellectual discoveries or accolades, such as a Nobel Prize, often surpasses physical and emotional pleasures. However, the quest for knowledge is unending. As Tennyson aptly noted, “Knowledge is like the horizon. The closer you get to it, the further it recedes,” leaving us perpetually unsatisfied.


A Shift from the World to the Spirit

What if the key to lasting happiness lies not in the world, but in the spiritual realm? The story of Dhruva, a young boy who sought his father's love but was advised by his mother to seek divine happiness instead, illustrates this idea. His mother explained that worldly happiness is fleeting and conditional, while true, unending happiness can only be found in the divine.


The Bhagavad Gita's Formula for Happiness


The Bhagavad Gita provides a formula for happiness that can help us understand this concept better:


Happiness = Number of desires fulfilled / Number of desires harbored

To enhance your happiness, you can either increase the number of fulfilled desires (the numerator) or decrease the number of desires you harbor (the denominator). However, as you fulfill desires, new ones inevitably arise, making it more practical to focus on reducing the number of desires you harbor. As your desires diminish, your happiness will increase significantly. When you reach a state of zero desires, you attain infinite happiness, unaffected by any external circumstances. In this state, adding or subtracting desires makes no difference, as infinite happiness remains constant.

 Pursuing Higher Desires

It's not about giving up desires entirely, but about pursuing higher desires. Just as a child's obsession with toys fades as they grow, so too can our lower desires be transcended by the desire for spiritual enlightenment. When this higher desire becomes all-consuming, lesser desires naturally fall away.


Achieving Infinite Bliss

Desire arises from a sense of lack or void within us. By recognizing and understanding our inherent fullness, we can transcend this void and cease our endless seeking. This realization leads to a state of infinite bliss, where we revel in the joy of simply being, independent of external conditions.

In conclusion, true happiness lies within us, not in the external objects of our desires. By shifting our focus from worldly pursuits to spiritual fulfillment and reducing our desires, we can discover a profound and lasting happiness that remains unaffected by the ups and downs of life.


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7thheaven moment of the week in  epl Chelsea no 7 scored a goal ,  Fulham no 7 Raul scored two goals,



Monday, May 13, 2024

The Vital Role of Water in the Human Body

   The Vital Role of Water in the Human Body 

Around 65 percent of an average healthy human body's weight consists of water. In some cases, such as in thin individuals, this percentage may rise to 70 percent, while in plump individuals, it could be lower, perhaps even dipping below 55 percent.

Even a slight decrease in the body's water content, as little as 1 or 2 percent, triggers thirst. A more significant drop of 5 percent can lead to symptoms such as skin shrinkage, dry mouth and tongue, and even hallucinations. A 15 percent drop can be fatal due to dehydration.

Water within the body plays multifaceted roles. It shields internal chemical processes from abrupt changes in pressure, acidity, and chemical composition. It lubricates joints to prevent bone friction, envelops soft tissues to prevent adhesion, and surrounds vital organs like the brain and heart in protective fluid.

Moreover, water acts as a conduit for nutrients, waste, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. It facilitates the rapid circulation of heat energy through the bloodstream, which is predominantly water-based.

The cooling effect of sweat evaporation maintains metabolic heat within manageable levels. Water also aids in food digestion and waste removal through perspiration, urine, and digestive fluids. Consequently, maintaining the body's water balance is crucial in terms of both quantity and quality.

In regions like India, where water contamination is prevalent, numerous common ailments, including diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, jaundice, and intestinal infections, stem from impure water sources.

Additionally, the thawing of polar ice due to climate change poses a concerning prospect. As ancient viruses preserved in ice get released into the environment, diseases like smallpox, polio, influenza, and potentially new pathogens could reemerge, posing significant health risks to humanity.

In essence, while intellectual prowess is important, Fyodor Dostoevsky reminds us that it is the values, character, and compassionate ideas that truly guide and shape us.

Finding Fulfillment Beyond Desire

Many ponder whether sincere and efficient work is possible without desire. The truth reveals that sincerity flourishes naturally, and efficiency peaks when actions aren't driven by desires. Desires tether the mind to future gains or losses, diverting attention from the present task and fostering expectation, anxiety, and fear, which ultimately impede performance.

From birth, we're conditioned to seek external sources of happiness, believing they'll fill an inherent void and bring contentment. But has anyone attained lasting happiness from worldly gains like money, power, companionship, fame, or accolades? Even the most intense joy wanes once the mind fixates on new lacks or fears of loss. True happiness doesn't stem from fulfilling desires; it arises from transcending them.

When desires are temporarily fulfilled, the mind enters a brief state of 'desirelessness,' content and serene until the next craving or fear disrupts its peace. Genuine happiness emerges from an undisturbed mind, unveiling the tranquil joy inherent within our innermost essence—the Self. It's akin to glimpsing the serene depths of a lake when its surface is calm. This explains the profound bliss experienced in meditation, where worldly distractions fade, and the mind merges with its source.

Upon realizing that joy springs from within, an innate aspect of our Self, we comprehend that desires breed unhappiness by pulling us away from our essence. If happiness resides internally, why pursue fleeting pleasures from external sources?

Without expecting happiness from the outcomes of our actions, our motivation for work shifts solely to the action's objective result, devoid of the pursuit of happiness. Freed from desire, our minds naturally find fulfillment and tranquility. We engage in tasks dictated by circumstances and our capabilities, devoid of the expectation of happiness. Instead, we perform joyously, and such desireless endeavors yield optimal results.

Observing the universe's ceaseless activities—Earth orbiting the Sun, rivers flowing, plants thriving, flowers blooming—we witness nature's harmony devoid of desire. Diminished desires allow us to blossom authentically, like flowers in our inherent nature, spreading joy effortlessly.


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7thheaven moment of the week in  , in ipl  gt captain 7 s. gill got man of the match, Kkr won scoring 157/7



Monday, May 6, 2024

Revealing the Self: How Your Choices Reflect Who You Are

  Revealing the Self: How Your Choices Reflect Who You Are

1:The essence of who you are isn't veiled in secrecy but rather openly displayed through the choices you make and the company you keep. Whether in pursuit of friendship or companionship, the individuals you gravitate towards often mirror aspects of your own character. The friend you seek becomes a reflection of your values, interests, and aspirations, subtly unveiling your true self to the world.

 2:Communication, both verbal and non-verbal, serves as a window into your soul. The very manner in which you speak, the words you choose, and the tone you employ convey volumes about your personality, upbringing, and emotional state. Through language, you reveal not only what you know but also who you are, leaving an indelible mark on those who listen.

3:How you choose to spend your leisure time speaks volumes about your priorities and passions. Whether engaging in hobbies, pursuing artistic endeavors, or simply unwinding with relaxation, your leisure activities paint a vivid picture of your interests and inclinations. Every moment spent in leisure becomes a canvas upon which your true self is artfully portrayed.

4:Money and time, two precious resources, offer insights into your values and priorities. The manner in which you allocate these resources reflects your attitudes towards wealth, responsibility, and self-care. Whether spent frivolously or invested wisely, your choices regarding money and time serve as markers of your character and aspirations.

 5:The clothes you wear are more than mere fabric; they are statements of identity and expression. From the style and color to the quality and fit, every garment you adorn speaks to your tastes, preferences, and self-perception. Through fashion, you communicate your personality to the world, leaving an impression that is both visible and tangible.

 6:In moments of adversity and challenge, your true character shines through. The way you carry yourself, face setbacks, and navigate obstacles reveals the strength of your resilience and the depth of your integrity. Whether in victory or defeat, your response to adversity becomes a testament to your inner fortitude and moral compass.

7:In the tapestry of life, every choice, action, and preference weaves together to form a portrait of our true selves. From the books we read to the music we listen to, from the laughter we share to the food we savor, each aspect of our existence is a reflection of who we are. In embracing authenticity and shedding the facades of false pretense, we liberate ourselves to live with honesty, integrity, and genuine connection. Ultimately, in every moment and every choice, we tell on ourselves.

  The Path to Divine Realization: Surrendering to the Divine Will

For the spiritual seeker, the pursuit of the Divine transcends mere conceptualization or mental constructs. Instead, it is an exploration of the omnipresent truth that permeates the cosmos. Guru Nanak's profound query, "Kiv sachyara hoeye, kiv koorhe totey par," resonates at the heart of this quest for truth, challenging seekers to pierce through the veil of falsehood to reach the essence of reality, as depicted in the Adi Granth.


Throughout history, seekers have devised various methods in their quest for enlightenment. Some embark on pilgrimages to sacred sites, seeking purification through rituals. Others choose the path of asceticism or indulgence, hoping to quiet the restless mind. While some pursue knowledge, others turn to prayer and meditation. The Sikh Gurus, including Guru Arjan and Guru Nanak, offer insightful commentary on these practices.


Guru Arjan, in Sukhmani Sahib, reminds us that external acts of purification hold little value if the mind remains tainted. Guru Nanak, in Japuji Sahib, emphasizes that even enforced silence or meditative postures do not silence the mind's turmoil.


Attempts at renunciation or withdrawal from the world do not guarantee enlightenment. Eventually, one must confront their responsibilities. Similarly, material possessions cannot quench the insatiable desires of the mind. The Guru asserts that intellectual prowess alone cannot unveil the truth.


While these endeavors have their place, they often fuel the ego, leading to a sense of self-importance. However, Guru Nanak offers a profound solution: surrender to the Divine Order. By relinquishing the ego's hold and aligning with the Divine will, one finds peace and harmony.


To walk in the way of the Divine is to flow effortlessly with the river of existence, relinquishing the futile struggle against the current. When one realizes that surrender, not action, is the key to spiritual fulfillment, tranquility ensues. This surrender is the essence of the Guru's teachings, guiding seekers to the ultimate realization of the Divine.


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7thheaven moment of the week in  , in ipl KKr beat delhi   by 7 wk, PBKs won by 7 wk vs mumbai in epl  , saka7 scored a goal



Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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