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Sunday, February 25, 2024

Living a Purposeful Life: The Art of Making Each Day Count

  Living a Purposeful Life: The Art of Making Each Day Count

If you choose to engage in work, success awaits you; neglect it, and failure looms. Your attitude towards your tasks determines your satisfaction – dislike it through negligence or relish it through diligence. In social circles, finding contentment lies in the breadth of your connections – narrow groups offer self-satisfaction, while diverse friendships bring about fascination. Gossiping invites disdain, while minding your own business earns you favor. Behave foolishly, and you'll be shunned; act with humanity, and respect will follow.

The pursuit of wisdom determines your reception in wise circles – rejecting it invites rejection, seeking it attracts company. Adopting an attitude of boredom merely keeps you alive, while channeling your free time into meaningful pursuits shapes you into an educated individual.

"Make Each Day Count": A Universal Philosophy


The most effective way to navigate life is to make every day count, finding joy in the process. The idea of keeping oneself so occupied with living that there's no time to ponder its duration applies to all stages of life. Whether you're a child, a teenager, a young adult, in middle age, or older, embracing this philosophy brings about remarkable results.


The adage, "It's not how long you live that counts, but how you use your time," rings true. Embracing this perspective, one finds fulfillment and purpose, transcending age limitations. Running from death is futile, as everyone faces their appointed time. Thus, the key is not to evade death but to embrace life fully until that destined moment arrives.

 The Transformative Power of Honesty and Simplicity on the Path to Self-Discovery"

Embarking on the journey of self-discovery necessitates a profound commitment to honesty, first with others and then with oneself. The initial step involves confronting the darkest aspects of one's nature, discovering that even the worst within is not as formidable as feared. This realization instills courage to confront life's challenges and navigate the path ahead. In a world marred by widespread dishonesty and hypocrisy, maintaining unwavering honesty proves to be a challenging yet essential endeavor.

Honesty serves not only as a guiding light on the inner path but also as a potent remedy for the afflictions that befall humanity. Relief from suffering lies within, attainable by consistently thinking, acting, and living with honesty in all aspects of life.

 Simplicity: Unveiling the Essence of Human Love  

Simplicity, born of humility, plays a pivotal role in nurturing human love. Distinguished from modesty, humility embodies strength rather than weakness. The challenge arises when attempting to express true humility, as the fear of external opinions may cloud authenticity. Genuine simplicity stems from humility, fostering a love that transcends superficialities and resonates with the profound.


"Faith, Conviction, and the Path to Realization"

Faith, a precursor to conviction, holds the key to spiritual evolution. It evolves from acknowledging forms and ceremonies to seeking the essence and discarding the superficial. The transformation from faith to conviction requires navigating obstacles and overcoming the ego's subtle traps. Ultimately, faith blossoms into conviction, leading to profound realizations.

Experience, categorized into external and internal, plays a crucial role in this journey. While external experiences may be subject to misinterpretation, inner experiences hold absolute conviction. True conviction, beyond theorizing or reasoning, arises from genuine inner experiences, paving the way for the realization of God.

Beyond Faith: Identifying with the Infinite

The culmination of the spiritual journey lies in the realization of God, transcending the need for faith or conviction. Just as a person does not require faith to believe in their humanity, the realized individual identifies with the infinite and recognizes the one Self manifested everywhere. This profound realization goes beyond the boundaries of faith, offering a transformative perspective on existence.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7thheaven moment of the week in epl Saka 7 scored two goal



Sunday, February 18, 2024

Harvest of Duty: A Tale of Diligence and Divine Rewards

  Harvest of Duty: A Tale of Diligence and Divine Rewards"

In a quaint village, the arrival of an astrologer brought ominous news of a rainless year. The villagers, taking the prophecy seriously, contemplated abandoning their fields. However, amidst the collective concern, one solitary farmer stood undeterred.

Undeterred by the bleak forecast, this lone farmer continued plowing his fields and sowing seeds diligently. His hands worked the soil, and his heart resonated with the chant of the Divine name. As the villagers questioned his seemingly futile efforts, the farmer remained steadfast in his duty.

A sudden twist in the tale unfolded when a massive cloud appeared in the sky. Curious about the farmer's perseverance, the cloud questioned him, reminding him of the foretold dry season. Unfazed, the farmer responded with conviction, emphasizing his commitment to fulfilling his duty regardless of the circumstances. The cloud, impressed by the farmer's dedication, decided to reward him.

In a surprising turn of events, the cloud showered rain on the farmer's land, transforming it into a fertile haven. The once-barren field yielded a bountiful harvest, and the farmer, who steadfastly adhered to his duty, reaped the benefits of his unwavering commitment.

This tale encapsulates a powerful moral lesson: the unwavering dedication to one's duty brings forth rich rewards. The farmer's resilience and commitment to his responsibilities ultimately led to the abundance of blessings from the heavens. In a world often influenced by uncertainties, the story serves as a reminder that diligence, regardless of external circumstances, is a virtue that can pave the way for success and prosperity. "Harvest of Duty" stands as a testament to the profound impact of fulfilling one's obligations, even in the face of adversity.

 Bridging Millennia  Manduca Upanishad and the Quest for Consciousness"


In the heart of ancient wisdom, concealed within the sacred verses of the Atharva Veda, resides the Manduca Upanishad. Though comprising a mere 12 verses, this Upanishad has enchanted scholars and spiritual seekers alike, offering a profound perspective on human consciousness. It delineates consciousness into four states - wakefulness, dream-filled reverie, deep sleep, and the transcendental state of "Turiya."


Journeying through these realms, a narrative unfolds, intertwining the ancient with the contemporary. The Manduca Upanishad's exploration of consciousness finds parallels in the quests of modern science, particularly in understanding brain function. While wakefulness, dream states, and deep sleep align with contemporary scientific thinking, the enigmatic "Turiya" remains elusive, representing a state achievable through years of meditative practice.


Modern neuroscience, armed with advanced tools like fMRI and EEG, delves into the intricacies of the brain, deciphering the symphony of interactions giving rise to consciousness. Yet, the understanding of "Turiya" remains a frontier unexplored by current scientific paradigms. The Upanishadic perspective suggests that consciousness is universal, with the brain serving as an interpretive organ limited by its inherent size and capacity. Thus, a reptile and a human interpret the universe differently, akin to the limitations of outdated technology attempting to run modern software.


The scientific worldview, rooted in materialism, seeks physical explanations for phenomena. However, ancient Indian wisdom contends that certain phenomena possess an extra-materialistic basis beyond scientific determinism. This paradigm, dominated by tangible realities, limits our understanding to what instruments can measure and theories can explain. Hindu philosophy proposes the development of a super-powerful brain to interpret realities beyond the reach of current scientific tools.


Meditation, rooted in Upanishadic teachings, emerges as a key to exploring these uncharted depths. Long-term meditators exhibit gamma waves indicative of heightened consciousness. Furthermore, meditation can physically increase the brain's size, challenging conventional notions of aging and cognitive decline. This coexistence of the mundane and the extraordinary within neural activity points to a consciousness dimension beyond materialistic frameworks.


Contemporary science, fixated on the tangible and measurable, grapples with the complexity of the human brain. The Manduca Upanishad's emphasis on the transcendental state of "Turiya" offers a complementary perspective. Meditation and yogic practices, central to this ancient wisdom, provide experiential understanding beyond empirical research.


The narrative extends, drawing parallels between the holistic view of consciousness in ancient philosophy and the segmented approach of modern science. Integrative medicine, embracing practices like meditation and yoga, aligns with the holistic healing ethos of the Manduca Upanishad, offering comprehensive well-being.


Looking forward, the convergence of AI, quantum computing, and consciousness studies holds promise. Quantum computing may unveil the quantum dimensions of consciousness, while AI could integrate these discoveries with philosophical nuances. This fusion of ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology signifies a future where the Manduca Upanishad's insights into consciousness may finally be unraveled, bridging millennia in the pursuit of understanding the profound aspects of human existence.


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7thheaven moment of the week in epl Saka 7 scored two goal



Sunday, February 11, 2024

Embrace Each Day with Joyful Living

 Embrace Each Day with Joyful Living

1) Setting the Tone: The Power of Evening Thoughts

The tone for each day is sculpted during the preceding night, shaped by the thoughts you entertain and the emotions you embrace before slipping into slumber.


2) Morning Reflections: The Impact of Sleep on Daybreak

Fall asleep harboring anger or worry, and it's likely that your waking thoughts will mirror those negative sentiments. The morning frame of mind becomes a pivotal force, influencing how you navigate the challenges and stresses awaiting you.


3) The Ripple Effect: Mood's Influence on Responses

A mental backdrop colored by anger or worry may inadvertently spur overly aggressive responses to daily demands. Impatience, resentment, and unfounded fears become unwarranted companions, hindering the ability to face situations with equanimity.


4) Breaking the Cycle: Unveiling the Beauty of Each Day

Worrying, essentially, is the art of imagining fearful scenarios. Amidst anger or fear, the profound beauty of the day eludes you, along with the joy of living, the warmth of human connections, and the gratification derived from a job well done.


5) Dawn of Positivity: Crafting a Morning Affirmation

To savor each day to its fullest, immerse yourself in thoughts of peace, happiness, and joy before bedtime. Upon awakening, seize the day by affirming, "A beautiful day has dawned—a day of great possibilities, splendid opportunities, and rewards. I shall meet the day's demands courageously and joyfully."


6) The Blueprint for Joyful Living

In doing so, you lay the foundation to live each day vibrantly—maintaining an even temper, shouldering burdens heroically, confronting challenges with courage, and exuding happiness and love in every circumstance.


7) Stevenson's Wisdom: Living Sweetly till Sunset

As Robert Louis Stevenson wisely notes, anyone can navigate life sweetly, patiently, lovingly, and purely until the sun sets. Cheerful work, akin to a mental and physical tonic, becomes a beacon, offering immeasurable advantages when facing daunting tasks with unwavering faith and expectation.

 Quality in Work: A Gateway to Fulfillment

Approaching daily tasks with a spirited work ethic shapes the quality of results. The mastery of small challenges paves the way for grand achievements. Whatever the endeavor, do it well, recognizing that good work is a reward in itself.

 Exploring the Neural Frontier: From Initiator Waves to Self-Awareness"


The intricate dance of communication within the human nervous system, governed by neural networks, is a marvel that orchestrates our every thought and action. The initiation of a neuroelectric impulse, akin to an Initiator Wave, sets in motion a cascade of events involving sodium and potassium ions, swiftly transmitting signals across synapses to effect actions.

Consider the act of pressing a laptop key: the journey from thought to action involves a sequential firing of neural pathways. Yet, when illness hampers motor areas, rendering neural pathways nonfunctional, the Initiator Wave falters, and actions become impossible.

In the quest to bridge this gap, Elon Musk's Neuralink technology emerges as a groundbreaking innovation. Implanted sensors intercept Initiator Waves, transducing them into electrical impulses. The chip, minuscule in size, connects to an external device, allowing individuals to operate computers or smartphones through mere intentions.

This technological leap challenges the traditional view of thoughts as intangible constructs. Thoughts are now perceived as electrochemical bioprocesses, decipherable by sensors. The decoding and transduction of more complex thought processes appear imminent, given the rapid pace of technological advancement.

However, amidst this technological marvel, a subtle yet crucial link persists—the connection between the observer and Self, known in Sanskrit as "sakshi." Sakshi, or pure awareness, observes thoughts without attachment. In the spiritual realm, the disconnect between observer and observed is deemed essential, as articulated in Sage Patanjali's 'Yog Sutras'—"Chitta vritti nirodhah."

True Self-realization, Patanjali asserts, emerges when pure consciousness (chitta) is detached from the disturbances of thoughts (vrittis). In this elevated state of non-dual awareness, any neural link becomes redundant. The ultimate salvation lies in delinking thought processes from the true Self, resonating with the profound wisdom encapsulated in the ancient Sanskrit phrase, "Aham Brahmasmi"—I am the universe.


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7thheaven moment of the week in epl Saka 7 scored a goal



Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Seven Types of Giving

   The Seven Types of Giving


1. Auto Givers: Those who give generously, but only to themselves.

2. Givers of Occasion: Those who give thoughtlessly, without any motive.

3. Repentant Givers: Those who give to pacify their conscience for past wrongs.

4. Theatrical Givers: Those who give for public applause and display.

5. Conventional Givers: Those who give reluctantly, merely following the crowd.

6. Moral Givers: Those who give out of duty rather than genuine care.

7. Spiritual Givers: Those who give out of love and a desire to help others, akin to the spirit of Lord.


  Embracing the Present

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

In the ever-shifting sands of time, yesterday morphs into today, and tomorrow yearns to be today's reality. Yet, it is the present moment that holds true significance. To dwell in the present is to grasp life's essence.


Yesterday, a mere recollection. Tomorrow, a mere aspiration. Live resolutely in the tangible now, forsaking the ghosts of yesterday and the shadows of tomorrow.


The past, immutable. The future, uncertain. Embrace the gift of today, making it purposeful and profound. For yesterday is a wistful dream, and tomorrow, a distant vision. Focus not on bygone regrets or unborn anxieties, but on the immediacy of now.


Seize each day as if it were your last, for every moment bears weighty importance. Each day heralds a new beginning, a fresh chance to chart your course.


In the pursuit of lofty dreams and grand designs, do not forsake the tasks at hand. While it's tempting to gaze into the distant horizon, remember the significance of present endeavors.

It's admirable to dream of a future afar, yet do not neglect the treasures awaiting in the present. For while you dream, remember to act; while you plan, remember to live.

 The Worthwhile Challenge

Amid Doubt and Certainty

Believe when others falter,

Study while others slumber,

Work amidst others' dreams,

Dare in the face of neglect.


Give where others grasp,

Forgive as others condemn,

Forget when others judge,

Bend when others break.


Smile when others complain,

Bless amidst faultfinding,

Praise amidst criticism,

Love where bitterness dwells.


Save as others spend,

Conserve amidst wastefulness,

Listen while others talk,

Build where others destroy.


Trust when trust falters,

And in the midst of accusation, remain steadfast..

  Exploring Self-Inquiry: Descartes and Vedantic Philosophies


René Descartes, a 17th-century French philosopher, introduced the renowned statement 'I think, therefore I am' as a cornerstone of his philosophical method. Beginning his inquiries by doubting everything, even the existence of the external world, Descartes sought an indisputable starting point for self-knowledge.


In his meditations, Descartes recognized that while he could doubt everything, the very act of doubt presupposed a thinking entity. From this insight, he formulated the proposition that thinking is evidence of existence, underscoring the primacy of consciousness and self-awareness in philosophical inquiry.


The philosophical concepts of 'I think, therefore I am,' 'Neti, Neti,' and 'Tat Tvam Asi' share common threads of self-inquiry and understanding but unfold within distinct philosophical frameworks.


While Descartes' proposition serves as a foundational certainty, emphasizing self-awareness and establishing a starting point for knowledge, 'Neti, Neti' is a method of negation within Vedanta, systematically negating aspects of the self and the world to understand Brahmn, the ultimate reality. It is a broader framework that extends beyond the material world and thinking processes, encompassing the negation of the body, mind, and other aspects of the phenomenal world.


Similarly, 'Tat Tvam Asi,' translating to 'That Thou Art,' highlights the inquiry into the nature of the self and the realization of its identity with the ultimate reality. This concept goes beyond thinking, involving a profound experiential understanding achieved through spiritual insight and contemplation. It conveys the idea that Brahmn is identical to Atman, the individual self, emphasizing the unity of the individual soul with cosmic reality and the interconnectedness of all existence.


While Descartes and Vedanta explore the nature of self-awareness and existence, 'Tat Tvam Asi' goes beyond individual thinking and self-awareness to assert a profound identity between the individual self and the ultimate reality. The Vedantic concept is more inclusive, addressing the oneness of all existence, whereas Descartes' focus remains on the certainty of individual consciousness.

These philosophical ideas collectively illustrate diverse approaches to self-inquiry and understanding, offering valuable perspectives for contemplation.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7thheaven moment of the week S.gill no 77 scored a century ,  in epl Mc ginn no 7 scored a goal,



Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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