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Monday, November 27, 2023

The most effective method to draw out the best in others


The most effective method to draw out the best in others.

Huge issues, little issues cash issues, medical conditions, family issues. These issues are genuine, frequently excruciating. Be that as it may, the answer for the issue as of now exists inside the individual who is grappling with it. The psyche of the individual with the issue is some way or another "Locked" by upsetting considerations, and needs just to be delivered.

You may be the one to break the chains that are keeping someone else down. You may be the one to say the right words or make the right ideas. You simply have care about individuals, have the option to pay attention to them with compassion and understanding, and present inventive ideas that will empower the upset individual to start to help himself.

Surrounding us are individuals who are desolate. Discouraged, unfortunate, restless, confounded, really living for just a portion of their capacities. They have little certainty or dynamism. They avoid difficulties. They appear to not be able to define objectives or make arrangements. Now and again they appear to be just half alive .

Underachievers share specific things practically speaking that are keeping them down. The most significant among them is absence of confidence. These individuals have quit considering themselves to be commendable citizenry. They are perpetually putting themselves down. They appear to expect a terrible showing for them selves and that is in many cases what they get.

Dr. Smiley Blanton, the prominent specialist, when told us of a his man help in light of the fact that a devastating of mediocrity was making his life hopeless.

 Examining profoundly, Blanton found that as a kid of 14, the man cared very little about science. Yet, a polynomial math instructor used to make him stand at the writing board and endeavor to tackle issues, while the class watched.

At the point when the kid fizzled, the educator would agree that snide expressions of demoralization. That stifled memory had harmed his mental self portrait for quite a long time.

What might you do for somebody whose confidence is low? Attempt thoughtful tuning in. Attempt support. Attempt acclaim. Quite often such an individual is experiencing absence of "appreciation". The longing to be considered well is one of the significant human necessities. However, in endless positions and relationships, that consolation is seldom given. As result, a feeble presentation becomes more fragile.

Offering surprising little commendations is one of the simplest ways of working on confidence in individuals. One needs to do it all the time with servers, cabbies, everybody, in a manner that is totally normal and unconstrained.

Unhappy excrement light up, and drooping shoulders fix, after one has offered a benevolent word, or some little thoughtful gesture. Everybody of us can make it happen.

 A youngster who was doing inadequately at school showed little interest in anything. In light of rehashed inquiries from his folks about this apathy he at last told that he might want to take drawing examples. It was found that the kid did for sure have stamped ability for drawing. As he won acclaim and consolation in this one region, his entire demeanor changes. Ultimately, he became perhaps of the best and out going understudy in the school.

A few days ago a business trough was heard whining about his staff. "Those individuals are simply sluggish", he said." They will not get out there and sell. They don't appear to work".

On the off chance that your sales reps are not persuaded, whose occupation is it to awaken them, fire them up, cause them to put forth a valiant effort? It is your. Isn't it? On the off chance that you are having main concern inconvenience in your organization, there might be an initiative vacuum, and it might start with you!

The surest method for drawing out the best in others may essentially be to remind them, again and again that they don't need to be disappointments, since they have more ability put away in them they at any point tapped. You don't need to be a therapist to let them know this. Simply tell them as a mindful companion who has their wellbeing on a basic level.

Why not you be the one these individuals need? Assuming you will concentrate on them, empower them, appreciate them, gradually they might start to " do all they can' on the grounds that the power concealed in them will be delivered.

You can carry boldness to the unfortunate, certainty to the self-cynics, desire to the sad. It is an incredible change and will provide you with a lot of joy. Why not begin doing it now?

Today, I'll make an effort not to mock your activities

I've put forth an endless attempt not to criticize, not to bewail, not to hate human activities but rather to figure out them," these expressions of Dutch savant Baruch Spinoza can change the surface of the world and mankind whenever grasped completely. Disparaging, bewailing, reprimanding, and sentencing have a deigning streak to them. However, to comprehend is to identify; with human activities. At the point when we attempt to grasp what is happening, individual, issue, or an issue, we get to its foundations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson says, "To comprehend is to be circumspect. It's the unselfishness of soul and the kindness of self."


An endeavor to comprehend human activities gives us a large group of chances and choices. Every one of the issues and difficulties on the planet are because of our aggregate failure to comprehend the main drivers. Once, the Buddha requested one from his pupils, Aniruddha, whether he had given a food to the bum who used to sit under a banyan tree. "He manhandles me the second I approach him with food. Along these lines, I keep away from him and don't go there," Aniruddha answered.


The Buddha said nothing. Following day, he personally went to give a food to that hobo. The bum mishandled the Buddha as well. Resolute and interminably quiet, the Buddha said, "Child, I've brought some nourishment for you." That man again mishandled him. The Buddha said nothing; he just stayed there quietly. After some time, he asked the hobo, "Child, for what reason do you get exasperated when somebody attempts to give you food?" The man began crying. He said, when a man gave him food bound with poison. He some way or another made due however became dubious of all and particularly of the people who attempted to take care of him. The consistently grinning Buddha took a chomp of the food that he conveyed for the bum. "Child, it isn't harmed. It couldn't be any more obvious, I've tasted it." The hobo quit reviling and acknowledged food from him. Such is the force of grasping, the initial step to acknowledgment.

 Also, just with acknowledgment might there be recuperation.

 To Spinoza, understanding isn't an independent quality. It should be perceived as a piece of an interaction. In Energy and Activity, he says that one should notice and afterward attempt to comprehend. This will prompt acumen, which thusly will prepare to information and extreme insight. To put it plainly, we notice, comprehend, perceive, and derive. Spinoza's humanistic perception empowers and urges us to be sufficiently moral, and others consciously getting it. Indeed, even the Jain idea of Anekantvaad, Pluralism, depends on noticing and grasping someone else's stand and position. The all inclusive nature of understanding is an unquestionable requirement to soak the flares of brutality, slaughter, and broad separation.


Spinoza went further to incorporate god too in the ambit of understanding. As per him one should grasp each peculiarity, including god, prior to putting stock in it. This is known as Spinoza's god. Einstein too trusted in Spinoza's god. Of all the seventeenth century logicians, Spinoza is among the most applicable today since he consolidated reason with vision; discernment with mankind and energy with activity. He didn't simply philosophize. He likewise 'acculturated'.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :in world cup Sami Aus won scoring 215/7

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Insights Gained from Life's Journey


  Insights Gained from Life's Journey

Throughout the course of my life, I've gathered valuable lessons, the most pivotal of which stems from the practical understanding of the adage, "God helps those who help themselves." This insight emerged from contemplation on why I, among many others with greater abilities and experience, became the Chief Justice of India. The conclusion I reached was that an unforeseen force guides the course of events.

In my view, man should conscientiously, diligently, and objectively fulfill his duties to earn the grace of God, recognizing that this grace is continuous. It's essential not to be proud of temporary success but to strive for ongoing success, as eloquently expressed in stanzas 45-46 of Chapter 18 of the Bhagavad Gita. The idea is encapsulated in the aphorism "Work is Worship."

My experience as a judge taught me that perfection is rare in ordinary life; every individual has both good and bad qualities. The judgment of a person as good or bad depends on the balance of these qualities. Reputation and character, though related, can differ. Prosperity or poverty is unrelated to character, as both are found in men with or without character. This realization fostered an objective approach in evaluating those who appeared before me.

Another crucial lesson learned is that while gratitude is the finest human quality, it is increasingly rare in a society immersed in the competitive struggle of life. Recognizing this human weakness early on, I understood that the discharge of duty should not be contingent on expecting gratitude.


In essence, I've come to understand that I am not perfect, and neither are others. This realization has provided me with a balanced perspective on life. Regardless of one's position, conscientious, diligent, and objective discharge of duties is paramount. Embracing the imperfections inherent in both oneself and the world avoids arrogance and hero worship, placing individuals on an even playing field.

In the grand tapestry of life, the terms "winning" and "losing," or the dichotomy of triumph and disaster, encapsulate the outcomes we assign to various activities—be it in sports, business, examinations, or any goal-oriented pursuit that stirs expectations in the doer and those connected to the endeavor.


Rudyard Kipling's poignant poem "If" articulates the essence of grappling with life's ups and downs. "If you can dream, and not make dreams your master/ If you can think, and not make thoughts your aim/ If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster/ and treat these two imposters just the same…/ Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it…”


Life is a perpetual cycle of winning some and losing some, with the immutable law of nature dictating that when one touches rock bottom, the only direction is upward. Guru Nanak's wisdom echoes this sentiment, asserting that for the true spiritual seeker, the gurmukh, there is no such concept as defeat; all is victory. This victory lies in mastering the art of embracing both success and failure, likes and dislikes, good and bad, with equanimity and intuition.


The truly victorious individual is one who navigates the dualities of life with an even-minded approach, rising above momentary ups and downs. In contrast, the manmukh, driven solely by material pursuits, succumbs to the fluctuations of ego, easily swayed by transient victories and defeats. The saying, 'Jeeto boodai, haaro tirai,' underscores the potential downfall of the victorious, who, intoxicated by success, may fall prey to ego, while the defeated, driven by resilience, continues to swim across life's challenges.


Kipling's insight rings true—both triumph and disaster are mere imposters. The real measure of our strength lies in transcending both, achieving a state of equilibrium that fosters non-judgmental acceptance and inclusivity. Viewing failure not as the antithesis of success but as a prelude to future triumphs becomes a key perspective.


The tale of Prince Ram in the Ramayan illustrates this wisdom. Whether destined for kingship or exile, Ram's even-minded acceptance reflects a profound understanding of the ebb and flow of life.


In essence, winning and losing are intertwined facets of existence. Embracing this truth brings resilience and a deeper comprehension of life's intricacies, fostering a state of grace and understanding for all.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :in world cup Sami got 7 wk in an inngs

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Embracing the Power of Enthusiasm in Life


 Embracing the Power of Enthusiasm in Life

Enthusiasm is the dynamic quality within you that serves as a driving force of creative energy. It's the divine spark that propels you towards achievement, as exemplified by individuals like Edison and Columbus. Enthusiasm enhances your overall well-being, promoting better physical functioning and aiding in the removal of burdens.

Regardless of your age, enthusiasm is within reach. People like Henry Oberdorfer and Car Magee discovered their enthusiasm later in life, leading to remarkable accomplishments. Enthusiasm is the key to overcoming setbacks, as seen in Thomas Edison's relentless pursuit of the light bulb.

Embracing enthusiasm can transform the challenging aspects of life, making health issues, financial difficulties, and relationship problems less significant. Take inspiration from individuals like Chester and Barbara Wiggins, who found renewed purpose and enthusiasm in their retirement years by joining the peace corps and making a significant impact in the Peruvian slums.

Just as a tiny drop of ocean water contains the essence of the entire ocean, we, created in the image of God, possess qualities like patience, love, understanding, knowledge, and enthusiasm. Your power to choose is your greatest asset. Each day presents an opportunity to choose happiness, health, confidence, prosperity, and enthusiasm over their counterparts.

 The Path to Self-Realization: Knowing the Soul and the Inner Journey

Self-realization stands as the greatest achievement in one's life, and those who attain it gain an understanding of the essence of all beings. Yet, not everyone can reach this profound state. It is only possible for those individuals whose minds remain tranquil, unruffled by the waves of likes and dislikes. Many aspire to realize the Self, but without overcoming the emotions of attachment and aversion, this realization remains elusive.


The journey toward self-realization can be both straightforward and challenging. It is simple because it occurs once one lets go of attachment and aversion. However, it is complex because detaching oneself from these emotions is not an easy task. True self-realization demands rigorous effort, a commitment to practicing austerity, and the purification of the mind to achieve a state of thoughtless awareness. A curious disciple once asked his guru, "Master, how can I free myself from attachment and aversion?" The guru's response was, "You must practice residing in the natural state of consciousness," which entails knowing and observing only.

Gurudev Tulsi once emphasized, "There is one abode where one can dwell eternally, though it is difficult to reach. That abode is our soul." Acharya Mahapragya echoed this sentiment by saying, "Dwell inside, live outside." Jain Agam literature instructs, "Sampikkhae appagamappaenam," which means to perceive your "self" through your "self." While our eyes naturally perceive the physical world, we must practice seeing within, meaning recognizing our true Self and progressing toward self-realization.


Gurudev Tulsi and Acharya Mahapragya have introduced a meditation technique for self-realization called Preksha Meditation. Meditation brings a transformative shift from instability to stability, from the external to the internal, from activity to stillness. It allows individuals to transition from unbridled desires to self-control and from darkness to light. Many people have overcome their challenges and experienced spiritual growth through the practice of meditation.


There are two types of people in the world: those who live externally, seeking fulfillment through material possessions, and those who reside within themselves, utilizing material objects solely to meet their basic needs. As the saying goes, intoxicants cloud the mind, and individuals engrossed in sensory pleasures continuously chase desires related to taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell. Their joy is temporary because new cravings keep arising. True happiness arises when one learns to relinquish or resist typical desires. Restraining desires also provides the strength required to master the mind and body.


This gradual but steady process can lead to a state where individuals can recognize their true Self, despite the usual worldly distractions. By using worldly possessions with detachment, fostering a state of observation, purifying the mind, and striving to live a life free from attachment and aversion, self-realization becomes attainable. It is crucial to make the most of our human existence, as self-realization is a possibility unique to human life.




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment  in epl Chelsea no 7 scored a goal

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Managing Anxiety and Depression: Practical Strategies for a Balanced Life"

 Managing Anxiety and Depression: Practical Strategies for a Balanced Life"


Anxiety and depression can be described as overwhelming emotions that hinder our ability to cope with the daily stressors of life. These emotions often manifest as fear, apprehension, or a persistent sense of impending doom. When in the grip of anxiety, individuals may experience physical symptoms such as widened eyes, blurred vision, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and disrupted sleep patterns. While there may be medications to temporarily relife anxiety, they don't offer a long-term solution, as the symptoms often return when the effects wear off. It's important to note that many psychosomatic and somatic symptoms can be attributed to anxiety.


So, how can one avoid falling into the depths of depression or anxiety? The answer to the first question lies in the unrealistic expectations we set for ourselves. We often chase unattainable goals, and when we struggle to overcome the associated challenges, anxiety and depression can take hold. The answer to the second question is rooted in our tendency to prioritize others' approval over our own well-being. For instance, the desire to impress a boss or seek external validation can lead to stress and anxiety.


To overcome anxiety, it is essential to learn how to coexist with it. Anxiety is not a constant state but rather comes and goes. Developing patience is key in understanding that meaningful accomplishments take time. Practices such as meditation and relaxation techniques can provide relief from anxiety and depression. Additionally, it is crucial to open up and talk about your feelings with someone you trust. Patience and maintaining a clear state of mind are vital components of liberating oneself from these emotional burdens.


In the pursuit of mental well-being, it is worth remembering that a little common sense can often be more valuable than a wealth of knowledge.

 Comparing 'Spirit' in Spiritualism and Alcohol: A Look at the Differences"

The term "Spiritualism" derives its roots from the concept of the spirit, often associated with the soul. The word 'spirit' can be quite contentious, as some individuals question the very existence of this intangible entity. Those with a materialistic mindset seek tangible proof of a spirit's existence or demand that if it's a virtual entity, it should withstand rigorous scientific testing to gain recognition. Conversely, proponents of the existence of the spirit argue that faith is necessary to experience it and that subjecting it to scientific scrutiny is unnecessary.


Interestingly, the word 'spirit' is also employed in a different context, referring to alcohol or liquor. Even in this context, it can be a divisive term, with many people considering alcohol consumption as an unhealthy habit that may lead to addiction and health problems. Consequently, many individuals distance themselves from alcohol and advise others to do the same.


Despite the disparities, there is a common thread in both interpretations of 'spirit.' In both cases, they have the power to elevate individuals from their usual state of mind to a heightened state of being or living.


It could be argued that 'spirit' elevates one's level of consciousness, irrespective of the context. The behavior of a spirited person bears similarities in both spiritualism and alcoholism, and numerous songs and works of literature have explored this theme.


However, a subtle but significant distinction exists. Alcohol is externally consumed, entering the body from an external source, while the 'spirit' in spiritualism is believed to be evoked from within, an internal transformation. In one case, it's an inner metamorphosis, while in the other, it's an external change leading to a seemingly similar state. This contrast highlights the profound divergence between the two uses of the seemingly identical word in different contexts.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment in laxmi puja  7 color rainbow found in London in epl mc Ginn no 7 scored a goal

Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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