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Monday, June 26, 2023

"The Path of Meditative Focus and Moral Cultivation"

  "The Path of Meditative Focus and Moral Cultivation"

Embracing the Blissful Luminous Divine: In the realm of meditation, the first step is to center our attention on the radiant and blissful form of our chosen deity, the Ishta Devata. Through deep contemplation, we connect with the divine's resplendent presence, allowing its light to illuminate our inner being.

 Immersed in Infinite Purity and Love: As our meditation progresses, we delve into the infinite purity that defines our Ishta Devata. We meditate on the deity's boundless love and limitless compassion, allowing these qualities to flow through us and awaken similar attributes within ourselves.

 Unveiling Infinite Consciousness: Further along the path of meditation, we direct our focus towards the deity's infinite consciousness. As we connect with this divine consciousness, we begin to realize our own inherent connection to the universal consciousness that permeates all existence.

 Overcoming Disturbances through Moral Cultivation: The mind often resists meditation, attempting to distract us from the object of our focus. Through the practice of moral culture, however, we gradually diminish these disturbances. By cultivating virtuous qualities and ethical conduct, we create a conducive environment for deepening our meditative experiences.

The Power of Divine Name and Form: In our meditative practice, we employ the repetition of the divine name and visualization of the deity's form. These elements serve as anchors, helping us to concentrate our mind and maintain focus. They provide a tangible thread that connects us to the divine realm.

 Kindling Love and Devotion: It is crucial to cultivate a loving and devoted heart towards our chosen ideal. When our heart holds genuine affection and devotion for the divine, the path of meditation and spiritual life becomes more accessible. Love acts as a catalyst, propelling us forward on our journey of japa (repetition of the divine name) and meditation.

 Remaining Alert and Detached: Throughout the process of meditation, it is essential to remain alert and vigilant. We should be mindful of intrusive thoughts, observing them objectively without becoming entangled or identified with them. By maintaining detachment, we allow our focus to remain undisturbed, deepening our meditative state and fostering inner clarity and peace.

   "Finding Calmness through Focused Effort and Spiritual Perseverance"

Restlessness and the Pursuit of Peace: Overcoming restlessness requires a conscious and determined effort to direct our thoughts and actions. The world's natural pull often scatters our minds, preventing us from experiencing true calmness—the gateway to genuine peace and happiness.

 Embracing the Power of Full Attention: When engaging in tasks, it is crucial to give them our undivided attention, setting aside other activities and plans. Multitasking and constantly shifting focus diminish our ability to enjoy the present moment. By slowing down and fully experiencing each activity, we can discover the joy that lies within it.

 Deepening Connection through Conscious Listening: When interacting with others, it is important to offer our complete presence. Letting go of restlessness and focusing on the conversation at hand allows for a deeper connection. Cultivating the art of conscious listening not only enriches our relationships but also opens us to the subtle messages conveyed by music, nature, and ultimately, the divine.

 Completing Tasks with Sustained Concentration: To overcome restlessness, it is vital to develop the habit of finishing one task before moving on to the next. Every project involves three stages: initial inspiration, overcoming challenges, and the joy of completion. Often, restlessness tempts us to abandon projects prematurely. By cultivating sustained concentration, we learn that success comes through persistent effort.

 The Journey of Meditation: In our meditation practice, we may initially be carried by the excitement and joy of discovering the spiritual path. New experiences and depth in meditation boost our confidence in our spiritual potential. However, as we progress, we encounter the phase of hard work, facing desires, attachments, and karmic tendencies. Restlessness can surface during this period, necessitating intensity and sustained effort, as emphasized by Paramhansa Yogananda.

 Innovative Approaches to Overcome Restlessness: During dry and restless periods on the spiritual path, it is beneficial to infuse our practice with fresh and creative elements. Exploring chanting, learning new chants, incorporating walking meditations in nature, integrating yoga postures into our routine, or embarking on retreats in inspiring environments can invigorate our sadhana. Spiritual perseverance in the face of restlessness ultimately leads us to the phase of inner joy and fulfillment.



By consciously focusing our thoughts and actions, we can overcome restlessness and experience a profound sense of calmness. Embracing the power of full attention, cultivating conscious listening, completing tasks with sustained concentration, and innovating our spiritual practice during challenging times enable us to progress on our journey toward inner peace and fulfillment. With dedication and perseverance, we can navigate through restlessness and discover the lasting tranquility that lies within.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in cwc Ned won by  7   

Monday, June 19, 2023

Karma Yoga: The Path of Work and Spiritual Growth

   Karma Yoga: The Path of Work and Spiritual Growth


In the realm of Karma Yoga, the master dismisses the notion of confining it to a separate domain. The subject at hand demands a more comprehensive examination, as this particular path holds a special appeal to the socially conscious and progressive nature of the modern individual.


The master does not endorse a life of feverish activity solely for the sake of it, nor does he prescribe forced abstinence from work as a prerequisite for spiritual evolution. He views with little favor the shallow altruism that naively believes the world can be redeemed through restless philanthropic endeavors. Addressing individuals of such disposition, he questions their casual reference to "doing good to the world." Is the world, he asks, such a trivial entity that it can be easily encapsulated? Furthermore, who are they, mere mortals, to assume the responsibility of bringing goodness to the world?


Instead, the master advises aspiring spiritual seekers to engage in devotional practices first, to experience the presence of the divine. It is through this connection that inspiration and power are bestowed, allowing one to genuinely contribute to the betterment of society. Only then, when one has truly encountered the divine, may they speak of "doing good."


In essence, Karma Yoga encompasses the harmonious integration of work and spirituality. The master's teachings emphasize the importance of aligning one's actions with higher principles, transcending mere personal desires. It is a path that advocates selfless service, informed by a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings and the divine source from which they spring.


By following the path of Karma Yoga, individuals with a socialistic and public-spirited temperament can find fulfillment and purpose in their endeavors. It is not about empty activism or detached renunciation, but rather a conscious engagement with the world, guided by a profound connection to the divine. Through this balanced approach, true transformation can be achieved, benefiting both the individual and society at large.


  Seeking God: A Sacred Journey of Meditation and Inner Realization


In the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, Paramahansa Yogananda, the renowned author of Autobiography of a Yogi and founder of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, imparts profound wisdom to his students. He advises them to seek God for the sake of the Divine Himself, rather than yearning for visions, spiritual phenomena, or thrilling experiences. Yogananda emphasizes that the path to the Divine should not be treated as a spectacle or a circus.


Meditation on the Supreme, on God, is an essential aspect of the yogic path. Yogananda introduces the practice of Kriya Yoga, which is mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, where Krishna tells Arjuna that even a little effort in this technique can protect one from great fears.


Yogananda asserts that sitting in silence and trying to evoke devotion may not always yield significant progress. Hence, he imparts scientific techniques of meditation to his students, enabling them to disconnect their minds from sensory distractions and the ceaseless flow of thoughts. Through consistent practice of these techniques, such as Kriya Yoga, meditators experience a serene peace gently descending into their consciousness.


However, some devotees harbor a mistaken belief that they must undergo "thrilling experiences"—grand visions or divine voices—to validate their spiritual journey. Yogananda warns against this expectation, as it often leads to spiritual discouragement and hampers the ability to perceive the silent and subtle messages that the Divine imparts. He assures that God responds to every sincere effort and devotional call, manifesting as a silent, subtle peace within the devotee's being.


Even beginners in meditation can feel this peace, which serves as the first proof of God's presence within. Gradually, the meditator realizes that they are never alone. There is a Great Unseen One, eternally present within their own being, providing strength to overcome negative habits, empowering them to make right decisions, and inspiring the cultivation of spiritual qualities. With continued practice and deepening meditation, the seeker not only experiences peace but also encounters a profound and ever-increasing joy and love that permeate their entire being.


This love, peace, and joy overflow from the meditator's inner world into their everyday life, catalyzing transformation both within themselves and in their interactions with others. Seeking God through meditation is a profound and lifelong journey, demanding time, effort, and unwavering enthusiasm. There are moments of upliftment as well as periods of spiritual dryness devoid of devotion. Nevertheless, the devotee finds solace in the knowledge that as they draw closer to the peaceful embrace of God's presence within, they begin to recognize the Divine in everything—good books, noble thoughts, and aspiring for higher ideals.


Yogananda beautifully expresses that when one knows God as peace within, they will ultimately realize Him as the universal harmony pervading all things without. Thus, the seeker's journey leads to an intimate union with the Divine, nurturing a deep sense of peace and contributing to the harmony of the entire universe.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week zim no 77 ervine got motm 

Monday, June 12, 2023

"Realizing the Spiritual Essence: Renunciation, Meditation, and Liberation

 "Realizing the Spiritual Essence: Renunciation, Meditation, and Liberation"


In our quest for true spirituality, we must embrace the practical aspects of religion. All else is valuable only if it leads us to the grand idea of realizing the spirit as spirit. This realization can be attained through renunciation and meditation, shedding the ties that bind us to the material world. I yearn for something beyond material and sensory pleasures—a higher purpose. That is the essence of renunciation. By harnessing the power of meditation, we can break free from the chains that nature imposes upon us.


We find ourselves at the mercy of nature's whims. If there is a sound outside, we must hear it. If something is happening, we must witness it. Like curious monkeys, we are constantly engrossed in the world around us. This enjoyment is inherent in our nature; we cannot resist it. Nature compels us to indulge in its wonders—an enchanting melody fills my ears, as if I have a choice in hearing it or not!


Nature commands us to delve into the depths of misery, and in an instant, we become miserable. We speak of the pleasures of the senses and material possessions, but in truth, one man may perceive me as learned while another deems me a fool. This degradation, this enslavement, occurs while we remain ignorant in a dark room, aimlessly colliding with one another.


In our pursuit of spiritual liberation, let us embrace the path of renunciation and meditation. Only then can we break free from the chains of sensory pleasures and material attachments. Let us seek the true essence of our being and embark on a journey towards enlightenment.  


  "Rise of Spiritual Travel in Post-Covid India: A Path to Inner Peace and Restoration"


Post Covid, travel in India is reaching unprecedented levels, with a notable surge in spiritual travel. Today's Indians are embracing spiritual journeys, driven by their religious and spiritual inclinations. The quest for inner peace and rejuvenation has become a significant motivation, leading people to explore holy places, temples, ashrams, and meditation centers that facilitate their spiritual growth.


The pent-up desire to travel, often referred to as 'Revenge Travel,' coupled with a renewed focus on mental and spiritual well-being, has fueled this trend over the past two years. In 2023, nearly 65% of Indian travelers are expected to seek spiritual stays, including meditation and mindfulness retreats. Furthermore, around 63% of people are seeking silent retreats, indicative of the growing prominence of spiritual and religious tourism in India. This trend is not only driving India's travel recovery but also attracting international tourists seeking spiritual experiences within the country.


Several destinations have experienced a significant upsurge in spiritual travel. Places like Amaravati and Srisailam in Andhra Pradesh, Dwarka and Somnath in Gujarat, the Golden Temple in Amritsar, and Yamunotri in Uttarakhand have witnessed a substantial increase in spiritual tourism. Lesser-known spiritual destinations like the Isha Yoga Centre and Auroville in Tamil Nadu have also observed significant growth in travel and tourism. Online bookings for such travel have surged by 45% in the past two years, with Adotrip alone receiving bookings from around 30,000 consumers and witnessing a 200% increase in religious travel queries over the past year.


The government has provided significant support and encouragement for spiritual tourism, focusing on renovating pilgrimage sites, developing transportation systems, generating employment, and facilitating tourism traffic growth. The infusion of approximately INR 20,000 crore to transform Ayodhya into a global city and a tourist hotspot by 2024 will further enhance national and international tourism in the coming years.


According to data released by the Ministry of Tourism, in 2022, domestic tourists visiting pilgrimage sites reached 1,433 million, while India welcomed 6.64 million foreign tourists. Religious tourism generated INR 1,34,543 crore in 2022, up from INR 65,070 crore in 2021. The majority of travelers fall within the 25-45 age group, with single women travelers constituting 22%.


A transformative trend in the growth of spiritual tourism is the increased interest from the Gen Z population. While partying and having fun once defined "cool" for youngsters, spirituality has now become the new cool. Influencers like Ranveer Allahabadia and other YouTubers play an instrumental role in actively promoting a meditative and clean lifestyle among the younger generation.


Over the next two years, the spiritual travel industry is projected to grow by 30-35%. Although spiritual and religious travel is on the rise in India, it remains an untapped market with immense potential to contribute to the country's economy. The government, hotels, and travel aggregators should collaborate to accelerate the growth of the religious travel and tourism industry, resulting in the emergence of more "praycations."


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in ipl  Shubman gill no 7 got Orange cap MVP

Monday, June 5, 2023

  The Law of Cause and Effect: Unveiling the Hidden Workings of Life


In the grand tapestry of existence, nothing happens by chance. Although our limited perspective often obscures the intricate workings of the universe, a deeper exploration of our thoughts reveals that every happening has a cause. Life, akin to a fertile field entrusted to us, is a harvest waiting to be cultivated. Neglecting this responsibility results in a barren or unfavorable yield. Despite our rebellion and grief over failures, the immutable truth remains unchanged—our lives will remain unproductive.


However, those who possess discernment and diligently apply themselves can reap a bountiful harvest. Even our worldly endeavors, when approached with dedication and sanctity, can be transformative and serve as a path to salvation. The sages have proclaimed, "Work is worship." Through our labors, we shape our character, elevate ourselves, and cleanse our lives by removing all forms of malevolence.


What we perceive as evil is merely the consequence of our own actions—an impermanent manifestation. Yet, through contemplating the eternal, we have the power to eliminate all transient conditions.


  Embracing Authenticity: Rediscovering the Beauty of What Is

In our relentless pursuit of becoming someone, we often lose sight of our true essence. Take, for instance, my own experience as Swami Sukhabodhananda. If I strive to emulate the likes of Swami Vivekananda or Swami Ramteertha, I become so immersed in their personas that I fail to appreciate my own uniqueness. I become oblivious to the inherent beauty of being Swami Sukhabodhananda. Such a state of mind, incapable of embracing the present, inevitably leads to a life of misery.


The Upanishads wisely pose a question: "Can you truly appreciate who you are and, in doing so, commit to becoming the best version of yourself?" However, we often find ourselves lost in the pursuit of becoming somebody, without first acknowledging the magnificence of our current existence.


Let us reflect on the following story: Mullah Nasruddin, burdened by sadness, shared with a friend the news of his uncle's passing and the considerable inheritance he received. His friend, trying to console him, remarked on the good fortune that had befallen Nasruddin. Yet, Nasruddin, despite the wealth he acquired, remained despondent. Confused, his friend exclaimed, "You are now rich, with no need to worry! This should bring you joy!" Nasruddin responded, "My sorrow stems from the fact that I have no more uncles left to leave me their fortunes."


This tale illustrates how we sabotage our own happiness by incessantly fixating on external matters. Similarly, there was a farmer who perpetually fretted about his apples. His farm consistently yielded subpar fruit. However, one year, he harvested an abundant crop of exceptional apples. His friend, recognizing the achievement, exclaimed, "You must be overjoyed with such high-quality apples!" Surprisingly, the farmer replied, "While I am pleased with the quality, I am equally disheartened because I have no rotten apples to feed my pigs. Now, I must give them the good ones."


If our minds are trapped in such patterns, unhappiness will follow us wherever we go. Many young individuals yearn to go to America, believing it to be a source of happiness. However, having traveled extensively, I have observed that the majority of Indians living in the United States long to return to their homeland, missing our culture and traditions. True happiness does not reside in a specific location. It stems from how we approach life itself.


If we convince ourselves that happiness lies solely in becoming someone, we postpone our own contentment indefinitely. The mind fixates on the pursuit of becoming, perpetuating an endless cycle. This ignorance of what true happiness truly entails, combined with the misconception that it can be acquired or achieved, fuels our perpetual dissatisfaction.


Therefore, let us embrace authenticity and rediscover the profound beauty of what is. True happiness resides within us, waiting to be realized by embracing our genuine selves and living in harmony with the present moment.




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in ipl  Shubman gill no 7 got Orange cap MVP

Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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