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Monday, May 29, 2023

Embodied Enlightenment: The Convergence of Patanjali and St. John of the Cross

Embodied Enlightenment: The Convergence of Patanjali and St. John of the Cross


Within each of us resides a magnificent vessel, capable of radiating divine glory through the practice of meditation. Patanjali, in the sacred scriptures of Yoga Aphorisms, guides us to the third chapter, unveiling the profound nature of this glorious body. Echoing Patanjali's teachings, Vivekananda emphasizes the indestructible essence of this corporeal form, transcending the constraints of time. St. Paul's words further affirm the significance of the yogic body as a temple, housing the Holy Spirit bestowed upon us by God. In Corinthians, we are reminded to honor the divine presence in both our physical and spiritual realms.


The profound connection between Patanjali and the illustrious Spanish mystic, St. John of the Cross, becomes evident as we explore the parallel philosophies they share. St. John's transformative journey through four nights aligns harmoniously with Patanjali's concepts of Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. These nights symbolize spiritual states of openness and surrender to the grace of God, where the flickering lights of our human limitations are extinguished. Patanjali's teachings beautifully articulate the divine illumination that emerges during these transformative experiences. Pratyahara, the withdrawal of the senses, finds resonance in St. John's belief in turning inward, recognizing the boundless nature.

  Embracing Life's Delights: It's Time to Start Enjoying

The melodic refrain of "Time-pass" from peanut vendors on long train journeys hints at the notion that by indulging in these treats, one can diminish the perceived passage of time.


Time possesses a peculiar character - intangible and beyond the realms of our senses. We cannot see, taste, hear, touch, or smell it, yet its existence is profoundly felt. Einstein introduced time as the fourth dimension, urging us to view space-time as a unified entity rather than separate entities. His Theory of Relativity reveals the potential for time to stretch and compress.


In the Indian tradition, time, known as "kaal," is not perceived as a linear construct but rather as an endless cycle. Intriguingly, the word "kal" is used to denote both yesterday and tomorrow, embodying the cyclical nature of existence.


Ivan Turgenev eloquently stated, "Time sometimes flies like a bird and sometimes crawls like a worm." People often find happiness when they are unaware of the swift or slow passage of time. This leads us to two distinct perceptions of time: Chronos and Kairos. Kairos represents those moments when time seems suspended, unfelt, as one engages in something worthwhile, exciting, or in the company of interesting individuals. Chronos, on the other hand, symbolizes sequential time, measured by clocks and calendars. In contrast, Kairos evokes a boundaryless, open space sensation.


The English language is replete with sayings related to time: "a stitch in time saves nine," "time and tide wait for no one," "doing time," "high time," "having a good time," "time will tell," "tough times," and "when the time is ripe." Our interactions with time are limited to actions such as killing it, wasting it, enjoying it, or adding value to it. One thing is clear: we cannot turn back the clock, and unused time cannot be refunded. The only time within our grasp is the present moment.


Our perception of time is intrinsically tied to age - in youth, we feel an abundance of time at our disposal, while the arrival of old age starkly highlights the limitations of time.


While Benjamin Franklin associates time with money, a Chinese proverb emphasizes its priceless nature: "An inch of time is an inch of gold, but you cannot buy that inch of time with an inch of gold." The concept of "buying time" is peculiar since no one appears to be selling it. Time belongs to the list of intangible treasures that cannot be bought, including love, youth, happiness, and peace of mind.


An intriguing connection is drawn between the phrase "time flies" and the flight of birds. Their migration patterns and distinctive songs at specific intervals, marking the passage of time, inspired the makers of mechanical clocks to incorporate birds, cuckoos, or roosters into their designs.


Biblical verses proclaim, "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven," teaching us that there is a designated time for every aspect of life. Cherishing time is a sign of enlightenment, recognizing that every second holds infinite value. Time, a precious resource, should not be squandered on accumulating regrets, nurturing resentments, or fretting about the past.


Time is bestowed upon us in equal and generous measure, yet it is taken away according to an unseen plan. Each of us possesses our own allotted time, neither more nor less. The resounding message is to embrace life fully and make time for activities that infuse us with a joyful sense of being, for as Hans Christian Andersen reminds us, "There's plenty of time to be dead."


 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in ipl  Shubman gill no 7 got Orange cap MVP 

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Happiness of Those Who Stir Forth for Others

The Happiness of Those Who Stir Forth for Others


Washington's Tireless Efforts: A Beacon of Hope and Empowerment


In the pursuit of educating his people, Washington's unwavering dedication shines as a testament to his selflessness and compassion. Disregarding his own physical discomfort, he toiled day and night, driven by an unyielding desire to make a difference. Establishing schools and personally imparting knowledge, he went above and beyond by even providing private lessons. Eventually, his relentless spirit led him to found an educational institution in Tuscany, which quickly gained renown and acclaim through his ceaseless endeavors.


Over the course of two decades, the school thrived and expanded, acquiring an impressive two thousand and three hundred acres of land, seven hundred of which were cultivated by the students themselves. They not only received a comprehensive general education but were also trained in agriculture and industry, actively participating in constructing their own buildings. The institution also encompassed a space for religious instruction.


As a Dalit leader, Washington exemplified that education should not merely produce individuals seeking employment as beggars, wandering from office to office. Instead, he inspired his students to shape their lives upon the pillars of self-effort, independence, adventure, and industriousness. His school demonstrated that education, intertwined with daily life, holds the power to elevate physical work to a position of honor. In essence, education serves as a means to uplift the common people, endowing them with dignity and respect.


The Path to Inner Transformation: Unlocking Human Potential


Governance Frameworks: Unlocking Greatness in Nations and Individuals


Governments worldwide strive to create prosperous nations by focusing on good governance and the holistic development of their citizens. Similarly, corporations aim to achieve greatness by embracing a mission guided by governance principles. It is only logical, then, that the ultimate goal of each individual should be to become a truly remarkable human being. However, we often find ourselves driven by the pursuit of fame and fortune, overlooking the deeper purpose that lies within.


This relentless desire for achievement leads us to seek fulfillment externally, erroneously believing it will provide lasting contentment. Unfortunately, such pursuits often leave us feeling unfulfilled, sensing that there is something more profound to be discovered. Yet, instead of patiently embarking on a journey of self-discovery, we throw ourselves into the external world, unaware of its inherent futility.


Swami Vivekananda astutely observes, "Most of us cannot see beyond a few years, just as animals cannot see beyond a few steps. Our world is confined to a narrow circle... We consider ourselves free with every breath and heartbeat, only to realize in the same moment that we are not. We are bound by nature in body, mind, and all our thoughts and feelings."


The powerful force that drives us in this direction requires a spiritual orientation as the only means of escape. This journey commences with the realization that chasing happiness externally is akin to chasing a mirage. It necessitates a deep conviction in pursuing the highest ideal of realizing our true human potential.


The path to this ideal lies in the process of inner transformation. Just as corporations undergo transformation programs through governance frameworks, individuals must embark on a journey of self-governance. This framework involves stabilizing our minds, redirecting our focus inward, cultivating introspection practices, and strengthening our faith in the Divine force that bestows upon us the impetus and abilities for our work.


To break free from the limited boundaries we have set around our immediate circles of family and friends, we must embrace practices outlined in our shastras (sacred texts) to expand our inclusivity and embrace more and more people. This expansion of our individual personalities into a vast, universal persona serves as the blueprint for our inner transformation. Without a self-governance model, we cannot effectively alter our physical habits and mental attitudes.


Swami Ranganathananda, the esteemed 13th president of the RK Mission order, proclaimed, "Humanity requires a re-education to awaken from its hypnotized state." Swami Vivekananda further states that Vedanta is the knowledge needed to de-hypnotize humanity. Thus, gathering, reading, internalizing, and practicing the Vedantic ideal of oneness must form the foundation of our self-governance model.


So, heeding Swami Vivekananda's call to "arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached," let us embark on the profound journey of inner transformation. The nectar of immortal bliss awaits us, patiently yearning to be savored within the depths of our being.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in ipl  Shubman gill no 7 scored a century, csk won by 77 run . Pernal 7 got motm

Monday, May 15, 2023

Transcending the Monkey Mind: Mastering Thoughts and Actions

Understanding the Role of Man in Vedic Philosophy for a Fulfilling Life


In the realm of Vedic philosophy, the explanation for the miseries of life does not lie in blaming a higher power. Instead, it rests upon the understanding that individuals have an active role in shaping their own destiny. Man contributes the materials from which his life and surroundings are constructed. Embracing this understanding allows us to willingly align ourselves with the natural order, leading to a consecrated existence that focuses on pleasing God.


In this state of mind, our primary objective shifts from pursuing personal happiness or catering to our whims and preferences, to offering ourselves as instruments for God's use. We aspire for our hands and feet, our hearts and minds to be employed in carrying out tasks that are acceptable to Him. With such elevated thoughts occupying our minds, trivial matters find little room to dwell upon. This is the path through which great souls shoulder their burdens, not through a morbid tolerance that yields minimal benefits, but through the endurance that springs from wisdom—a power that brings forth joy.


Merely enduring circumstances out of obligation renders us slaves to our conditions. However, when we recognize that we endure to transcend those very conditions and strive for a higher purpose, we not only improve our situation but also transcend it. By embracing responsibility and striving for a greater end, we not only better our circumstances but rise above them.


Transcending the Monkey Mind: Mastering Thoughts and Actions


The story of the man hanging upside down from a tree branch serves as a metaphor for the human mind and its control over our actions. To gain control over our thoughts and actions, we must first realize that our mind, like a monkey trainer, manipulates us. Merely trying to control the mind while being enslaved by it is futile.


Every action we take, whether walking, talking, eating, or laughing, is orchestrated by the mind. To break free from its control, we must go beyond the mind to the realm of intellect, or buddhi. By utilizing our intellect, acquiring knowledge, and gaining a broader perspective, we can detach ourselves from the mind's influence without becoming disinterested or indifferent. Only then can we truly control our thoughts and actions.


The question then arises: how can we liberate ourselves from the mind's shackles? The first step is to center the mind, which constantly leads us astray, by focusing on transcending it. Practices such as meditation, chanting, recitation, singing, painting, or simply being present can help calm our minds and free us from distractions.


Mindful living also plays a crucial role in breaking free from the mind's grasp. Practicing mindfulness allows us to infuse grace and joy into even the most mundane activities. By mindfully engaging in everyday tasks, such as brushing our teeth, eating an orange, or walking, we cultivate equanimity and sharpen our skills in managing the mind. Being fully present in each moment helps us steer clear of distractions and negative thoughts that cloud our minds and hinder clarity.


In addition to regular practice, cultivating gratitude for both positive and negative experiences fosters inner peace, forgiveness, and centeredness. Embracing a state of plenitude or emptiness through consistent practice gradually lifts us above the monkey mind. This journey ultimately leads to experiencing a lightness of being. Even fleeting moments of inner light serve as signs of progress towards mastering our actions and thoughts.


By transcending the monkey mind, we embark on a path of self-mastery, where our thoughts and actions align with our higher consciousness.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in ipl  lasg won by 7 wk,  Pernal no 7 got motm

Monday, May 8, 2023

The Seven Centers of Spiritual Evolution in Indian Psychology

 The Seven Centers of Spiritual Evolution in Indian Psychology


In Indian psychology, it is believed that the human mind normally dwells in the relative plane, particularly at the grossest levels. However, Indian psychologists have identified seven entities located at different levels of the spinal column and brain that serve as the loci of the mind during different stages of spiritual evolution.


These seven centers are located at the base of the spinal column, the levels of the genitals, the naval, the heart, the throat, the eyebrows, and finally, the crown of the head. The spiritual evolution of man is marked by the shifting of the mind's center of activity from the lower to the higher of these centers. As the mind rises, the individual's spiritual potential also awakens, which is often referred to as the Kundalini or coiled-up energy.


In its dormant state, the Kundalini is located at the lowermost center of the spinal column, and it hides the higher nature of the individual from his or her own perception, as well as from the reality of which he or she is a part. At this stage, the mind is confined to the three lowermost centers of the spinal column, and its attention is limited to the gross objects of the physical plane that impinge on the five senses, as well as to intellectual and aesthetic apprehensions that have their basis in physical life.


At this stage, man feels a sense of reality only with regard to the gross world he sees around him, and his life is aimed at the pursuit of selfish interests and the gratification of sensuous appetites. All his energies are wasted by vain struggles outside.


However, spiritual life begins when man becomes sincerely dissatisfied with this type of life and starts to conserve his energies, instead of dissipating them. As the Kundalini awakens, the mind gradually shifts its focus to the higher centers of the spinal column, and the pursuit of spiritual growth becomes the main aim of life.


The Art of Living: Finding Joy and Happiness in Life


Every living creature desires happiness, and we pursue it in various ways, such as through money, power, or relationships. However, true happiness can be elusive, and some people even find joy in misery. So, how can one achieve genuine happiness?


The secret to happiness lies in expanding our perspective beyond ourselves and thinking about the well-being of others. Serving others and spreading joy is an instant source of happiness. Conversely, if we hold onto our happiness and refuse to share it, it diminishes. The Art of Living is an education in expanding our happiness to encompass the entire world as our family, as the Sanskrit proverb says, "Real worship is to create happiness in others."


We often think that we will be happy when we achieve certain milestones, such as going to college, finding a perfect partner, or having children. However, when we look at retirees, we see that they miss their younger years and long for them again. Our entire lives can be spent preparing to be happy in the future, but true happiness can only be found in the present moment.


There are two ways to approach life: thinking that we will be happy once we achieve what we desire or being happy no matter what happens. We tend to hold onto negative experiences and make them bigger than they are, even though life is 80% joy and only 20% misery. The three types of misery that prevent us from being completely happy are Parinama dukha, Tapa dukha, and Sanskar dukha.


Parinama dukha is the pain we experience when we hold onto memories of past pleasures and glories, which we can no longer enjoy in the present. Tapa dukha is the pain we experience from current negative situations such as anger, hate, or jealousy. Sanskar dukha is when we continue to suffer from misery even after the pain is gone because the impression of that memory still lingers. We must learn to let go of these impressions to find true happiness.


Identifying with external factors such as money, fame, or relationships can cause misery because they are impermanent. Even identifying with our own goodness can lead to negative emotions such as anger or hate towards others. The goal of yoga and spirituality is to prevent misery before it arises by recognizing the cause of our suffering. Enlightenment is living in the moment with joy, alertness, awareness, and compassion, like a child, feeling at home with everyone and everything. True happiness lies in being free from within and removing all barriers.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in ipl  Dc won by 7 wk,  Subhman gillno 7 got motm

Monday, May 1, 2023

The Truth About the Soul: Reflection, Meditation, and Practical Religion

 The Truth About the Soul: Reflection, Meditation, and Practical Religion


It is important to hear and reflect on the truth about the soul. Once you have heard it, take the time to meditate upon it and avoid vain arguments. If it is true that you are an infinite spirit, then it must be nonsense to believe that you are just a body. You are the Self, and this must be realized. The spirit must see itself as spirit, and the belief that it is a body must stop. The moment you begin to realize that you are the infinite spirit, you will be released.


In comparison, seeing a glass as an illusion is easy to accept, especially when scientists explain that it is simply light and vibration. Seeing the spirit as infinitely more real than anything else must be the only true state, the only true sensation, and the only true vision. All objects are but dreams, and this realization is supported not only by old idealists but also by modern physicists.


The practical religion is the realization of the spirit and seeing God. This is not what Christ preached as practical religion. When Christ said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," he was not joking. The practical religion that you are thinking of involves serving the Lord Himself in the poor, the miserable, and the weak, as if it were worship. The result of this work is secondary, and doing it without any thought of gain or benefit for the soul is what brings the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Good works, when done with a pure mind, involve serving others and helping those who cannot help themselves. Do not do good deeds to see your name in the papers or for any other selfish reason, but instead, do them for the sake of the Lord.


The Importance of Balancing Intellect and Emotion in Life


As a professional, I have always relied heavily on my intelligence, often viewing life through the lens of intellect alone. However, this one-sided approach can lead to a dull and unfulfilling existence, according to Osho.


The problem is not the use of intelligence but the neglect of emotion, which is often overlooked in our society. When we rely solely on one wing – either intellect or emotion – we experience frustration and miss out on the bliss that comes from using both wings in harmony.


Intelligence is crucial for exploring the depths of our potential, but it must be balanced with emotion to create a fulfilling life. Intellectual work alone can be superficial and unchallenging, leading to boredom and a lack of enjoyment. On the other hand, when we are challenged and have to respond with both intelligence and emotion, we experience a sense of accomplishment and bliss.


A person with a lopsided personality – one that relies solely on either intellect or emotion – cannot truly relax. Relaxation requires the redirection of energy to a different channel. When we continuously pursue intellectual pursuits without diverting our energy, we become overworked and bored.


The key is to provide alternative dimensions that allow us to use our energy in different ways. By balancing masculine and feminine modes of thinking – active and passive, intellectual and emotional – we can create a harmonious and integrated personality.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the week in ipl  gt, won by 7 wk, CSK WON BY 7wk, Bangalore won by 7

Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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