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Monday, February 27, 2023

Understanding the True Self: The Importance of Self-Control in Vedanta Philosophy

 Understanding the True Self: The Importance of Self-Control in Vedanta Philosophy

In Western philosophy, there is often confusion between the mind and the real Self. The true Self is actually the Knower within, which perceives external objects through the five organs of perception. The eyes see various forms and colors, the ears hear sounds, the palate tastes, the nostrils smell, and the sense of touch feels hard or soft things. However, it is the Knower who cognizes these external objects and is the real man. Although each organ has a specific function, there is something common to all of them - the Knower, which must be distinct from all of them.


Self-control means having the power to distinguish the real Self from the not-self, and to differentiate the Knower from all that is known. When we identify ourselves with the sense organs, we become controlled by them, and when we identify with the mind, we become caught in the mental weaves of the mind. According to Vedanta philosophy, one must know oneself and assert oneself as one really is. By distinguishing oneself from the not-self, which refers to the psychophysical organism, one can control the body, mind, and senses. However, very few people develop the power of reasoning necessary to discriminate the real Self from the not-self.


To rise to this stage, there are steps that one can follow. By practicing self-inquiry and constantly asking oneself the question "Who am I?" one can begin to uncover the true Self. By analyzing the various aspects of the mind and recognizing that they are not the real Self, one can come to a better understanding of one's true nature. By distinguishing oneself from the psychophysical organism, one can gain control over the body, mind, and senses. While few people develop the power of reasoning to discriminate the real Self from the not-self, steps can be taken to reach this stage


In conclusion, the Western concept of the mind and the real Self can often be confused, but it is essential to understand the distinction between the two to gain self-control. By recognizing the Knower within, which perceives external objects through the sense organs, we can begin to assert ourselves as we truly are and gain control over our bodies, minds, and senses. While developing the power of reasoning to discriminate the real Self from the not-self may be challenging, it is possible by following the steps outlined in Vedanta philosophy. Ultimately, understanding the true nature of the Self and achieving self-control can lead to greater personal fulfillment and a deeper understanding of one's place in the world.


The Pain and Beauty of Love's Transformation

Love can be a painful experience because it involves transformation and mutation, and each transformation requires leaving behind the old and moving towards the unknown. Fear arises as the mind is only comfortable with the familiar, and leaving the old world of convenience and safety can cause pain. However, this pain is necessary for growth, and the agony of moving towards a state of no-self can lead to ecstasy.


Living a loveless life is futile, and without love, one remains closed off and narcissistic. Love is fundamental for self-knowledge, and the other serves as a mirror for us to see ourselves. However, to love deeply and passionately, we must be open and vulnerable, which requires dropping our armor and ego. This can be painful, but the reflection of ourselves that we find in the other is necessary for growth and self-discovery.


In essence, love is not just about finding bliss but also about going through pain and transformation to reach a higher level of consciousness. To avoid the pain of love is to avoid growth and self-discovery. Love is a fire that purifies and makes us whole, and without it, we remain incomplete.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of In women t20 India captain 7 scored half-century in the semifinal

Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Importance of Individual Spiritual Growth and the Role of Personal Conception of God"

"The Importance of Individual Spiritual Growth and the Role of Personal Conception of God"


When starting on the path of spiritual life, it is crucial for the devotee to have an initial concept of God and spiritual life that is true to their own understanding and perspective. Each individual has their own unique experiences, beliefs, and ideas, which should be respected and valued in their spiritual journey. As Swami Vivekananda suggests, one should start from where they stand and worship, pray, and meditate according to their own conception of God.


It is essential to recognize that spiritual growth is a personal journey, and standardizing the thoughts and beliefs of people can do more harm than good. Aspirants should be free to follow the law of their own being and evolve in their unique way. The childlike ideas of a child and the advanced ones of a grown-up person are both valid, and each individual should strive to outgrow their previous conception of the spiritual ideal and take up higher ones as a natural process of growth.


Institutional religions may try to keep their followers in a perpetual state of childhood, but true aspirants should outgrow them and draw inspiration from the Divine rather than from men and institutions. Personal growth in the world of true religion comes from following this law of individual evolution. Those who follow it evolve, while those who do not may remain stunted in their spiritual growth and even run the risk of going down in the scale of spiritual progress. It is good to be born in a church, but not to die there, as personal spiritual growth is a lifelong journey.


In conclusion, the initial concept of God and spiritual life that a devotee should entertain at the beginning of their spiritual journey is their own unique and personal one. It is essential to respect and value individual beliefs and experiences, as each person's journey is unique. Spiritual growth is a personal journey, and institutionalized standards can do more harm than good. Each aspirant must be free to follow the law of their own being and evolve in their unique way. By outgrowing previous conceptions of the spiritual ideal and taking up higher ones as a natural process of growth, true aspirants can draw inspiration from the Divine and evolve in the world of true religion. Ultimately, personal spiritual growth is a lifelong journey that requires the individual to stand on their own strength and draw inspiration from the Divine, rather than from men and institution

 Exploring the Infinite Qualities and Nature of Shiv - A Mystical Perspective"

Shiv, a term meaning auspicious and the source of all bliss, is associated with eight attributes, including self-existence, purity, self-knowledge, omniscience, boundless benevolence, omnipotence, bliss, and absence of malaise. Compassion is his nature, and love is his being.


In the Mahabharat, when Yudhishtir asks Bhishm Pitamah about the greatness of Shiv, the latter replies that even no less a person than Krishn, Vishnu, can describe it. Krishn himself says it is impossible to describe all of Shiv's qualities because he is the most mysterious of the trinity of Hinduism.


Shiv has infinite names and forms and can be worshipped in any manner, in any place, in whatever form. According to Vijnana Bhairav, Shiv is present wherever the mind goes, both outside and within. He is self-proved, primal, and present in everything. He reveals himself in endless future bhava manifestations and absorptions, appearing in whatever forms maya brings about.


Shiv is almighty, all-pervading, omnipresent, and omniscient. He exists even in the smallest atom of matter. The creative and destructive powers of Shiv are described as poetry but also science. He pervades all that exists, whether material or immaterial, perceptible or imperceptible, and is both immanent and transcendent in the universe.


Kriya, or activity, is integral to Shiv's nature, and he creates bondage and releases jiva from it. Knowledge and action become synonyms in his realm. He is perfect and acts out of his inherent nature and free will, resulting in a free and active creation of the world. The kriya that creates the world is spontaneous, instant, and done for its own sake, without purpose. It is lila, play.




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW :7th heaven moment of the jadeja got 7 wk in an innings. In epl Saka no 7 scored a goal



Monday, February 13, 2023

"Shaping Our Own Destinies: The Power of Choice and Responsibility"

 "Shaping Our Own Destinies: The Power of Choice and Responsibility"

According to what our myths tell us, the state of the soul after death is determined by the deeds a person has done in life. William James added that the suffering one experiences in the afterlife is not as bad as the suffering we create for ourselves in this world through our actions and habits. It is our own choices and behavior that lead to a self-made hell or heaven.

One cannot rely solely on fate or destiny to lead a fulfilling life. Each person must take responsibility for their own problems and seek solutions, although guidance from others may be helpful. Living a disciplined and orderly life leads to success, but relying solely on fate results in a lack of enthusiasm and a life filled with sorrow and distress.

In conclusion, the state of our soul after death is determined by our actions in life and the suffering we experience in the afterlife is largely self-made. It is up to each individual to take control of their life and create their own heaven or hell. By living a disciplined and orderly life and taking responsibility for our problems, we can ensure a fulfilling and successful existence. On the other hand, relying solely on fate will lead to a lack of purpose and a life filled with sorrow and distress. The message is clear: we must take control of our own lives and shape our destinies through our thoughts, actions, and habits.


"The Importance of Integrating the Harmony of Science, Education, and Religion in Producing Good Character"


India, also known as Bharat, possesses a unique understanding of the relationship between Science, Education, and Religion. It recognizes that these three elements are meant to guide and motivate individuals towards self-improvement and the discovery of their purpose in life. India believes in the harmonious coexistence of Science, Education, and Religion, which is a perspective that is gaining global recognition. The country's unique selling point is its focus on the subjective, inner spiritual awakening and direct realization of the highest truth, or God, which is the essence of all religions.


Science and Education are worthless if they do not produce individuals of good character, and Religion is meaningless if it merely promotes beliefs and affiliations that lead to violence and division. The world needs academia and religion to work together to inspire individuals towards selflessness and good deeds. Education and democracy are important, but they must be aligned with the goal of reducing selfishness and increasing selflessness.


All religions have two aspects, the ceremonial and the spiritual, the external and the internal, the social and the individual. The spiritual aspect is the essential part and must be incorporated into education to inspire individuals towards self-improvement. However, people often mix the two aspects of religion, leading to modern education rejecting it as superstitious and divisive. Academia must work with religion to create an environment of inquiry and exploration in order to discover the highest truth.


In India, the mistake was made of associating caste with religion and trying to discredit both. The lack of a method for producing individuals of good character has resulted from the separation of education and religion from the goal of self-development. Education must embrace the spiritual aspect of religion and inspire individuals towards renouncing selfishness and embracing love for all. The focus of education and religion should be on creating a new syllabus for self-development processes aimed at producing individuals of character, with governance ensuring that teachers and leaders are also committed to this goal.



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week India w beat paksitan by 7 wk in t20 world cup, in epl licestor no 7 scored a goal, in isl Changte 7 scored a goal, in superbowl no 7 scored the winning goal



Monday, February 6, 2023

The Immortality of the Soul: A Journey Through Time and Philosophy"

"The Immortality of the Soul: A Journey Through Time and Philosophy"


The idea that the soul continues to exist after the death of the physical body has captivated humanity for thousands of years, cutting across all religions and philosophies. Despite the efforts of great thinkers and even scientists, the question of the soul remains unsolved. Regardless of our profession, we are constantly faced with the question of the soul and its fate. The ancient text of the Bhagavad-Gita states that the soul is indestructible and eternal, and that the destruction of the physical body does not affect the subtle body made up of the mind, intelligence, and ego. This subtle body continues to exist, carrying with it the experiences of mortal life. The question remains: what happens to the soul after death and how do we exist?

In conclusion, the question of the soul and its continued existence after death has been a subject of intense interest and speculation for centuries. The idea that the soul is immortal and indestructible is central to many religions and philosophies, and even physical science has attempted to solve the question on a scientific basis. Despite the efforts of great minds, the answer remains elusive. The idea of the soul is one that we cannot ignore, as it constantly presents itself in our daily lives, regardless of our profession or background. The Indo-Aryan concept states that the destruction of the physical body does not affect the subtle body made up of the mind, intelligence, and ego, which continues to exist and carry with it the experiences of mortal life. Ultimately, the question of what happens to the soul after death and how we exist remains a mystery that continues to captivate the human mind.


"Breaking Free from the Chains of Limited Thinking: The Power of Empowerment"

In an elephant camp, a man noticed that the elephants were not kept in cages or restrained with chains, only a small rope tied to their leg. He was puzzled as to why they didn't break free with their strength and asked the trainer. The trainer explained that the elephants were conditioned to believe they couldn't break away since they were young and tied with the same size rope.


This concept applies to our own lives. Believing in our own abilities and having a sense of self-worth is crucial in achieving success. Power within, which refers to our inner strength and self-knowledge, allows us to recognize our abilities and make a difference. Power to, on the other hand, refers to the productive and generative potential of power, creating new possibilities and actions.


But power is often understood as power over, which is built on force, domination, and control, motivated by fear. This kind of power is limited and held by individuals, with some having power and others not. In contrast, power with is a shared power built on collaboration and relationships, respecting differences and supporting one another.


Gandhi believed that power based on love is much more permanent and effective than power derived from fear. Psychologist Adam Blanch suggests that when threatened, people try to have power over others through violence, whether physically or psychologically, because they are afraid. Empowerment comes from building confidence and eliminating barriers to exclusion and powerlessness, leading to individual discovery and change. The kind of power we exercise determines whether it results in domination or collaboration for the benefit of all.




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment of the week s.gill no 77 score a century



Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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