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Monday, March 28, 2022

Who am I?


Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta


Who am I?


There is boundless energy within each one of us but we are not aware of the invaluable treasure or heavenly store within ourselves. Man sometimes makes a fool of himself by believing that he is nothing but a bundle of foibles and limitations. He sometimes acts like a neurotic, and at other times like a murderous criminal. What is really meant by the “I” or every one?

When we understand that the real seat of energy is within us, one which we are normally ignorant of, we surmount our limitations and overcome our emotional idiosyncrasies. We become free and we attain knowledge and wisdom. With this attainment, no matter what position, we are in, our speech, our behavior our activities undergo a radical transformation. Poet Bendre said. Get into thyself, see thyself, be thyself. What is meant by “Be thyself”? When we try to understand our true nature by means of proper thought technique, inquiry and experience we get immersed in the depths of our beings. Then we have glimpse of the profound light latent within ourselves.  

We realize that this light is not a figment of our imagination but a matter of profound truth.


“Dwell , O mind within yourself.

Enter no other’s home.

If you but seek there, you will find

All you are searching for.


God, the true philosopher’s stone.

Who answers every prayers.

Lies hidden deep within your heart

The richest get of all.

How many pearls and precious stones

Are scattered all about.

The outer court that lies before

The chamber of your heart!”


When we properly dissect and analysis this principle of “I” we get to know the secret behind it and its immense potential. We are actually gifted with wonderful energy that is beyond verbal description and that is only limited by our imaginations. If shackles itself with imaginary thoughts about restrictions. How one can free oneself from this shackles is and extremely exciting and thrilling investigation. We don’t have to conduct experiments in any laboratory to hold this investigation. Our mind itself is the laboratory. It is thought itself which serves as a sword to cut the Gordian knot of the problem. How do we realize our own strength, using this sword of effective thought?


Courtesy learn to live


Seek help to tune yourself to higher vibrations


By Sant Rajinder Singh


If we are to succeed in any new endeavour, we require the guidance of an expert in the field who has achieved mastery of the subject. Such mastery requires many years of diligence, hard work, sacrifice and painstaking determination. Whether in the arena of medicine, sports, engineering, or any other field, an expert can help guide us and show us the way forward. Spirituality is no different.


To excel in the spiritual arena, we need to find an expert who has already unravelled the mysteries of life, has completed the spiritual journey and can guide us step by step through the vastness of inner regions. Such an expert is known as a spiritual master.



Principles of spirituality work like scientific laws that govern our planet. Laws that work in our universe are reflections of those that govern the higher realms of creation. Principles at work both in the physical and spiritual realms can help us understand how a spiritual master serves as a catalyst to ignite our spark within.


Think of how scientists and engineers connect sources of power and energy to people’s homes. Engineers devise systems in which electrical energy from the power plant is channelised to a home. They make new connections and fix broken ones.


Also, making connections to receive electronic or digital signals in this physical realm is analogous to making connections between the soul and God. For both, we need a sender and a receiver. The divine sender is the Lord. The receiver of God’s broadcast is our soul. The master is a specialist who makes the connection so that our soul can be receptive to the messages from God.


We need such a specialist because God’s messages come only as spirit and do not involve any matter. Since the receiver in the physical body is the brain and the senses made of matter, it is limited to only receiving communications from the material world. The master is a catalyst that tunes our attention to these higher vibrations. The latent spark of the Divine is within each human being. It awaits a catalyst to ignite it so that its brilliant flame can be actualised.


To receive spiritual communication from the Divine, we need to be in tune with another system of reception, known as the soul. Right now there is a static interfering with the connection between the soul and God. On our own, we do not know how to eliminate interference to open lines of communication. A spiritual master helps us understand the purpose of our lives and reminds us of the soul’s long journey and separation from God. He teaches us meditation techniques by which we learn to withdraw our attention from the outer physical world and focus it on the third eye, the gateway to inner spiritual worlds. We embark on this journey and awaken to our true nature as souls through meditation. With continued guidance from a master, we then gradually advance towards the soul’s ultimate destination – God’s Abode.


If we are to fulfil the supreme purpose of our lives, it is imperative that we seek guidance from a spiritual master.




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment  in ipl opener csk no 7 scored highest, in women cricket Sa women won scoreing 275/7        

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Duty and Service


Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta


Duty and Service


The spirit of true service, however, never dawns in the heart without self abnegation and non-attachment. If we would do for others, we must be willing to forget our own little self, our physical comforts, our individual happiness. Only as all our action are based on the principle of working not for results, but through love, do we learn to help others truly . a worthy  lover  of making is like a flower, which gives its fragrance whether we place it on our head or trample it under our feet . His nature is to give without any regard for his won personal gain our loss.


The story is told of a holy man in India who, going one day to a well to drink found a scorpion struggling in the water. The sight touched his loving heart and lifting the poor creature from the well, he pressed it against his breast to warm and revive it. But no sooner had the scorpion regained its strength then it stung him. The saint placed it gently on the ground and in a moment it feels back into the well. Forgetting that it had done him any injury, again he rescued it and held it against his heart, but the scorpion stung him as before. Still a third time he drew it from the water and gave it the same loving care, wholly unmindful of the harm done to him. He had reached the ideal preached by Buddha and Christ of loving even his enemies for all self –love had merged into the great love which embraces every living creature .


Performing effortless action is true yog


By KV Raghupathi


The word ‘yog’ is understood in several ways. One meaning predominantly attributed to it is ‘action’. Yog is an action. It is described in the Bhagwad Gita as ‘Karmeshu kausalam yog’. Action is simply understood as our emotional, neurological and mental response to a situation. It happens either with volition or with no volition. When it happens with volition, it is thoughtful action; if it happens without volition, it is called choiceless action. However, thought precedes action. Thought is crucial to performing actions. When the same action is constantly repeated, a habit is formed. Habits thus formed by constantly repeated actions describe our character.


Without getting into the complexity of action, let us first understand how action is performed. Action is done in two ways: one is with effort and the other without effort. Effortless action is true yog.



How is it achieved? We all perform actions with effort. This is the beginning of action; action is done with ‘me’ consciousness. Action thus performed, with ‘me’ consciousness, is not yog because it involves effort. Yog emphasises swift action without giving much credence to I-thought.


When we want to excel in one skill, we need to put in a lot of effort in the beginning. In time, it becomes effortless. This is called efficiency. Take teaching as an example. Teaching a particular subject requires effort in the beginning, such as preparing notes, rehearsing before stepping into a classroom, self-evaluating, and so on. As we teach the same subject, assisted by our constant learning that enhances our knowledge, we gain efficiency in time. We need not take lecture notes to the classroom, we need not prepare seriously. We might as well walk into the classroom empty-handed and deliver the goods. Or we may take along lecture notes but not look at them now and then while teaching as we did in the beginning. This way efficiency is achieved. Effortless action is nothing but achieving efficiency. When we gain this efficiency in whatever we do, we are in a state of yog. Our bodies and minds get totally involved in whatever we do with no effort. That is, we do not feel tired or become a spent force.


The whole creation is moving in this direction – effortless action. The only difficulty is that we are not aware of it.


Effortless action also means responding to a situation spontaneously, without thinking too much about it. Otherwise, it would bind us to karma, which is inescapable. Instead, we wait for the situation to unfold before us and when it does, we act like a cat on the wall that lies in wait for a rat to come out of its hole. Once the rat appears and is close enough, the cat jumps and catches it. This is true action. There is no effort involved.




 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment Arsenal no 7 scored a goal,   Sa won by 7 wk, Bangaldesh won first odi scoreing 314/7 , Indian women made 277/7, 7 colour rainbow found in London on holi,       

Sunday, March 13, 2022

The path of spirit, the way of peace and Blessedness.


Quote from the true charm and power of Vedanta


The path of spirit, the way of peace and Blessedness.


The path of the spirit is so simple that a child can walk in it; but grown up people who have complicated minds, for them the path is as sharp as the blade of razor. The simple minded are ever protected by the Divine Mother and She creates such an atmosphere about them that nothing can touch them. Everyone can acquire this atmosphere. Whatever you really want, you can gain. The power is within you. But you can not do it if you take the egotistic point of vice. If, however, you surrender to Divine Mother and pray to Her with whole-hearted devotion, then nothing can prevent you from moving onward. You are sure to attain.

            What you want is the living quality in the spiritual life. You must be spiritually living before you can enjoy life. You must know what life is. You must have a full consciousness of its meaning and purpose, so that even when things go wrong you will be able to stand up and face the difficulty like a true child of God. You must go round and round your being. You must penetrate into every corner with the light of wisdom, so that nothing is hidden from you. You must arise, awake and shake off all lethargy.

Then when you begin to live, every thing will begin to live for you. As long as you are spiritually dead, as long as your heart is deadened by thinking constantly of matter, everything must seem dead to you. But as soon as you are living, living things will come to you. Whenever the soul is ready the seed comes; so when your heart is properly prepared and ready to receive the living seed, the life giving force then it will surely come. You cannot expect someone else to give you a beautiful vision of blessedness. He might do it but you could not keep it. You must prepare the field by earnestness, humility, child-like simplicity and faith.


What Einstein can teach theists and atheists


By Sumit Paul


Was Albert Einstein an atheist or a believer? Neither. The theoretical physicist never called himself an atheist, something the likes of Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett will have you believe. Einstein was an agnostic, a sanshyatma, sceptic, in the true sense of oriental philosophical traditions. He believed that God could never be understood through a rigmarole of religious and ritualistic mumbo-jumbo. His nirakar, formless, God was a transcendental consciousness.


Finding God


Einstein found God in the perfect symmetry of the cosmos. His cosmic religion and distant deistic God of cosmic order and elegance fit neither the agenda of religious believers nor that of tribal atheists. His highly evolved scientific brain never anthropomorphised God the way general people do.



He never attended religious services or prayed. He could not conceive of a God who punished and rewarded people, partly because he was a thoroughgoing determinist. Einstein repeatedly distanced himself from the idea of a personal God. He refused a traditional Jewish burial. All in all, not very religious. But he was a spiritual man and a moralist who abhorred wars to the point of being an irenic, a pacifist.


Religion an impediment


The spiritual facet of Einstein’s persona underlines that one doesn’t have to tie oneself to the apron-strings of any organised religion whatsoever. His whole life was a living manifestation of the exalted spiritual concept of Sufis, called Shavanaaii, ‘belief sans religion’ in Persian. “The soi-disant God is independent of all religions. In sooth, religion is an impediment to reaching and realising God,” he wrote to his friend and fellow Nobel laureate Niels Bohr.


Einstein hated extremism both in belief and unbelief and tellingly wrote in 1940, “There are fanatical atheists whose intolerance is of the same kind as the intolerance of the religious fanatics.” The atheists may lap up the words in a letter written to Jewish philosopher Eric Gutkind, “The word ‘God’ is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible, a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.”


But the same ‘atheist’ Einstein could euphorically say in public that Sebastian Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms’ ethereal creations were ‘God’s symphonies’.


Ultimate compass


Einstein’s God was the epitome of the highest moralistic virtue and value. His God was a metaphor for immaculate existence and a spotless spirit of Elysian blissfulness. In other words, Einstein saw God as the ultimate compass of universal rectitude and perfection. He could strike an admirable balance between theism and atheism. That’s why, his amorphous spiritual fluidity is happily atheistic to non-believers and satisfactorily theistic to believers.


To sum it up, like his famous Theory of Relativity, Einstein’s God was a relative concept and a fiercely subjective perception, which wasn’t a part of a universal belief system.


 Today is Albert Einstein’s birth anniversary



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th heaven moment India women beat Pakistan scoring 244/7 cricket no 7 scored ton got shared motm, , wi women won by 7, aus women won by 7 , ronaldo 7 scored hatrick,       

Monday, March 7, 2022

Healing in Meditation Spiritual Healing


Quote from true charm and Power of Vedanta


Healing in Meditation  Spiritual Healing


That happiness which belongs to a mind which by deep meditation has been washed lean from all impurity and has entered within the Self , cannot be described by words it can be felt by inward power only- Maitrayana Brahmana Upanisahd Now what most contributes to the growth of these wings of the soul is meditation, by which we learn little by little to wean our affection from earthly tings ,and to get a habit of contemplating the things that are immaterial and intelligible  and to shake off the pollutions if has contracted by its union with the terrestrial and mortal body. And indeed by these advantages it revives in some manners it rouse up itself, it is filled with divine vigor and reunites itself to the intelligent Perfection within.


Whenever we are in trouble physically, or distressed mentally, we seek for help in the outside world, but very seldom we think that there is already within us the most potent and infallible remedy. Meditation opens to us such a source of remedy , it has a decided healing power over both body and mind but unfortunately the majority of people  regard it as a negative state, entirely aloof from our everyday, active life . But it is not so. It is the greatest creative force within us consciously and unconsciously we all make use of it. There are certain thoughts which have a hold upon us, we cannot get away from their influence, but whether our meditation is voluntary or involuntary, and our mind always takes the imprint of our thoughts. Whenever we are able to keep our mind connected for any length of time with something beautiful and restful we feel refreshed. A tired person coming in contact with nature becomes rested just by looking at the trees the flowers and the birds. It is not that he has actually taken anything away from Nature. Nature still stands intact, but the thought has lifted him from his tired bodily conditions and restored him.


Save the world from war, spread meditativeness


By Osho


Only one thing can save the world from the coming war – which will be a total war – this is going to destroy the whole of life on the earth. Trees, birds, animals, man – anything living will simply be gone.


There is one way only, and that is to spread to people more meditativeness, more love, more friendliness, and more rejoicing. If we can make the earth sing songs and dance in joy, in gratitude because existence has given so much – otherwise, it would have been impossible even to purchase one sunrise.


And a sunrise is a big thing – the whole wealth of the earth would not be able to produce a single rose. And all this is given to man without his asking. You don’t deserve it, you are not worthy of it. It is out of the compassion of existence, the overflowing joy of existence, the continuous creativity of existence that you are so rich. Millions of stars in the night.



Make people aware of their gratitude towards life, and make people love, sing, dance. If we can spread this at-ease around the world, the third world war will be prevented. We need not bother about it. Joyous people don’t want war; it is only those who are already dead who would like everybody else to be dead.


They are really suffering because they are dead. They cannot laugh, they cannot enjoy, they cannot love, they cannot feel. They don’t have any heart, and others have. It is making them so jealous! It will be far better that everything is finished. At least there will be no grounds for their jealousy – they will also be finished in it.


So I don’t say that there is any direct way to prevent the third world war. That is what the pacifists of the world say: “Protest. Have protest marches to Washington, to Moscow” – but nobody listens to those protest marches. And I have seen those pacifists shouting and screaming against the war – I could not see any difference between them and the people who are getting ready to fight.


The weak, the powerless, scream. The powerful takes his gun, puts his army on alert. The pacifists continually go on protesting. This helps nobody.


I am not a pacifist, and I don’t want my people to be pacifists. That is fighting with those who are preparing for war – but you are doing the same on a small scale. No, that won’t help. We want to create our own movement which has nothing to do with the third world war.


Do you see my point? If we can make humanity happier, more loving, more silent, more peaceful, we will create a real barrier against the third world war. The leaders cannot go without their people. If the people refuse, the armies refuse, if everybody refuses and says, “I am so happy, I don’t want to die. And I love humanity, so I don’t want to kill. If you can manage on your own, you do it.” A peaceful and happy man does not want to die and does not want to kill. (Abridged from ‘From Bondage to Freedom’, courtesy: Osho International Foundation, www.osho.com)



 I drive joy there was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting 7 precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting 7 minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste 7 minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 7minutes joy that I derive 4m.-


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Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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