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Monday, October 26, 2020

Path Beyond Sorrow


Monday, 26 October 2020


Quote from the True Charm and Power of Vedanta

Path Beyond Sorrow

One attains infinite peace when one realizes that Blissful One Who is subtler than the subtlest, Who creates the World in the midst of chaos, Who assumes various forms and Who is the only . One that encompasses the universe. Upanishad

The wise man does not grieve, having known the bodiless, all pervading supreme . Atman who dwells in all impermanent bodies. Kataha Upanishad.

He, the Eternal among no eternals, the Intelligence in the intelligent. Who, though one, fulfills the desires of many-those wise men who perceive Him as existing wihtn their own self, to them belong eternal.

It is perfectly intelligible why a wise man gets over difficulties and not one without wisdom. The wise man discerns everywhere right and wrong from a distance. How can the fickle, insensible, unintelligent man full of hankerings do so, harassed as he is by doubts and uncertainties? He who sits never travels. Without a barge the deluded person cannot traverse the vast sea of evil. And even knowledge is no barge for one possessed by the evil spirit of lust. So the discerning person should seek a large. What is the large that will save him from sinking?

Spiritual  being refined self-controlled regulated, serene and wise, he will accomplish his ends here and hereafter. He should live by following the path of the good and do his work as becomes an educated man. He should earn his living by respectable methods without exploiting others. By charity, study, sacrifice, concentration modesty, straightforwardness and self-mastery his prowess will be enhanced and sins effaced.

Those wise men, who ever feel in their own hearts and presence of Him. Who is the one Ruler of the inactive many and who makes the one seed manifold-to them belongs eternal happiness and to none else. Path beyond sorrow.

Health, Energy And Freedom

The Speaking Tree | Lifestyle | ET


Freedom, health and the quality of energy come when one captures or sees, perceives the truth of all time contained in the now. Right? What is freedom?

All human beings throughout the ages have sought some kind of freedom, historically, religiously and so on.…

Health means energy — right? When there is no conflict whatsoever, then there is tremendous health. Can the brain be free of problems? Yes, if your brain is no longer a slave to linguistic control, linguistic images, and has understood the nature of freedom, real freedom in which there is no sense of moving away from something. If you move away from, let’s say, from anxiety, the movement is time. And, therefore, that movement may appear secure, but that movement has inherently in itself uncertainty.

It is just common sense.

Health is destroyed by the constant conflict, achievement, success, ambition, uncertainty, confusion, all the pain of life.

And energy, energy never dissipated. Energy implies constant movement, constant discovering of something new, not technologically, psychologically.

When you have that energy, then you can look at problems.… And understand time. They are all dovetailed, they all fit together, they are not separate. It is one long steady movement.

Abridged excerpt from a public talk given in 1984 at Saanen, Switzerland. Courtesy: KFI

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.


But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th Heaven moment of the week in ipl RR won by 7 wk, Mumbai won by 10 wk 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Modern man in search of Religion

Monday, 19 October 2020


Quote from the true Charm and power of Vedanta

Modern man in search of Religion

The complexities of modern life have made man’s lie most miserable. Physically he has many amenities-much more than what people of even two centuries back had-but mentally his sufferings have increased in a geometrical proportion. Man has become more refined and as such more sensitive, and various problems have arisen which were altogether unknown before. This is very clearly reflected in the literature of modern times nowadays novels and dramas deal not so much with big characters as with the mental conflict from which a man suffers. The solutions which the findings of psychology suggest as we have seen are worse than the disease. For they create new problems while trying to offer solutions for existing ones. Man in despair does not know where to turn,. He visits cinemas, goes to sports, launches into adventures for their own sake, in order to get some respite and relaxation. He feels like a hunted hare within closed walls which in the mend attempt to escape only dashes its-head against hard stones.    

The situation though dismal has got this hopeful feature, that because the sufferings of men have become very intense or are becoming grater and greater, he will try all the more earnestly to find a remedy. Solution found so far, have been disappointing no doubt, but persistent efforts are sure to be fruitful in time.

All great discoveries and inventions have been in fulfillment of some urgent need. This is true of things spiritual also. Religion originates from, pessimistic views about the world and worldly things, but ends in finding a solution which gives a new meaning to everything-even to thins mundane. Buddha left the world because he found in full of misery, but his discovery of Truth brought unalloyed happiness to millions of suffering souls.

Health, Energy And Freedom

The Speaking Tree | Lifestyle | ET


Freedom, health and the quality of energy come when one captures or sees, perceives the truth of all time contained in the now. Right? What is freedom?

All human beings throughout the ages have sought some kind of freedom, historically, religiously and so on.…

Health means energy — right? When there is no conflict whatsoever, then there is tremendous health. Can the brain be free of problems? Yes, if your brain is no longer a slave to linguistic control, linguistic images, and has understood the nature of freedom, real freedom in which there is no sense of moving away from something. If you move away from, let’s say, from anxiety, the movement is time. And, therefore, that movement may appear secure, but that movement has inherently in itself uncertainty.

It is just common sense.

Health is destroyed by the constant conflict, achievement, success, ambition, uncertainty, confusion, all the pain of life.

And energy, energy never dissipated. Energy implies constant movement, constant discovering of something new, not technologically, psychologically.

When you have that energy, then you can look at problems.… And understand time. They are all dovetailed, they all fit together, they are not separate. It is one long steady movement.

Abridged excerpt from a public talk given in 1984 at Saanen, Switzerland. Courtesy: KFI

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th Heaven moment of the week in ipl Bengalore won by 7 wk, totenham no 7 son scored 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Common sense about yoga (Karma –Yoga)


Quote from true charm and power of Vedanta


Common sense about yoga (Karma –Yoga)

What after all is duty? This purely human quality, proceeds at its best from the social sense; and at its worst, from pride or self-conceit. One cannot remove all the misery from the world. You remove misery, in one sphere-if at all you can. it again appears in another sphere. From the dawn of humanity man has been struggling to eliminate suffering from life on this earth; but how far has he succeeded? The answer is given by the continuance, up to our own times, of wars and revolution involving bloodshed. Famine and pestilence of ever increasing intensity. Our so-called “civilisation” and “culture” appear to be only the thin veneer which conceals  the rooted savage in man. It is doubtful whether, in spite of his boast of achievement in the fields of science, art, philosophy etc, modern man is really happier then his ancestors who lived a thousand years ago. This is not an exaggerated idea born of pessimism, but the simple statement of a stern fact, a hard reality which cannot be ignored, however much we may detest it.


Nevertheless , man must work. He cannot remain even for a moment without some kind of work. If he stops outward activities, his inner activities go on all the same. A man may sometimes long intensely to be in solitude, bereft of all work and responsibilities; but how long can be actually stand that condition? It is all a temporary romance which fades away, alas too soon. It is said that a man who can live happily in solitude for a very long time a either a saint or a beast. The average man, being neither is just a human being with all the human weakness. He must, therefore, work; he cannot shirk duties and responsibilities.

You Needn’t Be Lonely

The Speaking Tree | Lifestyle | ET


Loneliness is not simply that we are alone; rather, it is the feeling that you are not connected or loved by the people around you. This is why so many people feel lonely even though their lives are full of people. We may be in relationships, friendships or even be married, yet feel that ache in our hearts.

The root of our disconnection from others is a disconnection from ourselves. When we are not in touch with ourselves, it is easy to feel alone even in the company of others. We may spend time following others on social media and less time discovering ourselves.

We may spend time taking selfies, but less time becoming self-aware. However, we can overcome loneliness by reconnecting to our true inner self.

The common thing between all of us is the spirit inside. Once we connect with that spirit within us, we are connected to everyone else, in the deepest and most meaningful way. This lets us transform relationships centred around gossip into those focused on giving, from interactions based on lust into ones built on love, and from exchanges based on the externals of our bodies into those based on the internals of our heart.

We may fail to have exchanges of love, because our own hearts are empty. But when we dig deep and connect to the spirit inside, we are able to access the foundation of love that lies within, allowing it to flow into every aspect of our lives — making every exchange we have more fulfilling and feeling fulfilment even when no one else is around.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.   


But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

Common sense about yoga (Karma –Yoga)

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th Heaven moment of the week in ipl s.kumar yadav 77 got a man of the match  

Monday, October 5, 2020

Avoid all killjoys

Quote from true charm and power of Vedanta

 Nothing gives greater joy and satisfaction then to serve the Ideal with devotion, loyalty and unfailing selflessness. If you are a true disciple, all blessed qualities must grow stronger and stronger in you every day and the world will leave through you what real devotion to the ideal means . all the power that manifests through you will come from that source. Open the channel for it through constant loving service, humanity and devotion. Then it will flow steadily and the current will grow mightier and mightier every day. So that everyone who comes in contact with it will be blessed with the true spirit of discipleship.


The world is so full of teachers everyone want to be a master; but the spirit of discipleship is indeed very rare. Pray to Divine Mother to make you unflinching in your devotion and life, honour, praise recognition can be great drawbacks to the soul. They awaken the subtle ego and prevent our spiritual progress. God alone can protect us from such danger. All glory must go to Him. Offer all the honour, respect and love that you receive from people at His Divine feet; then you will never create any bondage for yourself. This is the secret. Do not forget this and you will never make any mistake. If you will never make any mistake. If you thus glorify your ideal by your life  you will be blessed more and more every day and bring spiritual blessing to many.


Avoid all killjoys


Scientists tell us that a magnetised piece of steel can lift up iron particles that weigh several times its weight; but if the same piece of steel is demagnetised, it cannot lift so much as a feather’s weight. We can take this analogy to talk about the human mind. When you uncluttered your mind and cleanse your thoughts, you are magnetising your mind. You will find that confidence, hope and optimism fill your mind and you will achieve success and happiness.


When our mind is filled with negative emotions, we become insecure and fearful. We are overcome by negative thought patterns; we may think, ‘I may fail,’ or ‘I may lose my money,’ or ‘People may laugh at me,’ and so on. This kind of thinking weighs us down. We let opportunities and chances slip by; we are afraid to make bold moves; we begin to stagnate.…


If we wish to be happy, we must unclutter our ‘house’ — the house of our heart. We must throw out all the joy-killers, the negative thoughts of greed, ill will, jealousy, malice and envy. But throwing these out is not enough, we must fill our mind with happy thoughts — thoughts of purity, prayer, sympathy, service and sacrifice, love and kindness, prosperity and peace, success and victory.


You are a precious and unique being. Your life has a purpose and a meaning. How can you allow your life to be weighed down by killjoys?


DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.



But, if He exists?

I drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy that I derive 4m.

ILLUSTRATED REVIEW : 7th Heaven moment of the week in epl KKr won Aston villa scored 7 goals , no 7 also scored a gaol,,totnham no 7 scored two goals, manicottis no 7 scored a goal, in ipl srh won by 7, csk won by 10 wk   

Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength

  Conquering Fear: A Path to Inner Strength Fear is a powerful emotion that resides deep within our subconscious mind. It has the ability ...

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