31 December 2018
Speaking Tree Spirituality | ET
By Tapan
Hebrew word for Passover is Pesach, a combination of peh and sach. The two
words mean, ‘the mouth speaks’. Passover is all about communication.
Passover the Jews follow the commandment “And thou shalt tell thy sons” —to
inform later generations about the departure of their ancestors from Egypt. The
concept of nationhood is renewed annually in this manner by letting the “mouth
speak” during the ceremonial dinner called Seder, in what can be described as a
strongly symbolic ritual. In reading the Haggadah, or stories of Exodus, they
recall their history with awe for Him.
adding yeast or giving sufficient time to ferment the dough made from flour, it
is not allowed to swell. All this symbolises the need for keeping control over
one’s self. Leavened food and leavening agents have come to represent arrogance
and malice.
commandment conveyed the message that the people should not be arrogant with
the Pharoah’s men, and in the hour of redemption, they should take care not to
fall out among themselves by becoming egocentric.
commandment exhorts them to stay together and help one another. They had
heeded, as the legend goes, and had successfully crossed the Red Sea to become
a cohesive nation for the first time in their history.
: Views expressed above are the author's own.
energy matrix
The Speaking Tree India | ET
By: Shyam
Behari Lal
There are
three kinds of energies: internal, external and marginal. Internal, or
spiritual, energy pertains to Krishna consciousness, God’s superior energy.
spiritual world is a manifestation of His internal energy.
living entities, of marginal energy, perform material activities when acting
under the external energy of God. And when they are engaged in the spiritual
energy of God, their activities are of Krishna consciousness. So, the
enlightened do not act under the spell of material energy, they act under the
protection of God’s spiritual energy. This energy is obtainable through
Krishna’s, or the spiritual master’s, mercy.
Vaikuntha planets are products of spiritual energy of Krishna, God absolute.
The living entities being infinitesimal of God’ spiritual energy, can reside
either in the spiritual or material world according to their association with
specific energies — they are designated as tatastha shakti, or marginal
potency. The material universe is the manifestation of His external potency.
Since the Supreme Lord is master of all energies, He is also in absolute
control of both the spiritual and material universes. The Lord’s external
potencies are qualified by the three material modes: satvic, rajsic and
scientists did not believe in consciousness. Their focus was exclusively on the
physical aspects. Today, new physics is probing consciousness as a phenomenon
that exists. For, the matter-space-time matrix of the physical universe owes
its existence to consciousness.
: Views expressed above are the author's own.
regulation of The Life Force
is a very exciting time . Many people want, if possible to stay young and
vigorous all their life. And there are charlatans who tell you through loud advertisement
that they can enable you to stay young always either through yoga or through estrogens
or progesterone treatments. It requires a considerable amount of stupidity to
go in for eternal youth. They become the most pitiable of creatures who, though
their youth is gone went to give the impression that they are blossoms of early
morning. They have somehow missed the dignity and purpose of life.
It is
not in the scheme of nature that anyone should always remain young. At a
particular age the skin should wrinkle and the nerves grow weak and this is
nothing to be ashamed of or worried about . it is the law of nature that it
takes a morning, and afternoon, and evening and a night to make a full day. And
every part of the day has its own value, purpose and beauty. The evening is not
necessarily less beautiful than the morning.
for those who have not received any religious training in their early youth,
and who consider that the well –being of the body alone is the be-all and
end-all of life for them the declining age is dreary. They feel themselves cast
out by the world, and live in the past. They do not know how to live a
forward-looking life because the body offers to them no promise of a future.
The case however is different with those who have been nurtured in religion. They
do not purposely neglect the body but they know that there is meaning in each
stage of lfie, as there is to the changing season of the year.
But, if He exists?
drive joy There was a doctor in Benaras who spent 7 minutes in the morning and
evening for mediation on God. Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed
at him. One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on
something, which he had been misled into believing. The doctor replied, “Well,
if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day. But, if He
exists? I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime. I prefer to waste ten
minutes rather than a lifetime. Why should you grudge me the 10 minutes joy
that I derive 4m.
REVIEW : 7th Heaven moment of the week , India won third test by
decl 443/7 Epl
Totnham Son 7 scored four goals in two games, and juventas no 7 scored two goals